
Tor network data as of: 2024-12-16 07:00 UTC

OrNetStats provides statistics and network health data about the Tor network and it’s relay groups (families).

With OrNetStats we aim to answer questions about the Tor network, for example:

  • Who are the largest relay groups on the network in each position (exit, guard)?
  • How did their fraction of the network evolve over time and when did they join the network?
  • What Autonomous System make up the largest fractions of the Tor network?
  • What relay groups have potential MyFamily misconfigurations?
  • What fraction of the network is running end-of-life tor releases?
  • What relay groups potentially pose a risk to Tor users (end-to-end correlation)?

On a relay level OrNetStats shows the usual information similar to Relay Search, but it has also indicators like the warning icon when a relay runs a vulnerable tor versions.

The list of relays can be found here.

Authenticated Relay Operator IDs

A Tor relay’s ContactInfo is an arbitrary string which can be freely choosen by the relay operator, unfortunatelly this allows malicious entities to impersonate other relay operators by using their ContactInfo. This has been exploited in the wild already.

Since Tor relay ContactInfos are unverified strings, OrNetStats aims to display the Authenticated Relay Operator ID (AROI) instead, when possible. Unlike the torrc ContactInfo, an AROI is authenticated and can not be spoofed without some control at the DNS or webserver level.

Relay operators can follow this short HowTo if they want to setup their AROI.

Top 10 largest Exit Operators with an Authenticated Relay Operator ID (AROI)

Exit Probability by AROI over Time

This graph is limited to operators that had an exit probability greater than 1% today.

Top 10 largest Guard Operators with an Authenticated Relay Operator ID (AROI)

Guard Probability by AROI over Time

This graph is limited to operators that had a guard probability greater than 0.4% today.

Exit Fraction by AROI over Time

Top Relay Contributors by AROI

The graph below shows which AROIs contributed most to the network since 2021-01-01. Contribution is measured in accumulated consensus weight. To calculate the contribution we take a single consensus weight of every running relay for each AROI every day and sum it up. So for example if you run 10 relays with a CW of 2 for 7 days the accumulated CW is 140.

Current guard and exit probability by AROI

Authenticated Operator ID Guard(%) Exit(%) #Relays First Seen
nothingtohide.nl 1.86 19.53 294 2020-06-12
artikel10.org 0.0 12.24 160 2021-02-27
quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0.31 9.31 376 2020-11-08
applied-privacy.net 0.0 7.41 104 2018-04-15
www.cccs.de 0.16 4.98 54 2022-01-16
for-privacy.net 2.12 3.99 86 2019-03-05
digitalcourage.social 0.11 3.36 31 2019-02-18
tuxli.org 2.74 2.43 117 2020-06-02
nos-oignons.net 0.06 2.0 37 2019-02-18
tor.r0cket.net 0.05 1.77 24 2024-09-26
dfri.se 0.03 1.1 32 2021-11-04
artikel5ev.de 0.24 0.95 31 2016-10-19
dotsrc.org 0.25 0.64 12 2020-09-10
hviv.nl 0.02 0.6 14 2018-04-27
www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 0.01 0.58 9 2015-05-22
unredacted.org 0.01 0.55 30 2021-11-07
middelstaedt.com 0.24 0.5 19 2022-10-20
sabotage.net 0.01 0.5 6 2019-02-18
a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.02 0.46 18 2023-03-25
emeraldonion.org 0.01 0.45 43 2024-07-20
torix-relays.org 0.01 0.36 14 2021-08-26
lokodlare.com 0.32 0.27 14 2021-11-14
torservers.net 0.0 0.23 2 2023-01-08
www.privex.io 0.08 0.12 3 2019-06-28
worldofmatthew.com 0.07 0.1 5 2020-05-13
tor-exit-1.allium.dev 0.0 0.06 1 2023-06-01
stareintodeathandbestill.com 0.0 0.04 1 2024-08-24
tor-exit-2.allium.dev 0.0 0.03 1 2022-08-21
teitel.net 0.0 0.02 2 2019-12-25
katawaredoki.net 0.09 0.01 4 2019-02-18
tor.yyzz.dev 0.0 0.01 3 2021-01-28
limoneneis.de 0.63 0.0 8 2022-01-26
ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 0.62 0.0 9 2021-07-17
gojira-family.dedyn.io 0.5 0.0 12 2022-04-03
arbitrary.ch 0.45 0.0 14 2019-02-18
shadowbrokers.eu 0.45 0.0 14 2023-02-17
zwiebeltoralf.de 0.33 0.0 9 2019-02-18
axstet.de 0.26 0.0 9 2022-01-13
louis.weebl.me 0.24 0.0 3 2019-02-18
zwiebelrouter.net 0.2 0.0 5 2022-03-14
terjan.net 0.19 0.0 7 2019-02-18
xonumi.com 0.18 0.0 5 2024-01-15
enkidu-6.github.io 0.18 0.0 6 2022-06-12
lucaswerkmeister.de 0.17 0.0 1 2021-01-08
doedelkiste.de 0.16 0.0 11 2015-10-18
null-f.org 0.15 0.0 33 2024-11-09
mkg20001.io 0.14 0.0 1 2021-05-08
rofl.cat 0.1 0.0 8 2018-04-11
www.schmeling-ol.de 0.09 0.0 3 2019-09-16
tor.gabrielg.es 0.09 0.0 1 2021-05-18
phillw.net 0.08 0.0 3 2019-02-18
galtland.network 0.07 0.0 1 2022-06-27
pikachu.systems 0.07 0.0 2 2021-12-22
colincogle.name 0.06 0.0 1 2022-03-14
miraty.niv.re 0.06 0.0 1 2022-05-03
zorc.xyz 0.06 0.0 1 2021-01-28
ezyn.de 0.05 0.0 3 2021-10-05
holonet.sh 0.05 0.0 1 2022-04-23
alxu.ca 0.04 0.0 3 2019-02-18
www.rince.de 0.04 0.0 1 2020-08-21
www.triplebit.org 0.03 0.0 11 2024-10-07
sebastianboegl.de 0.03 0.0 1 2019-02-18
nicoleiocana.com 0.03 0.0 1 2020-09-20
athalis.de 0.02 0.0 1 2020-10-30
kai.sx 0.02 0.0 2 2019-02-18
trinity.fr.eu.org 0.02 0.0 1 2020-06-12
gutter.duckdns.org 0.02 0.0 10 2021-11-14
kszczot.pl 0.02 0.0 4 2024-10-30
lmtlabs.com 0.01 0.0 1 2024-02-09
www.habedieeh.re 0.01 0.0 1 2022-12-29
nx42.de 0.01 0.0 1 2019-02-18
plasmatrap.com 0.01 0.0 1 2020-09-10
manasiwibi.com 0.01 0.0 1 2021-10-15
arpsel.ws 0.01 0.0 1 2023-06-21
bundesgebaermutter.ddnss.eu 0.01 0.0 1 2016-08-09
mutantmonkey.in 0.0 0.0 1 2019-08-06
txrworlds.net 0.0 0.0 1 2024-07-07
dontinterceptmebro.com 0.0 0.0 2 2019-02-18
nullvoid.me 0.0 0.0 2 2017-10-29
elzpiraten.de 0.0 0.0 1 2021-09-15
slash.dynu.com 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
www.miskatonic.org 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
stalkr.net 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
niceware.xyz 0.0 0.0 1 2024-10-07
tor.skankhunt42.pw 0.0 0.0 2 2023-05-12
dodo.pm 0.0 0.0 3 2021-02-27
melmac.space 0.0 0.0 1 2022-11-19
saklad5.com 0.0 0.0 2 2023-01-08
sglorch.de 0.0 0.0 1 2019-07-08
surveillance.monster 0.0 0.0 2 2024-11-05
germancraft.net 0.0 0.0 2 2019-02-18
relays.foo 0.0 0.0 1 2024-02-01
tor.saru.moe 0.0 0.0 4 2019-02-18
www.digidow.eu 0.0 0.0 50 2021-02-26
d00t.de 0.0 0.0 1 2024-09-29
pasquino.cyblings.on.ca 0.0 0.0 1 2024-02-27
graven.dev 0.0 0.0 2 2019-12-05
petrarca.codeberg.page 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
cgl.sh 0.0 0.0 1 2024-07-24
fart.website 0.0 0.0 1 2020-09-10
darrenofficial.com 0.0 0.0 1 2024-08-18
tor.rawbit.ninja 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
mpan.pl 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
snapserv.net 0.0 0.0 1 2022-09-10
tor2.xn–sb-lka.org 0.0 0.0 1 2020-08-21
KurumiKira.github.io 0.0 0.0 1 2023-02-07
relayon.org 0.0 0.0 4 2020-10-19
itsporkroll.com 0.0 0.0 4 2024-07-30
itsg.host 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-08
unzane.com 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
thinkindifferent.net 0.0 0.0 1 2020-07-02
hwsystems.com 0.0 0.0 1 2023-01-28
b0c4.de 0.0 0.0 1 2022-01-03
arvanode.net 0.0 0.0 1 2024-01-30
lobi.to 0.0 0.0 1 2019-02-18
www.f3netze.de None None 24 2019-02-18
www.quintex.com None None 100 2016-09-17
tor-exit-3.aa78i2efsewr0neeknk.xyz None None 1 2022-10-10
nognu.de None None 3 2021-05-02

Biggest Relay Families on the Tor Network

Relays are aggregated based on effective families. Effective families are relays with a mutually configured MyFamily setting. Single relays (without family) are also considered but not aggregated.

Exit Families

  Authenticated Relay Operator ID or Contact (unverified) Exit(%) #Relays First Seen
0 nothingtohide.nl 19.53 260 2022-04-22
1 artikel10.org 12.24 160 2021-02-27
2 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 9.02 352 2020-11-08
3 applied-privacy.net 7.41 104 2018-04-15
4 www.cccs.de 4.98 54 2022-01-16
5 for-privacy.net 3.99 43 2020-04-03
6 digitalcourage.social 3.36 30 2020-07-12
7 tuxli.org 2.16 39 2022-03-04
8 nos-oignons.net 2 37 2019-02-18
9 email:admin prsv.ch url:https://prsv.ch/ proof:uri-rsa ciissversion:2 1.91 52 2024-05-24
10 email:torix protonmail.com url:https://torix-relays.org proof:uri-rsa hoster:RD 1.87 68 2021-08-26
11 tor.r0cket.net 1.77 24 2024-09-26
12 dfri.se 1.1 32 2021-11-04
13 artikel5ev.de 0.95 22 2016-10-19
14 Brandon Kuschel <tor AT NOSPAM brandonkuschel dot com> 0.72 21 2022-08-21
15 KeFF NOC <noc AT keff dot org> 0.69 13 2020-07-28
16 dotsrc.org 0.64 10 2020-09-10
17 TNinja <abuse-team at tor dot ninja> 0.62 3 2024-06-03
18 hviv.nl 0.6 14 2018-04-27
19 www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 0.58 9 2015-05-22
20 unredacted.org 0.55 30 2021-11-07
21 mentor@palokaj.co 0.55 7 2023-03-22
22 middelstaedt.com 0.5 10 2022-11-19
23 FreeExitProvider at protonmail dot com tor-relay.co 0.48 8 2021-08-26
24 Neel Chauhan <neel AT neelc DOT org> 0.47 20 2024-04-27
25 mikael datanerd.se 0.46 9 2024-12-07
26 PRQ Hosting <info AT prq dot se> 0.43 9 2024-10-20
27 Nicholas Merrill <nick AT calyx dot com> BTC - 14wntQ8cBdnhUVfYmDjXz6PbpSSX8nCtk 0.38 19 2013-11-12
28 emeraldonion.org 0.32 40 2024-07-20
29 mikael datanerd.se 0.32 6 2024-10-19
30 moom0o@protonmail.com BTC: 31hADvfttHDbkTDLeyVMpZ938SxUD1f1zd XMR: 49aXC8Zat 0.28 6 2024-09-19
31 email:Quetzalcoatl relays proton.me url:https://quetzalcoatl-relays.org proof:u 0.27 8 2024-08-29
32 lokodlare.com 0.27 4 2022-01-03
33 mikael datanerd.se 0.24 5 2024-10-19
34 peTelRobi aT gmaIl DOT cOm> 0.23 7 2024-02-14
35 tor-exit@vrij-heid.nl 0.23 4 2024-01-22
36 Abuse Poseidon2 <poseidon2.mule134 AT silomails DOT com> 0.22 2 2024-05-08
37 Osservatorio Nessuno ODV <exit@osservatorionessuno.org> 0.21 8 2018-12-21
38 Henrik Kramselund <hlk AT zencurity dot com> 0.21 2 2021-03-29
39 email:tor shadowbrokers.eu url:shadowbrokers.eu proof:dns-rsa btc:bc1qu9m2sy836 0.21 4 2024-07-17
40 uncertain krait AT proton . me 0.19 3 2024-09-04
41 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0.19 8 2021-06-17
42 tor-exit@mxmla.de 0.17 2 2024-11-06
43 FlokiNET <noc@flokinet.is> 0.17 2 2021-11-24
44 le1025656haha102vvs210000bnmuiooop11x@protonmail.ch 0.17 3 2024-12-05
45 Stan <favorite0ne@proton.me> 0.16 3 2024-08-02
46 sabotage.net 0.16 1 2024-01-22
47 tor-operator@xor.sc 0.16 1 2022-08-21
48 email:privacyboys@tutanota.com hoster:atomicnetworks cost:64USD donationurl:http 0.15 4 2023-07-08
49 Behemoth Project Anonimity <make-tor-great-again@encrypt.co.il> 0.15 3 2024-07-21
50 noc@as204750.net 0.15 1 2024-09-22
51 InternetFreedomTeam <node.operators AT protonmail dot ch> 0.14 1 2022-10-10
52 Matthias Schmidt <tor@vegms.de> 0.14 1 2024-01-21
53 csheats@tutanota.com 0.13 3 2022-10-25
54 tuxli.org 0.13 6 2024-12-10
55 tuxli.org 0.13 3 2023-03-07
56 tor@righttoprivacy.net 0.13 2 2024-01-18
57 maxzrbn AT protonmail DOT com 0.13 5 2024-04-14
58 tor-NLfreedom@protonmail.com 0.13 1 2022-03-04
59 your@e-mail 0.13 1 2024-10-11
60 sabotage.net 0.12 1 2024-01-22
61 your@e-mail 0.12 1 2024-09-02
62 www.privex.io 0.12 2 2019-06-28
63 nashepro@proton.me 0.12 1 2024-06-28
64 Hurdy-Gurdy <admin AT my-mail dot rocks> 0.12 2 2023-05-10
65 torservers.net 0.12 1 2023-01-08
66 z9kx21zk855s@protonmail.com 0.11 2 2023-06-13
67 torservers.net 0.11 1 2023-01-08
68 sabotage.net 0.11 1 2022-12-09
69 tornode2022@protonmail.com 0.1 6 2023-02-17
70 tor-relay-admin@carlos1001.com 0.1 2 2022-11-09
71 0AFD832F 0.1 1 2024-03-13
72 jets843@privatemail.com 0.1 6 2022-08-11
73 worldofmatthew.com 0.1 1 2020-08-31
74 tor-exit-1.allium.dev 0.1 2 2022-08-21
75 82BEDF4C 0.1 1 2024-01-22
76 Sven Reissmann <abuse at rz.hs-fulda.de> 0.1 1 2024-01-21
77 sabotage.net 0.1 1 2024-01-18
78 tor@birdeck.com 0.1 1 2024-07-27
79 nico@pfcloud.io 0.1 2 2023-05-14
80 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0.09 16 2023-06-03
81 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2024-01-22
82 7be58bbb-2028-4549-923c-93325619a0f1@anonaddy.me 0.09 2 2024-11-10
83 info@syndicateguys.com 0.09 4 2024-01-20
84 cvjoint73@protonmail.com 0.09 2 2022-04-03
85 ramin dot schreur at mail dot com 0.09 1 2022-04-03
86 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.09 1 2023-06-09
87 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2024-01-22
88 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2024-01-22
89 portaler-typ.0c@icloud.com 0.09 1 2022-08-31
90 someonesneighbor1@protonmail.com 0.09 1 2022-05-03
91 relay@hackster.anonaddy.com 0.09 1 2023-02-21
92 shyonion@mailbox.org 0.09 1 2024-04-18
93 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2023-11-09
94 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2023-11-09
95 Alexander abuse@spynode.cc 8E28C7AAD6360D19802D6D5734FB3F3EDCB8B222 0.08 1 2024-12-01
96 mentor@palokaj.co 0.08 1 2023-07-27
97 name is Blaze — blazeready@Mail.com 0.08 2 2024-01-21
98 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-14
99 46F9FB94 0.08 1 2024-02-07
100 John Doe johndoe@anon.local 0.08 1 2024-01-21
101 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-21
102 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-22
103 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-22
104 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-22
105 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-22
106 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.08 1 2024-01-22
107 relaytor at yahoo dot com 0.07 12 2021-11-04
108 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
109 dhnet.torcontact@gmail.com 0.07 1 2022-09-09
110 hermesrelay at protonmail dot com 0.07 2 2019-07-18
111 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
112 belldaddy@tuta.io 0.07 2 2024-03-10
113 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
114 f46edmin@linuxmail.org 0.07 3 2022-04-13
115 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
116 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
117 greorod1206@gmail.com 0.07 1 2023-06-03
118 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
119 mikael datanerd.se 0.07 1 2024-10-19
120 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
121 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
122 Digineo GmbH <tor AT digineo dot de> 0.07 1 2024-05-23
123 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
124 staaf@protonmaildotch 0.07 1 2023-08-14
125 first@oniontb.anonaddy.com 0.07 1 2024-08-31
126 hole1@gmx.com 0.07 1 2024-01-22
127 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-01-22
128 Effi.org <tor AT effi dot org> 0.06 2 2018-11-13
129 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2023-09-06
130 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2023-09-06
131 billy819@mail.com 0.06 1 2022-10-21
132 Svea Hosting <info@svea.net> 0.06 1 2020-07-28
133 Dev Null <root@dev.null> 0.06 1 2024-09-30
134 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-21
135 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
136 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
137 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
138 Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de> 0.06 1 2019-02-28
139 DeuZa <proton@deuza.bzh> 7F19 FB12 EF3D 26EE 52AD 281A 24F2 C12A 37C5 7A81 Sys 0.06 1 2024-08-13
140 viggosg@varmdogymnasium.se 0.06 1 2024-11-22
141 zcarba@gmx.com 0.06 1 2022-10-30
142 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-31
143 WSSH - <wssh at gmx dot com> 0.06 1 2021-12-04
144 babysharkdootdoot@proton.me 0.06 1 2024-01-22
145 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-21
146 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-21
147 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
148 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
149 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
150 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.06 1 2024-01-22
151 contact@cypher.re 0.05 1 2024-11-17
152 peoplesliberation@proton.me 0.05 1 2023-07-06
153 tawfek.cloud kontakt AT tawfek.dk 0.05 1 2023-02-09
154 admin@caspervk.net 0.05 2 2023-08-06
155 fulloffaith -SPAM-CUTTOFF- @gmx.com 0.05 1 2024-01-22
156 411361FD 0.05 1 2024-08-15
157 torcornholio at gmail.com 0.05 1 2023-07-07
158 noc@0x7c0.com 0.05 4 2024-07-26
159 50E23506 0.05 1 2021-09-25
160 favorite0ne @proton.me 0.05 1 2024-01-21
161 judas priest doamin here 0.05 1 2024-09-01
162 fritohlays@fastmail.com 0.05 1 2024-01-22
163 send it PRERRAFFEB at privatemail . com 0.05 1 2023-08-06
164 Lennart Hostettler <lennart.hostettler // wurzel.io> 0.05 1 2024-01-22
165 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.05 1 2024-01-31
166 scofflaw@mailfence.com 0.05 1 2024-11-05
167 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.05 1 2024-05-30
168 987CFC56 0.05 1 2022-05-23
169 laladee@posteo.net 0.05 1 2024-12-04
170 evansaike consultant com 0.05 1 2022-07-22
171 hot.taco.relay@protonmail.com 0.05 1 2024-04-03
172 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.05 1 2024-01-22
173 4096R/34650013 La Quadrature du Net <tor@laquadrature.net> 0.05 1 2019-02-18
174 karsgoesbeepATlilbroDOTca 0.04 1 2024-12-11
175 <nobody AT example dot com> 0.04 1 2018-11-22
176 Bartosz Waszak <waszi@httpx.pl> 0.04 1 2022-03-04
177 gleebear@proton.me 0.04 2 2022-12-09
178 abuse at miner dot dk see https://www.miner.dk 0.04 1 2020-07-02
179 462EC0C8 0.04 1 2024-10-25
180 emeraldonion.org 0.04 1 2024-07-26
181 4D7F03F8 0.04 1 2024-12-11
182 gk@torproject.org 0.04 1 2021-11-24
183 emeraldonion.org 0.04 1 2024-07-26
184 emeraldonion.org 0.04 1 2024-07-26
185 the dude ——————@———————- gmx.com 0.04 1 2024-02-16
186 frei.raum Technikkollektiv <roland.k AT disroot DOT org> <https://frei-raum.epiz 0.04 2 2019-09-16
187 stareintodeathandbestill.com 0.04 1 2024-08-24
188 8F16229D 0.04 1 2020-04-03
189 <c4t2816 at protonmail . ch> 0.04 1 2023-06-29
190 recipe-acl@mit.edu 0.04 1 2023-03-01
191 h0tch0c @caramail.fr 0.04 1 2023-07-29
192 matrixrevolution@mail2tor.com 0.04 1 2024-11-10
193 mikael datanerd.se 0.04 1 2024-12-07
194 B8CE7258 0.04 1 2024-08-28
195 NO SOLICITING ////// jimbo263 ///// @fastmail.com —— 0.04 1 2024-03-15
196 email:abuse-zuluu at protonmail dot com url:http://tor-exit.zuluu.net 0.04 1 2023-08-20
197 C4ECFD56 0.04 1 2024-02-19
198 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.04 1 2024-05-07
199 Friendlu user teodorbober814@gmail.com 0.04 1 2024-11-11
200 accessnow.org <servers at accessnow dot org> 0.03 11 2017-12-08
201 hnlexit@bsideshawaii.org 0.03 8 2024-05-13
202 email:schroedingers cat riseup.net pgp:4A74E1B84035C1C989D0EA8C4209E0AFB4D47D88 0.03 1 2019-04-13
203 <developing ATT keemail dott me> 0.03 1 2021-05-26
204 0AF3293D 0.03 1 2024-11-05
205 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.03 1 2024-01-30
206 0xD5792C4C8C6F8DE8377949D1F48380B2EC8F9449 Tor Operator <tor@teaparty.net> 0.03 1 2019-02-18
207 < onion-exit @ /stagingdomain- dot -name> 0.03 1 2021-06-27
208 Admin <tor.uncharted624@passmail.net> 0.03 1 2024-01-21
209 potlatch protonmail com 0.03 3 2019-02-18
210 jikeyb81 at mailfence . com 0.03 1 2023-07-21
211 copia297@proton.me 0.03 1 2022-10-30
212 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.03 1 2024-06-11
213 postmaster@km30701-02.keymachine.de 0.03 1 2024-10-07
214 <unevencandidate AT tutamail dot com> 0.03 1 2023-08-12
215 pazcthy@mail.com 0.03 1 2023-07-31
216 privacy@tor-for-privacy.com 0.03 1 2024-01-22
217 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.03 1 2024-02-02
218 art4096 proton mail 0.03 1 2022-09-30
219 none 0.03 2 2024-02-01
220 <statusquo@mailbox.org> 0.03 1 2024-05-03
221 dasexil proton.me 0.03 1 2024-06-23
222 francois < tor AT zof.sh> 0.03 1 2021-05-18
223 turtlecute @ horsefucker . org 0.03 1 2022-12-09
224 MIYOP @tutanota.de 0.03 1 2024-01-16
225 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.03 1 2024-10-26
226 BAF223E9 0.03 1 2020-02-13
227 CC3113E6 0.03 1 2021-03-29
228 subtype@protonmail.com 0.03 2 2019-10-16
229 supermp3man@protonmail.com 0.03 1 2022-04-23
230 Tor <tor@plutex.de> 0.03 1 2019-02-18
231 YoyoYankee <american AT protonmail dot com> 0.03 1 2024-07-21
232 try4ard@tutanota.com 0.03 1 2024-01-30
233 onniusar@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-11-10
234 tor at localhost dot lu 0.02 1 2015-06-12
235 email me if you gotta u89b47 AT proton mail 0.02 3 2022-02-02
236 <DONTPANIC> <gmx.co.uk> 0.02 1 2023-12-02
237 slavy991 at protonmail.ch 0.02 1 2023-07-19
238 cris.sanders22@protonmail.com 0.02 1 2019-02-18
239 2B34099E 0.02 3 2019-04-29
240 Random Person <thud erasure020@simplelogin.com> 0.02 1 2024-01-21
241 bf two zero nine @mailbox.org 0.02 1 2024-01-22
242 root@bred.rocks 0.02 1 2022-05-13
243 yumpy<at>fastmail<.>net 0.02 2 2024-01-22
244 620562B7 0.02 1 2024-01-25
245 creepychris @ protone.me 0.02 1 2024-02-21
246 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.02 1 2024-05-05
247 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0.02 4 2024-01-22
248 Tor Manager <tor@ibiblio.org> 0.02 3 2019-02-18
249 tor at d-ku dot de - 0x86d7bbcc54cbb356 0.02 1 2019-10-26
250 gelios@onionmail.org 0.02 1 2024-10-08
251 torrelayoperator@tutanota.com 0.02 1 2022-04-13
252 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.02 1 2024-01-22
253 teitel.net 0.02 2 2019-12-25
254 thatgaydragon@protonmail.com 0.02 3 2024-08-23
255 torzpi222 AT gmail dot com 0.02 1 2022-10-20
256 MatrixOperator <matrixoperator AT protonmail dot ch> 0.02 1 2024-07-02
257 9C9B2A36 0.02 1 2023-06-09
258 Jeff Burrows Jeff@privacywarrior.org 0.02 2 2024-01-13
259 carbo1958@protonmail.com 0.02 1 2024-03-08
260 halanamili at pm dot me 0.02 1 2023-07-31
261 A7F8FBDC 0.02 1 2024-03-16
262 DONT SPAM DONT SPY legalizeprivacy protonmail com 0.02 1 2023-05-24
263 B1B687C3 0.02 1 2022-02-02
264 mailto:iangtornode@cs.uwaterloo.ca - 12UfuXzi5m3PmW5ask1Pc6BnBNe3cgKQan 0.02 1 2019-02-18
265 C80AD04B 0.02 1 2024-07-21
266 0x3FBCCE84D378F232223CCF6637E31222F67A9925 TorOnCampus <toroncampus at uni-goett 0.02 1 2021-07-27
267 teap0t admin <admin AT teap0t d0t com> 0.02 1 2023-02-21
268 fakeblackhatter @ proton.me 0.01 2 2024-01-12
269 torjockel@mailbox.org 0.01 1 2023-03-26
270 Miska <abuse@0xmiska.com> or <0xmiska@tutamail.com> 0.01 2 2024-11-17
271 <TorRelayRep> no bs plz at mailfence.com 0.01 1 2024-09-01
272 Kim Peters <petersko@mailbox.org> 0.01 1 2024-03-16
273 ricrubar @ tutanota dotde 0.01 1 2024-02-20
274 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 1 2024-08-13
275 rufo <tor at rufoa dotcom> 0.01 1 2015-05-27
276 Random Person blobster@tuta.io 0.01 1 2022-10-20
277 0xA90AFCF81406CC27 <sjk@dredel.com> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
278 2BD1936E 0.01 1 2019-08-17
279 1024D/CF154167 Eirik Oeverby <ltning dash tor AT anduin dot net> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
280 your friendly tor relay operator/ Ulie Dein / CommanderDein @ proton.me 0.01 1 2024-02-24
281 andronikos sys@mail.ru 0.01 1 2024-02-05
282 Aqua Ray Tor Operators <tor-operators-fr at aquaray dot com> 19rUv8F1y1xc2fL 0.01 1 2019-02-18
283 dhwon@fastmail.org 0.01 1 2024-03-24
284 E803282F8AFE3D6E9EFFFBF74F80C022E4969BEE uyilwm12t@mozmail.com 0.01 1 2024-03-24
285 relaymijn a t gmail d o t com 0.01 1 2024-12-12
286 0x18FFB9259E11C3BC69ABC8857E65272B32D3C971 f19.4jbg3@gmail.com 0.01 3 2022-07-22
287 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0.01 1 2024-11-16
288 hello@relaymagic.org relaymagic.org/contact 0.01 3 2021-03-09
289 Abuse at Texas4Tor dot com tor-relay.co 0.01 1 2021-02-07
290 30DC46C6 0.01 1 2024-01-21
291 VictorCrypto at the University of Michigan <victorcrypto AT umich dot edu> 0.01 1 2024-01-22
292 torzpi222 AT gmail dot com 0.01 1 2023-05-08
293 amerdude <amerdude AT protonmail dot com> 0.01 1 2022-07-12
294 JimmyG2 <jg261 AT protonmail x.x CH> 0.01 1 2023-04-28
295 tornode2022@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2022-10-10
296 55125574 0.01 1 2019-02-28
297 unixeno@proton.me 0.01 1 2024-01-22
298 815AE924 0.01 1 2021-01-08
299 rgzxwythod at p dot monash dot edu 0.01 1 2024-06-01
300 n0p33king at tuta d o t io 0.01 1 2023-05-28
301 shallotrelay at fedora dot email 0.01 1 2024-01-21
302 donatello@cocaine.ninja 0.01 1 2024-03-26
303 katawaredoki.net 0.01 1 2019-02-18
304 8D1085E8 0.01 1 2024-01-29
305 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0.01 1 2024-11-16
306 tor.yyzz.dev 0.01 1 2023-04-22
307 7AA017BA 0.01 1 2022-06-12
308 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0.01 1 2024-11-16
309 <thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5DC0FC325CB2D9CEDCC0454E6BC832A> 0.01 1 2024-09-03
310 E0688984 0.01 1 2023-07-01
311 email:comotion hackeriet.no uri:cereal.hackeriet.no proof:uri-rsa ciissversion: 0.01 1 2019-02-18
312 Jon@9072997.com 0.01 1 2024-10-07
313 honey3031@rambler.ru 0.01 1 2024-07-24
314 Tor Admin <tor -at- cs -dot- bu -dot- edu> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
315 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 1 2023-08-12
316 ineatery-calator openmail D cc 0.01 1 2020-03-24
317 Random Person <nobody AT ostehaps dot dk> 0.01 1 2022-07-22
318 A1617C69 0.01 1 2023-08-12
319 0x37C6224D225BCD7D Jon Proulx <jon AT jonproulx dot com> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
320 ashlygrp@mail.com 0.01 1 2023-02-21
321 tor bruzzzla.de 0.01 1 2024-11-12
322 blipp46@fastmail.com 0.01 1 2022-12-09
323 Wyliefowler at g mail dot com 0.01 1 2021-12-04
324 Vytas <vytas687@protonmail.com> 0.01 1 2022-12-09
325 E5D3A99B2AC5B90EA5DB735767A71BE36A62FF0F tor at cyberjake dot xyz 0.01 1 2022-01-23
326 Amer Dude <amerdude AT protonmail dot com> 0.01 1 2024-03-29
327 tor-mgmt@netc.fr 0.01 1 2024-12-13
328 C0D3A1CD 0.01 1 2024-02-01
329 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 1 2024-05-29
330 RandomPerson <skynet@academyforinternetresearch.org> 0.01 1 2024-05-15
331 5h098y32 at duck . com 0.01 1 2024-08-28
332 N/A 0.01 1 2024-01-29
333 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0.01 1 2024-11-16
334 D5228FA5 0.01 1 2019-02-28
335 qfhlrud0@mailite dot com 0.01 1 2023-08-12
336 01181B31 0 1 2018-03-19
337 18143105024@163.com 0 1 2024-08-17
338 legion.blender.1997 @ protonmail . com 0 1 2024-01-18
339 timetoreload@protonmail.com xmr:849QhLyrsd9ZVEin7WQMveij5adgcGreo3eSth1Zzq1V5sAu 0 1 2022-04-27
340 Frans Veldman <tor AT fransveldman DOT world> 0 1 2023-06-22
341 tor@centerfortlc.com tor-relay.co 14kmchJcCVVEor1MVSXzfYUL8VQ5JqR9VM 0 1 2018-01-05
342 0875B818 0 1 2024-03-01
343 Operator <bubbabot03 gmail com> 0 1 2023-10-25
344 Babel Bard 3d0ozm3b42k7@opayq.com 0 1 2024-05-23
345 mg321@mailbox.org 0 1 2022-08-10
346 4096R/7176DC71 Jon Gjengset <jon@tsp.io> - 1KMjEjoQerKAMJ1ca95pXzCRzZsEhSpjAt 0 1 2013-03-10
347 167DCDA8 0 1 2020-04-23
348 linuxenby at protonmail dot com 0 2 2024-12-01
349 TorExit1 contact@blockbreaker.org 0 2 2021-02-08
350 c0wb0y @ aol . com 0 1 2023-06-21
351 0xE60548BDBC825E109AB643D8D013558BCF3E00ED <initramfs AT initramfs DOT io> - bc1 0 1 2019-02-18
352 MakeSecure Tor Exit Abuse <tor-abuse -AT- makesecure -DOT- nl> 0 1 2019-02-18
353 kibbleandbits@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-09-30
354 Callme361@proton.me 0 1 2022-09-20
355 4096R/0125D5C0 Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> 0 1 2023-07-05
356 pflashpunk at protonmail.com 0 1 2024-07-08
357 Luca Saiu <positron AT gnu dot org> 0 1 2016-09-11
358 2753A4DE 0 1 2023-05-14
359 0x8652413B The Lebanon Public Libraries <exit at leblibrary dot com> 0 1 2019-02-18
360 Tyler Cipriani <tyler AT tylercipriani dot com> 0 1 2019-07-08
361 0x8acbab2d00b6adef81416beaf815d5cd87d25b75 Likogan admin at likogan dot dev 0 1 2024-01-22
362 GigaTux <info@gigatux.com> 0 1 2019-02-18
363 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-04-16
364 unzane.com 0 1 2019-02-18
365 anon at exampledotcom 0 1 2024-12-15
366 Assange004auX @ Finlay.wattle.id.au 0 1 2020-02-03
367 tartedge2 @ gmx.com 0 1 2022-09-30
368 poppy434@proton.me 0 1 2024-01-29
369 SPEEVES gmx.com 0 1 2024-01-21
370 RandomPerson <skynet@academyforinternetresearch.org> 0 1 2024-05-15
371 5F875CFB 0 1 2021-10-05
372 613A6D3B 0 1 2024-12-14
373 61B95D64 0 1 2024-12-16
374 <me@nasrag.com> 0 1 2024-04-12
375 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2023-03-25
376 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-05-12
377 Ralph Copeland <copelandhosting AT pissmail dot com> 0 1 2024-03-12
378 email:rascal washboard539 AT aleeas DOT com pgp:DF0FF776D2D70719405BBAB5827A 0 1 2024-03-04
379 torproject.disjoin051@8shield.net 0 1 2024-12-04
380 email:mmmjiiiii@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-12-16
381 t at q dot com 0 1 2020-10-20
382 gaditonecytor@gmail.com 0 1 2024-05-11
383 ger1atric@gmail.com 0 1 2024-03-08
384 Proletarian84 84thproletariat @ tuta.io 0 1 2024-02-05
385 Harpy hp407b@tutanota dot com 0 1 2023-04-22
386 Bob <exit000bob@gmail.com> 0 1 2024-01-22
387 0x51B9E10210661F4C fidelity704 <fidelity704@disroot.org> 0 1 2024-02-12
388 eldernorn@gmail.com 0 1 2019-02-18
389 no@thank.you 0 1 2024-12-14
390 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-05-14
391 4E71835210698C55B7D0D7AC634211669EAF7176 admin <allentown - tor - admin AT linux 0 1 2024-01-21
392 RandomPerson <skynet@academyforinternetresearch.org> 0 1 2024-05-15
393 bb@yy.hh 0 1 2024-11-06
394 Random Person <collard tethers0r AT icloud dot com> 0 1 2024-10-18
395 GuruKopi <gurukopi@pm.me> 0 1 2019-02-18
396 gut morgen@: chumli26 at mail , 0// 0 1 2022-09-20
397 yummycusard@proton.me 0 1 2022-09-30
398 Relay Operator <admin AT golosa dot info> 0 1 2020-09-20
399 andr788k at airmail dot cc tor-relay.co 0 1 2021-02-17
400 <null at privacyrequired.com> 0 1 2024-01-21
401 http://exitnodev8.v6.rocks 0 1 2024-03-29
402 tor-exit25896@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-09-15
403 51133173 0 2 2024-11-13
404 galbrae @ proton.me 0 1 2024-01-21
405 linuxvps@mailfence.com 0 2 2024-03-13
406 bas.mountain@gmail.com 0 1 2022-04-03
407 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-07-03
408 8056080E 0 1 2020-01-04
409 amuse <tor-amuse AT foofus dot com> 0 1 2022-01-03
410 81ED34F1 0 1 2024-12-15
411 832C80AA 0 1 2024-12-14
412 Tor volunteer david.e.trujillo <trujillosexit.proton.me> 0 1 2024-01-21
413 kr597ot2@anonaddy.me 0 1 2024-02-01
414 8428C02C 0 1 2021-11-04
415 84640625 0 1 2024-01-30
416 8561C0FB 0 1 2022-03-24
417 0x18A24864 mailbox.org support team <support AT mailbox.org> 0 1 2019-02-18
418 pczer@hushmail.com 0 2 2022-04-13
419 8AA3E8CD 0 1 2021-08-16
420 B34ch B0y <kal4f0rni4@protonmail.com> 0 1 2023-06-23
421 servicetor@nixy.moe 0 1 2024-02-01
422 d98313227@gmail.com 0 1 2023-06-29
423 segfault123@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-08-08
424 qrczak at mailbox dot org 0 1 2023-08-18
425 jacob.arick@pm.me 0 1 2022-04-23
426 0x25B4C293 Matthias Urlichs <matthias@urlichs.de> 0 1 2019-02-18
427 netze at f3netzedotde 0 1 2024-12-15
428 godeep@mailfence.comnickname g0deep 0 1 2022-09-10
429 Nicolas Christin https://cylab.cmu.edu/directory/bios/christin-nicolas.html 0 1 2019-02-18
430 cryptolion3000tor@gmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
431 7D33FC2D 0 1 2020-09-30
432 anon1mous54@hotmail.com 0 1 2022-11-19
433 DAFCB9F2 0 1 2024-08-10
434 13018241850@163.com 0 1 2024-08-17
435 carter@sullynode.com 0 1 2024-01-29
436 NIEN SPAM rgrwilco @ mailc.net 0 1 2023-07-31
437 Random Person <collard tethers0r AT icloud dot com> 0 1 2024-01-22
438 tor.admin at samic host domain 0 1 2020-08-31
439 support@xmission.com 0 1 2019-02-18
440 Yuri Stuken <stukenyuritor AT gmail dot com> 0 1 2019-02-18
441 EB12A4C4 0 1 2024-08-22
442 px2@funetia.pl 0 1 2019-02-18
443 operator@ambient8.xyz 0 1 2022-05-03
444 m781@tutanota.com 0 1 2022-10-10
445 9366185B 0 1 2021-07-27
446 Donny <laws.ofcomputers@gmail.com> 0 1 2024-02-25
447 judgegao06@gmail.com 0 1 2024-08-17
448 Tor Exit Volunteer < NO robgr6 SPAM @proton.me> 0 2 2023-05-10
449 theslipp@protonmail.com 0 1 2022-05-03
450 netze at f3netzedotde 0 1 2024-12-15
451 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <tor AT kornnatter.dedyn.io> 0 1 2022-11-29
452 Trahn Ngyuen <Trahnwins@proton.me> 0 1 2024-02-17
453 intern <me@theintern.pw> 0 1 2024-01-22
454 clan.gardner at protonmail dot com 0 1 2022-08-11
455 toradmin@colagioia.net 0 1 2019-02-18
456 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-07-20
457 abuse-at-f3netze-dot-de 0 1 2024-12-14
458 TOR EXIT <SUCK.IT> 0 1 2024-10-14
459 A5B15D59 0 1 2019-05-19
460 brickbat at fastmail dot org 0 1 2024-02-15
461 i.am.baidu 0 1 2023-02-27
462 DuckSounds31@aol.com 0 1 2019-02-18
463 4mdeh8uy7pidm16 <tor abuse@MalShare.com > 0 1 2021-12-24
464 B3CF08E9 0 1 2024-01-31
465 BBFDD5BA 0 1 2024-12-14
466 t.yeerum@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-04-10
467 abuse-at-f3netze-dot-de 0 1 2024-12-14
468 email:DicedOnions airmail.cc pgp:44518269EE80A8CD8519F4206CAF73918253E26B os:de 0 1 2021-09-25
469 C5A6FEE5 0 1 2019-02-18
470 b9a3174g @ proton.me 0 1 2023-08-20
471 C5D324C9 0 1 2024-12-14
472 dns@opennameserver.org 0 1 2022-10-20
473 chromacy@pm.me 0 1 2024-07-18
474 throwawaycontact@protonmail.com 0 1 2022-03-14
475 jetplume36 t u t a n o t a c0m 0 1 2022-09-20
476 0xFFFFFFFF <boogly91mailfencecom> 0 1 2022-09-20
477 Relay Admin <tor AT crashme dot org> 0 1 2022-06-02
478 joanafergisson@gmail.com 0 1 2024-12-11
479 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-05-11
480 linuxuser699@cock.li 0 1 2024-02-15
481 TorAdmin <tor@toor.sh> 0 1 2024-01-22
482 admin @ project-privacy.com.au 0 1 2024-01-22
483 kalebmii2 at proton dot me 0 1 2024-10-22
484 ramo at goodvikings dot com 0 1 2019-12-05
485 abuse-at-f3netze-dot-de 0 1 2024-12-14
486 EF83297E 0 1 2024-12-14
487 Tor Admin <toradmin A@T esponde D0T net> 0 1 2023-07-11
488 anon at exampledotcom 0 1 2024-12-15
489 F39D6295 0 1 2024-01-22
490 ContactInfo email:miked riseup.net pgp:651CC8177A44A276 keybase:miked uplinkbw: 0 1 2022-03-04
491 lelis -at- zoho.com 0 1 2023-08-08
492 linuxuser699@cock.li 0 1 2024-02-26
493 endressbgtor@gmail.com 0 1 2024-04-21
494 FAD8E4D5 0 1 2023-04-12
495 abuse-at-f3netze-dot-de 0 1 2024-12-14
496 ShadowExit@proton.me 0 1 2024-08-30
497 bttr4u26 at mail.com 0 1 2022-09-20

Guard Families

  Authenticated Relay Operator ID or Contact (unverified) Guard(%) #Relays First Seen
0 email:admin prsv.ch url:https://prsv.ch/ proof:uri-rsa ciissversion:2 6.72 219 2024-03-03
1 tuxli.org 2.7 81 2020-06-02
2 for-privacy.net 2.12 86 2019-03-05
3 email:support rdp.sh url:https://rdp.sh proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse as210558.net 1.95 92 2024-07-04
4 nothingtohide.nl 1.86 107 2020-07-02
5 09AEBB99 1.32 22 2020-07-22
6 shadowbrokers.eu 0.72 23 2023-02-17
7 tor vidister de 0.7 8 2023-11-11
8 gus@riseup.net 0.67 16 2022-08-31
9 Hurdy-Gurdy <admin AT my-mail dot rocks> 0.66 8 2023-05-10
10 limoneneis.de 0.63 8 2022-01-26
11 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 0.62 9 2021-07-17
12 735B3810 0.57 5 2024-08-18
13 gojira-family.dedyn.io 0.5 12 2022-04-03
14 Brandon Kuschel <tor AT NOSPAM brandonkuschel dot com> 0.45 44 2022-08-19
15 arbitrary.ch 0.45 14 2019-02-18
16 kopfschusskorl@gmail.com 0.45 5 2024-04-09
17 cp tor mailfence dot com 0.44 14 2022-04-03
18 j.abrahim99 at proton dot me 0.38 9 2022-07-12
19 Viktor <vnikolov AT vnikolov dot cz> 0.37 6 2022-09-20
20 relay // at // pommespanzer // dot // cc 0.37 11 2024-06-03
21 Contact at SilSte on Twitter tor-relay.co 0.35 8 2019-12-15
22 tor-operator@theu.li 0.34 9 2022-12-31
23 btc:1984isUS1kZx9QqJBRephtiZXDsZ1LG4ET xmr:44ZTe8Ez4PVcsgQJtrmfoWhJon8uzQE5pCX9V 0.33 26 2024-09-07
24 zwiebeltoralf.de 0.33 9 2019-02-18
25 flowjob at protonmail dot ch 0.33 9 2019-05-29
26 lokodlare.com 0.32 14 2021-11-14
27 BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH @ Safe-mail.net 0.32 18 2019-07-28
28 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0.3 352 2020-11-08
29 911 0.29 6 2024-03-04
30 urquanrelays proton me 0.28 2 2017-10-06
31 Dave Null <dave@null.net> 0.28 8 2024-01-16
32 axstet.de 0.26 9 2022-01-13
33 2BCA0A8B 0.26 2 2022-04-03
34 18FF6A3E 0.26 6 2024-12-03
35 GeoDB Tor Service <tor DOT svc AT geodb DOT org> 0.25 4 2022-04-03
36 dotsrc.org 0.25 12 2020-09-10
37 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.24 4 2024-07-19
38 middelstaedt.com 0.24 19 2022-10-20
39 alps at AT protonmail dot com 0.24 2 2023-12-29
40 artikel5ev.de 0.24 27 2016-10-19
41 louis.weebl.me 0.24 3 2019-02-18
42 6ACAECCF 0.24 2 2022-07-02
43 StayStrongServer <staystrongserver AT yandex dot com> 0.24 1 2020-06-12
44 dike <at> tor.rndsh <dot> it 0.23 9 2018-11-25
45 Alexander Faeroey <ahf@0x90.dk> 0x61A208E16E7CB435 0.23 2 2019-02-18
46 Sh4d0wC1ph3r@proton.me 0.22 2 2024-01-21
47 torsunny@delroth.net 0.22 2 2019-02-18
48 5h098y32 at duck.com 0.22 2 2024-11-02
49 9DC0D644 0.22 2 2023-07-01
50 tor@dedi.zone 0.21 2 2024-08-17
51 freiraum TK AT protonmail DOT ch 0.21 15 2020-11-19
52 0xFFFFFFFF <tormaster AT kkb-clan dot de> 0.21 9 2019-02-18
53 Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 0.21 3 2019-02-18
54 Jonas Hess <tor@jonashess.net> 0.2 6 2023-01-28
55 zwiebelrouter.net 0.2 5 2022-03-14
56 wagner1.johannes@web.de 0.2 4 2024-08-16
57 torserver at xs4all 0.2 2 2024-02-05
58 Support <support at lunoxia dot de> 0.2 1 2024-05-20
59 terjan.net 0.19 6 2019-02-18
60 xonumi.com 0.18 5 2024-01-15
61 enkidu-6.github.io 0.18 6 2022-06-12
62 bahu.pro - Cloud Hosting tor at bahu dot pro 0.18 1 2024-07-22
63 EE2A6210 0.18 1 2022-05-13
64 tpr0000@cock.li 0.17 1 2024-08-29
65 4D0F2ADB 0.17 2 2024-01-21
66 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <niels AT nldo dot nl> 0.17 1 2024-05-07
67 lucaswerkmeister.de 0.17 1 2021-01-08
68 Ariazonaa <torproject@ariazonaa.net> 0.17 1 2024-08-25
69 0xa1<:at:>mailbox<:dot:>org 0.16 5 2020-03-01
70 www.cccs.de 0.16 54 2022-01-16
71 doedelkiste.de 0.16 9 2015-10-18
72 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.16 4 2024-07-22
73 darmstadt@fridaysforfuture.de 0.16 3 2024-11-07
74 nospamhereplsss@gmail.com 0.16 1 2024-04-03
75 your@e-mail.com 0.16 1 2024-04-03
76 email:antifaang@freenode.cc 0.16 1 2021-11-24
77 <tor AT sutsuj dot com> 0.16 1 2020-09-10
78 <private> 0.16 1 2024-03-21
79 raltullou@posteo.org 0.15 2 2017-02-13
80 tor bruzzzla.de 0.15 5 2024-10-10
81 null-f.org 0.15 5 2024-11-27
82 email:bill-torrelays boughton.eu ciissversion:2 0.15 2 2019-02-18
83 tor at milkywan dot fr 0.15 2 2019-02-18
84 6520532F 0.15 2 2023-08-04
85 99027C42 0.15 2 2024-01-22
86 B587EEC1 0.15 2 2024-01-21
87 StarApps GmbH, Switzerland 0.14 3 2021-10-01
88 Markus <markus AT mdfnet dot se> 0.14 3 2014-06-16
89 tor@setsun.org 0.14 1 2019-12-25
90 0xD2BDDAAEA71726EBF8FD20FF02435989068F7B6B Karin Schmidt & Martin Loos <office@k 0.14 2 2023-05-04
91 3A04AC89 0.14 1 2022-05-13
92 thor@securemail.com 0.14 1 2024-04-03
93 queso/loco/at/tutanota/dot/io 0.14 1 2024-07-17
94 Random Person <tor-server@mikitsu.me> 0.14 2 2022-07-22
95 0320c8867fccd45d6a6f7a577ed09773f8929a6e CSGuard <admin AT csguard DOT eu> 0.14 2 2019-02-18
96 7C22E89A 0.14 1 2024-09-16
97 frisbeechampion 0.14 1 2024-08-31
98 mkg20001.io 0.14 1 2021-05-08
99 email:churrodawgsworld 0.14 1 2022-08-01
100 DFA46FE6 0.14 1 2024-02-15
101 Best cheap vapes vape@citrinio.net 0.14 1 2024-01-21
102 gk@torproject.org 0.14 1 2022-03-04
103 haku19-@-mail.com 0.13 4 2022-03-14
104 Mi Gibtsdonet <nobody AT example dot com> 0.13 4 2022-05-23
105 max at freifunk-dresden dot de tor-relay.co 0.13 2 2021-02-14
106 Behemoth Project Anonimity <make-tor-great-again@encrypt.co.il> 0.13 5 2024-07-21
107 ceebee <@> chunguswire <dot> me 0.13 1 2022-08-01
108 James Taylor <contact AT tor-servers dot fornoreason dot au> 0.13 4 2019-02-18
109 opsfi-mail protonmail com 0.13 2 2024-01-21
110 admin@tor-relay.utilizer.de abuse@tor-relay.utilizer.de 0.13 3 2024-06-05
111 email:fuwafuwapankeki@proton.me 0.13 9 2023-07-21
112 hiwi <hiwi AT nurfuerspam dot de> 0.13 3 2024-04-12
113 playboicarti at chunguswire.me B.T.C: 1Nvp7LbJ8JsNRu4qPedZbimWR6q2MFAUwf 0.13 1 2022-12-09
114 enigma aet s0ny d0t net 0.13 1 2019-02-18
115 4496A8EE 0.13 2 2024-10-24
116 b0at dot build3r at proton dot me 0.13 2 2022-07-22
117 broekemabent@protonmail.com 0.13 1 2022-04-03
118 512@gmx.ch tor-relay.co 0.13 1 2024-08-03
119 email:relaycontact l33tn0de.cc hoster:hetzner xmr:43oxe3n61tLDTmRViE9Cm74ufQL2v 0.13 1 2021-11-14
120 chocolatebyte.mvb0y@slmails.com 0.13 1 2024-01-21
121 :- spicyavo @ binaryvault . net 0.13 1 2022-08-01
122 Tuxifan <tuxifan @ posteo . de> 0.13 1 2024-02-05
123 freeiranandtheworld@outlook.de 0.13 1 2024-01-22
124 email:chuckyhorror sublimestorm dot xyz Donate at xmr:439Ke5Rmd8bbpuQfXsdv4KdyD 0.13 1 2022-11-29
125 contact me at : darkknight <AT> binaryvault <DOT> net 0.13 1 2022-08-01
126 8or8ty8 8or8ty8email@mir4ge.cc 0.12 1 2024-05-26
127 infokoopa@hacktivism.ch 0.12 3 2024-11-14
128 email:m1dn1ght foxxynodes.com ciisversion:2 btc:14FCyemK4nXThSH9HW3qn5xse1FN73E 0.12 1 2021-11-13
129 Hi Mom im on TV bigmanstu at hidemymail dot xyz 0.12 1 2022-12-09
130 sloetor@gmail.com 0.12 3 2022-01-13
131 Relay run by GhostBros ghostbros at sublimestorm . xyz 0.12 1 2022-11-29
132 3258B4E7 0.12 1 2024-11-24
133 Linus Nordberg 4096R/23291265 <linustor@nordberg.se> 0.12 2 2019-02-18
134 laguna <laguna@nerial.uk> 0.12 1 2024-02-13
135 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.12 3 2024-07-22
136 5BE7317D 0.12 1 2024-11-01
137 58A2A0E8 0.12 1 2022-07-12
138 Abuse and contact address: turik at odinbox dot xyz 0.12 1 2022-03-04
139 chappie7 AT riseup.net Donate here: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/8e305550 0.12 1 2024-01-21
140 A85182BA 0.12 2 2023-01-18
141 iwpjx9ay2@mozmail.com 0.12 1 2024-11-04
142 Eliana Routhampia <eli@novacloudapp.net> 0.12 1 2024-05-25
143 psYchotic 0.12 1 2019-02-18
144 Logforme <m7527 AT abc dot se> 0.12 1 2021-03-19
145 email: ammirelay at boatmail.cc confmgmt:ansible ciisversion:2 0.12 1 2022-08-01
146 Vasil Kolev <tor@ludost.net> 0.12 1 2019-02-18
147 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot com> 0.12 1 2024-12-01
148 email:spacetex tutanota.com ciissversion:2 btc:14BGN8qDMSuND5iZVTA9CNHkJw4Pq5RU 0.12 1 2021-11-14
149 AF37B951 0.12 1 2024-11-05
150 Lou Tschaier e98c29f1-04e6-46f6-9fc2-fab537bbc120@mailer.me 0.12 2 2024-01-22
151 Contact: peabodysrv AT odinbox DOT xyz 1GLB7QLpc4NFD6gHa3jt5oTNFnP2eYXC8S 0.12 1 2022-11-29
152 WELCOME TO THE CHUMBUCKET pl4nkton @ froggydispatch . com 0.11 1 2022-12-04
153 not-real dot gmail.com 0.11 1 2024-11-06
154 digitalcourage.social 0.11 30 2020-07-12
155 Nurtic-Vibe <nurtic-vibe AT grmml DOT eu> 0.11 2 2018-10-03
156 email:contact c0der3d.xyz abuse:contact AT c0der3d.xyz 0.11 1 2021-11-19
157 dplus26@fastmail.com 0.11 3 2023-01-05
158 Relay Admin Contact - mail@discretematch.cc 0.11 1 2024-01-22
159 anders.io 0.11 4 2023-06-17
160 Totoro4219 <totoro4219 AT mailbox dot org> 0.11 2 2024-02-02
161 ELON TUSK <frosty at ovinet dot org> 0.11 1 2022-11-29
162 553652FB 0.11 1 2024-01-22
163 Snorlax <pokemon365 at arktis dot cc> 0.11 1 2022-11-29
164 58AA3EE7 0.11 1 2024-04-05
165 Sebastian Hahn <tor@sebastianhahn.net> 0.11 2 2019-02-18
166 Dieter - deeburger@zohomail.com 0.11 1 2022-05-23
167 vader@ciphermail.xyz 0.11 1 2021-11-24
168 mail: contactmail at s1rocco.org 0.11 1 2024-05-24
169 Gaara Patrick M naruto AT wafflehaus DOT org 0.11 1 2022-11-29
170 tor@k-ten.de 0.11 1 2024-11-09
171 Kuro email:shinobi tntrelays.xyz xmr:47aUBkGxpr2jfc4ftvTumZ5xEpALXzPxHFVC6pbqfr 0.11 1 2021-11-24
172 yout@e-mail 0.11 1 2024-06-28
173 FUCK THE NSA Donate: 4AyALFfn3DQ6VSNaTzZMCgAicZyFCNh2a7mU6mePcgSeRCXeyoA91isVf 0.11 1 2022-03-04
174 AE68ACD0 0.11 1 2024-10-28
175 B023FAE9 0.11 1 2024-09-26
176 email: itsvanbobaby AT torbewachen DOT xyz 0.11 1 2022-08-01
177 email:peeps@arktis.cc btc:1bR2BRgZ3GgwL1iCW5rGr9Hv3xPNLfRms 0.11 1 2021-11-24
178 email:pabs@dropbears.cc abuse:pabs@dropbears.cc ciissversion:2 confmgmt:puppet 0.11 1 2022-03-04
179 CA0BA8FE 0.11 1 2023-05-06
180 Relay by H and the team. Contact us at: buzzteam AT boatmail DOT cc 0.11 1 2022-08-01
181 miwtor@web.de 0.1 1 2020-09-29
182 07F0E652 0.1 1 2022-04-15
183 Taj Rumbinji contact: taj@tajjina.cc 0.1 1 2024-05-27
184 rofl.cat 0.1 7 2019-02-18
185 relay@lotusmassage123.com 0.1 1 2024-05-29
186 1E03D81C 0.1 1 2024-09-29
187 tor @ public-files dot de - BTC: 3JVUpva3XdTzNyTVHVXA7g1hVYVLQxHPNq 0.1 2 2019-02-18
188 2269C990 0.1 1 2024-11-11
189 froschw403@gmail.com 0.1 1 2024-11-27
190 3544DD8F 0.1 1 2024-10-29
191 44DC2366 0.1 1 2019-02-18
192 3CA58FEC 0.1 1 2024-11-12
193 email:nuremberg2tor protonmail.com ciissversion:2 0.1 1 2021-11-14
194 goodserver@why.com 0.1 1 2024-11-06
195 <tor-contactREMOVEME AT t4cc0.re> GPG: 0x3AFF3AB493B3420D9E5D39529A6A0E3A064C6C3 0.1 2 2019-02-18
196 bensraspirelayde@gmail.com 0.1 3 2024-01-22
197 email:fatdave moltencore.org ciissversion:2 0.1 1 2021-11-14
198 email:d3fc0n c0der3d.xyz ciisversion:2 xmr:49bZRY4V1fVVkFuw64BAwkKX7UMNXUeXc5b7 0.1 1 2021-11-14
199 e: <r3lay><@torrelaymail.net> 0.1 1 2024-05-28
200 email:masterchief@sektorblue.com 0.1 1 2021-11-24
201 email:gh0sthalo@moltencore.org btc:146KFigj4Lc6JjSp18EBTKB3vkLGb5m882 ciisversio 0.1 1 2021-11-14
202 BEC5DA93 0.1 1 2023-03-05
203 email:freeassange foxxynodes.com ciisversion:2 btc:14FCyemK4nXThSH9HW3qn5xse1FN 0.1 1 2021-11-14
204 bofh@domain.tldr 0.1 1 2022-09-20
205 E00DFD54 0.1 1 2019-02-18
206 EDDD1EE1 0.1 1 2024-08-28
207 Sophie <tor AT 999eagle DOT moe> 0.1 1 2020-06-22
208 114555F8 0.09 1 2023-01-23
209 abuse at sign zwiebelmett dot xyz 0.09 1 2019-09-29
210 www.schmeling-ol.de 0.09 2 2019-09-16
211 0CAA2E90 0.09 1 2023-03-17
212 0CDCFB0B 0.09 2 2015-04-12
213 uftorty8@gmail.com 0.09 1 2024-01-22
214 email:citadel5 ciphermail.xyz zec:zs1nkw34ffgwxt94ta58pec9teefktvthk65le34xl3cg 0.09 1 2021-11-24
215 toradmin at night-site dot org 0.09 1 2019-02-18
216 /fabi/hererra/ gmx . com fabiana 0.09 1 2024-01-21
217 Gaius Sorjonen <sorjonen AT tuta dot io> 0.09 1 2024-07-21
218 friend of tor @privatemail.com> 0.09 1 2024-01-21
219 tor-relay@t13pr.net 0.09 2 2024-01-26
220 email:minionrelay@protonmail.com ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2021-11-14
221 tor at kyrasec.nl 0.09 1 2024-06-03
222 0x4471de61 Senf <tor AT senf dot space> 0.09 3 2022-12-29
223 email:mickymousecontact sektorblue.com ciissversion:2 abuse:mickymousecontact@s 0.09 1 2021-12-04
224 email:jlvtrim at dropbears dot cc ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2022-02-12
225 katawaredoki.net 0.09 4 2019-02-18
226 5C426791 0.09 1 2023-01-28
227 tor@wurzelmann.at 0.09 3 2024-08-21
228 IP-Eend <tor AT ip-eend dot nl> 0.09 1 2024-05-23
229 nuketheworld email:boom tntrelays.xyz ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2021-11-14
230 tor-operator@mufff.in 0.09 1 2024-01-22
231 easybird <easybird.relay@proton.me> 0.09 1 2024-06-08
232 xplato1 <at proton.me> 0.09 1 2024-10-22
233 65562EE2 0.09 1 2024-01-21
234 7B78F4D8 0.09 1 2024-11-12
235 7B8E2AC6 0.09 1 2024-01-21
236 tor at bgp dot rodeo 0.09 1 2023-02-07
237 89EEEFA5 0.09 1 2023-07-21
238 8A5EFB7B 0.09 1 2024-01-21
239 B2D9FF58 0.09 1 2024-04-16
240 B369F97F 0.09 1 2024-11-14
241 9CD25E71 0.09 2 2024-01-22
242 sven DOT scheiner AT googlemail DOT com tor-relay.co 0.09 2 2022-07-02
243 A9F8CA97 0.09 1 2023-06-27
244 liiberated1@proton.me 0.09 2 2022-08-11
245 email:blueeyeswhitedragon kluismail com ciissversion:2 0.09 1 2024-01-29
246 tor.gabrielg.es 0.09 1 2021-05-18
247 D870744F 0.09 1 2024-10-28
248 Vasil Kolev <tor@ludost.net> 0.09 1 2019-06-08
249 email:wwallace@tntrelays.xyz zec:zs1tlt8aqleaxy46rvywcywpycw2c2d4p36yg9py9pamlrg 0.09 1 2022-11-29
250 no@thank.you 0.09 1 2023-04-30
251 F3FD38F2 0.09 1 2024-02-08
252 Witam kontakt:jan AT hidemymail.xyz 0.09 1 2022-11-29
253 tor@gweifinder.mozmail.com 0.08 12 2023-12-13
254 1261042B 0.08 1 2024-06-03
255 c0der@freenode.cc 0.08 1 2021-11-12
256 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.08 2 2024-07-22
257 email:contactrelay freenode.cc ciissversion:2 xmr:48QZTS1wSSeYzGNm5y4AKob3AGUQW 0.08 1 2021-11-14
258 1079E628 0.08 1 2019-03-05
259 Neel Chauhan <neel AT neelc DOT org> 0.08 32 2024-01-22
260 09F9CD95 0.08 1 2023-02-10
261 vgqzzubq at anonaddy dot me 0.08 16 2022-10-20
262 Rotate-13 gbeznfgre@ubehf-vg.qr 0.08 1 2016-08-04
263 474EA76A 0.08 1 2023-07-11
264 Rhys RE <me at sign rhysre dot net> 0.08 1 2019-02-18
265 17C2FBA1 0.08 1 2024-01-22
266 2BA7 0A81 CD4F 8CC0 A862 E785 8FA6 0FFD 8B72 01E0 Tasknafsaren tasknafsaren@gmx 0.08 2 2024-05-04
267 2DC9AECB 0.08 3 2024-10-13
268 Yuki Ibuki <yukiibuki090 at proton dot me> 0.08 1 2024-09-07
269 BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH @ Safe-mail.net 0.08 8 2019-02-28
270 27AD21AE 0.08 1 2023-06-23
271 371C00BF 0.08 1 2023-05-10
272 0xAAF5E25904F58A0F52BE1DA5BECFF25F495915B7 Absturztaube <me AT absturztau dot be 0.08 1 2024-01-21
273 you&x27;re assumin&x27; imma human 0.08 1 2024-11-03
274 7DC499EA 0.08 1 2023-02-17
275 7F302F0A 0.08 1 2020-09-10
276 phillw.net 0.08 2 2022-01-03
277 siroxcw@proton.me 0.08 1 2024-11-25
278 606ECD67 0.08 1 2023-06-29
279 693F0A23 0.08 1 2024-11-01
280 71986901 0.08 1 2024-01-22
281 fiad@schloop.win 0.08 1 2024-01-22
282 GaliNightsbridge <admin@GaliNightsbridge.net> 0.08 1 2024-01-21
283 Yorrick <yorrickh AT mail.ee> 0.08 1 2022-05-03
284 9A1C9EDB 0.08 1 2024-01-21
285 flev @ kpnmail . nl 0.08 1 2019-02-18
286 9B81565C 0.08 1 2023-04-04
287 D643B486 0.08 1 2024-09-21
288 florentin.rochet@unamur.be 0.08 1 2024-07-09
289 <private> 0.08 1 2024-03-11
290 www.privex.io 0.08 3 2019-06-28
291 bl4ckpr1sm@proton.me 0.08 1 2024-10-14
292 0xF40E25B8FB8FC3F2204ABFBBA9DE100CAF6305D0 Kilobug <kilobug@kilobug.org> 0.08 1 2024-11-17
293 DAF25DF4 0.08 1 2024-01-22
294 Tor admin <tor AT schellingstrasse dot de> 0.08 1 2020-08-21
295 DAB09C9C 0.08 1 2024-04-04
296 tor@0x800.cz 0.08 1 2024-08-29
297 bund <at-> posteo dot>de <> tor-relay.co 0.08 1 2023-08-18
298 F3145AA7 0.08 1 2024-10-12
299 FC87BA11 0.08 1 2024-01-22
300 pikachu.systems 0.07 2 2021-12-22
301 email:bigcastle8127@airmail.cc ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2022-12-06
302 12CE2632 0.07 1 2023-02-09
303 galtland.network 0.07 1 2022-06-27
304 Critical Cat <tor@critical.cat> 0.07 1 2024-01-22
305 EB68C39C35BC73E97C267CF4087D607D91E0B52C admin <moldova dash tor dash admin AT l 0.07 6 2023-08-22
306 Alexander abuse@spynode.cc 8E28C7AAD6360D19802D6D5734FB3F3EDCB8B222 0.07 2 2024-11-13
307 1D851C4B 0.07 1 2023-04-04
308 27B7D6C0 0.07 1 2023-07-21
309 tor a web7seas dot com 0.07 2 2019-09-26
310 Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 0.07 1 2021-04-08
311 379AD084 0.07 1 2024-11-01
312 37A5E87E 0.07 1 2024-05-01
313 38316AF9 0.07 1 2023-05-12
314 2A5F2AD5 0.07 1 2024-04-08
315 human@kobar.de 0.07 1 2024-11-06
316 <torrelayrunner AT protonmail DOT com> 0.07 1 2024-03-12
317 24893333 0.07 1 2022-11-29
318 252957C9 0.07 1 2024-08-28
319 0xFFFFFFFF observatory123 <observatory123 AT proton dot me> 0.07 1 2024-08-14
320 Fabian Keil <fk@fabiankeil.de> 8BA2371C 0.07 2 2019-02-18
321 tor at pingless dot com 0.07 1 2022-01-03
322 51221964 0.07 1 2024-08-07
323 51407211 0.07 1 2024-01-31
324 email:validbutanonymaddress protonmail.com abuse:validbutanonymaddress protonm 0.07 1 2024-10-25
325 Tor Admin <toradmin AT veilsoftheonion DOT eu> 0.07 2 2019-02-18
326 WilliDieEnte <tor AT ente dot dev> 0.07 1 2024-12-04
327 tor-relay@simofamily.org 0.07 1 2024-01-22
328 549FA4E3 0.07 1 2022-04-03
329 email:ynp4bj airmail.cc ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2024-08-14
330 Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 0.07 1 2021-04-08
331 sct-rl-contact@proton.me 0.07 1 2024-10-16
332 email:hotpwkr jltn xyz Donate here:17zPicHTVE7GPPMXTJuE6sJQ66M43E29KD 0.07 1 2022-11-29
333 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.07 1 2023-08-02
334 pinkpurpleorange@proton.me 0.07 1 2024-11-24
335 6E5F1BE3 0.07 1 2023-02-17
336 76D58DE9 0.07 1 2023-05-04
337 7997C3FC 0.07 1 2020-08-01
338 secutor secure-bits.org 0.07 2 2024-01-22
339 tortor AT mailbox dot org 0.07 1 2024-05-10
340 A5CAF012 0.07 1 2023-03-01
341 8921CB0E 0.07 1 2023-04-24
342 8D1272C0 0.07 1 2024-08-29
343 tor at cyberbunker dot biz 0.07 1 2023-07-03
344 8E3700E5 0.07 1 2023-05-10
345 rng29a@wintermute.info 0.07 1 2020-08-21
346 901AAC5B 0.07 1 2024-04-03
347 email:snowball at rapidmail.cc 0.07 1 2021-12-04
348 info@niklasl.com 0.07 1 2022-09-30
349 9A39B0B7 0.07 1 2022-04-23
350 0x21C9B87E69A83FB112295C271FBF751E8BD3D4CA k4m1 <k4m1 AT pm DOT me> 0.07 1 2024-08-17
351 landshrimp at kluismail dot com 0.07 1 2022-03-04
352 AA0D90C8 0.07 1 2024-04-05
353 AA763073 0.07 3 2019-02-18
354 0x59205995C95D108C Sylvain Rager <sylvain at regar42 dot fr> 0.07 1 2019-02-18
355 BE062843 0.07 1 2023-07-25
356 1024D/0x49360B3B1DFBA164 Bernhard M. Wiedemann <torbmw3 lsmod.de> 0.07 1 2021-03-09
357 admin <tor DASH 3xg0k33m AT dzp DOT nz> 0.07 1 2019-02-18
358 <x6c656e696e sektorblue.com> 0.07 1 2021-11-24
359 E42DEAC2 0.07 1 2024-05-11
360 maffaypeter847@gmail.com 0.07 1 2024-11-27
361 email:micrasoft at jltn . xyz ciisversion:2 confmgmt:puppet 0.07 1 2024-03-15
362 F11F59BB 0.07 1 2024-11-19
363 F1542050 0.07 1 2024-10-06
364 none@none 0.07 1 2023-03-09
365 email: tor at b0rken dot de 0.06 1 2021-08-30
366 email:torix protonmail.com url:https://torix-relays.org proof:uri-rsa hoster:RD 0.06 68 2021-08-26
367 nos-oignons.net 0.06 37 2019-02-18
368 mk17hg@brocku.ca 0.06 8 2023-05-27
369 0E83A834 0.06 1 2024-12-01
370 s dot aint667 at proton dot me 0.06 2 2022-06-22
371 0A8FB5E2 0.06 2 2022-10-27
372 community.torproject.8pqny@passmail.net 0.06 1 2024-05-10
373 Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> 0.06 1 2023-11-23
374 shadowroute01.oncoming659@passinbox.com 0.06 4 2024-05-19
375 2CE9BE1F 0.06 1 2019-05-09
376 4938A9B5 0.06 1 2023-08-02
377 colincogle.name 0.06 1 2022-03-14
378 50shadesofblue85@gmail.com 0.06 8 2024-08-30
379 vidarekinci@protonmail.com 0.06 1 2022-10-10
380 Stechus Kaktus <stechuskaktus1337@protonmail.com> 0.06 1 2023-07-29
381 1FE6D59B 0.06 1 2023-03-23
382 torusyeetus@protonmail.com 0.06 1 2024-09-15
383 1D6528AA 0.06 1 2023-06-09
384 tor-relay@littleroot.de 0.06 1 2024-06-02
385 tesseract.dk 0.06 2 2020-05-13
386 31588E6B 0.06 1 2024-08-28
387 SComputerLP <scomputerlp AT gmail dot com> 0.06 1 2023-03-03
388 348944DB 0.06 1 2024-01-21
389 B58D 2CC8 1269 1D74 EDA8 44E2 C2F1 43CF E49F 7671 Daniel Hammer <hammer AT hs-of 0.06 1 2024-11-25
390 3A4E734B 0.06 2 2024-10-11
391 tor at ensayon dot com 0.06 1 2024-10-09
392 4ADB08AF 0.06 1 2024-01-21
393 zorc.xyz 0.06 1 2021-01-28
394 45EDDBE3 0.06 1 2024-10-23
395 Lilly Schramm <lilly tor@trans.ceo> 0.06 1 2024-02-05
396 phoenitydawn tor admin <tor@phoenitydawn.de> - 1KWnz9ooQnixjCQZARyUhwgSeYV4XMcLq 0.06 1 2019-02-18
397 kzjaaqwfnabb protonmail com 0.06 1 2021-04-28
398 Kavin <kavin-tor AT protonmail dot com> 0.06 2 2024-01-21
399 miraty.niv.re 0.06 1 2022-05-03
400 Relay Admin <privacheese AT proton.me> 0.06 2 2024-09-06
401 tor-relays <you know what belongs here> mmap <and here> at 0.06 1 2021-12-14
402 mail: admin tjdev.de 0.06 2 2022-09-10
403 beat me marvinfreehudred@proton.me 0.06 1 2024-01-22
404 TorInAS200462<AmyCrossed AT tutanota dot com> 0.06 1 2021-06-27
405 60C24AFF 0.06 1 2023-06-23
406 8329D57A 0.06 2 2024-05-23
407 <domi.0815@gmail.com> 0.06 1 2022-11-29
408 quench@proton.me 0.06 1 2024-12-03
409 739AE4DE 0.06 1 2023-07-19
410 arli@arli21.me 0.06 1 2024-09-15
411 keiferdodderblyyatgmaildodder dot com 0.06 1 2024-02-03
412 kontakt@hopfen.space 0.06 1 2022-05-13
413 torbert then an at and dignonet here a dot org 0.06 1 2023-04-02
414 send complaints to Putin instead 0.06 1 2024-03-01
415 8B4ECB75 0.06 1 2020-11-09
416 8F9CD937 0.06 1 2022-05-03
417 94629572 0.06 1 2024-04-15
418 B1FE4BE9 0.06 1 2023-02-21
419 zsXDYnpE6P at protonmail dot com 0.06 1 2024-01-22
420 foo@example.com 0.06 1 2024-10-05
421 B4C39AD4 0.06 1 2022-01-13
422 celtiq.sec A.T. proton D.O.T. me 0.06 1 2023-02-07
423 <olafuringvason@posteo.is> 0.06 1 2024-02-25
424 Lennart Oldenburg <lennart.oldenburg@esat.kuleuven.be> 0.06 1 2019-02-18
425 fuckedop@proton.me 0.06 1 2022-05-03
426 tioncol@proton.me 0.06 1 2024-11-14
427 werger.ufer@tutanota.com 0.06 1 2024-01-21
428 B970961C 0.06 1 2022-12-09
429 BA46824B 0.06 1 2023-08-16
430 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.06 1 2024-07-28
431 Paco Caliente <p4co.c4liente AT protonmail dot com> 0.06 1 2021-08-26
432 C270F5E0 0.06 1 2024-10-22
433 C6C2F339 0.06 1 2022-07-02
434 DB603D15 0.06 1 2023-04-18
435 CB19C930 0.06 1 2023-03-29
436 CBD42010 0.06 1 2023-08-08
437 Mr.Weasel ferretfet@proton.me 0.06 1 2024-04-03
438 CDD66C79 0.06 1 2023-03-15
439 E8648791 0.06 1 2024-01-22
440 J Random Hacker <j random hacker at nowhere loopback edu> 0.06 1 2023-07-09
441 Mika Schneider <tor AT mikaconor-schneider dot de> 0.06 1 2023-03-25
442 <TGSwissNET abcATabc gmail abc abc com> 0.06 1 2023-06-23
443 pikz at tuta dot io 0.06 1 2019-08-17
444 Random Person <mangolover at tutamail-com> 0.06 1 2024-05-05
445 IT <tor AT informatik dot uni-bremen dot de> 0.06 1 2022-04-03
446 Contact me at: blazedwizard@rapidmail<.>cc 0.06 1 2021-12-04
447 01900B2C 0.05 4 2023-11-02
448 ezyn.de 0.05 3 2021-10-05
449 tor.r0cket.net 0.05 24 2024-09-26
450 obfuscation.oxofrmbl@mein.gmx 0.05 2 2021-04-18
451 Eridanus <tor AT 5ir dot de> 0.05 1 2020-04-14
452 contact@radical-privacy.com 0.05 2 2024-01-05
453 tor at dereferenced net 0.05 1 2019-02-18
454 limited0ne@gmx.com 0.05 2 2022-08-21
455 tioncol@proton.me 0.05 1 2024-11-14
456 2CD23D10 0.05 1 2023-05-06
457 1884B98A 0.05 1 2024-11-07
458 1FB9CCBE 0.05 1 2022-08-11
459 2EB3C230 0.05 1 2019-02-18
460 2EC83D2B 0.05 4 2021-11-14
461 1D24826A 0.05 2 2024-03-15
462 2659ACAA 0.05 1 2019-02-18
463 27C1DF5B 0.05 1 2024-01-22
464 Thomas Steen Rasmussen / Tykling <thomas@gibfest.dk> PGP: 0x772FF77F0972FA58 0.05 1 2019-02-18
465 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.05 2 2024-01-21
466 Burgwallbronn.xyz@proton.me 0.05 1 2024-09-21
467 327EEC1C 0.05 1 2024-11-18
468 35BC0F0D 0.05 1 2024-09-07
469 pitivierglisse@gmail.com 0.05 1 2023-08-22
470 <code9n at pm dot me> 0.05 1 2022-12-19
471 438F3EA4 0.05 1 2019-02-18
472 tor-relay-contact <at> digitalsquid <dot> co <dot> uk 0.05 3 2020-04-03
473 tor@righttoprivacy.net 0.05 3 2024-01-18
474 Administrator <torrelay dot photon AT mkfs dot xyz> 0.05 2 2024-06-29
475 7CCAAC63 0.05 1 2024-09-21
476 7DBD27A6 0.05 1 2024-02-16
477 tor@mail.flo-the.dev 0.05 1 2024-01-21
478 81FA8CD8 0.05 1 2024-12-04
479 tor-relay@steinmann.help 0.05 1 2024-04-13
480 tor@opensource-it.org 0.05 1 2024-08-22
481 contact at ng1x dot xyz 0.05 2 2022-06-02
482 crafter@crafter.rocks 0.05 1 2024-02-20
483 edita@danwin1210.de 0.05 1 2022-11-19
484 ipunchsharks@protonmail.com 0.05 1 2019-06-08
485 tor AT ravidwivedi dot in 0.05 1 2022-01-03
486 Kutas Pierdolony < tor.mooned586 A7 silomails , c0m > 0.05 1 2024-01-22
487 giannoug AT-gmail DOt- com 0.05 2 2019-02-18
488 dir act at systemli.org 0.05 2 2023-04-18
489 holonet.sh 0.05 1 2022-04-23
490 tor at 0x3d dot lu - 1x3dG3utS7FDrTtJutnR3zuCo4Z8fUUAL 0.05 2 2019-02-18
491 . . . 0.05 1 2024-11-23
492 857D506E 0.05 1 2024-02-03
493 levitate@proton.me 0.05 1 2024-12-05
494 8C5E2A69 0.05 1 2024-12-03
495 8EF390A0 0.05 1 2023-07-21
496 PMG the world@is.yours 0.05 1 2022-10-30
497 email:tor memcpy.io url:http://memcpy.io proof:uri-rsa abuse:tor memcpy.io pgp 0.05 2 2021-12-24
498 Leon <Leon AT platinumhost dot io> 0.05 1 2023-04-12
499 littlehoster.denote399@passinbox.com 0.05 1 2024-04-23
500 torrelay fokaia AT manchester DOT gr 0.05 2 2022-03-14
501 knight AT RELAYNAMEWITHOUTNUMBER DOOOT nett 0.05 1 2024-06-11
502 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.05 1 2024-10-21
503 TorAdmin <toradmin AT tanascius dot com> 0.05 2 2019-12-05
504 luis.carilla1@gmail.com 0.05 1 2024-10-23
505 platypus-tor-node/at/proton/dot/me 0.05 1 2021-05-08
506 your@e-mail 0.05 1 2024-12-07
507 CryptoCactus Tor AT proton dot me 0.05 2 2024-01-28
508 r3y7dvprknzsjnwgaufs@tutanota.de 0.05 1 2024-01-22
509 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.05 1 2024-08-30
510 hostmaster@lauchyt.de 0.05 1 2023-03-27
511 DC073284 0.05 1 2024-10-29
512 chaotorum<ASCII64>onionmail<ASCII46>org 0.05 1 2021-08-06
513 admin at hivemind dot biz 0.05 2 2022-07-22
514 DE915B27 0.05 1 2024-01-22
515 @jbrps 0x588F6C31 <jonas@rz-k.de> 0.05 1 2019-02-18
516 E3D851EB 0.05 1 2024-08-26
517 E84FB379 0.05 1 2024-01-21
518 Zufaellige Person vorname nachname@mail2tor.com 0.05 1 2024-01-22
519 Jugger Relay jugger-relay@protonmail.com 0.05 1 2020-01-04
520 0x88888888 Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk> 0.05 1 2024-06-16
521 Gloria Mundi <tor AT gloria-mundi DOT eu> 0.05 1 2023-07-21
522 F2899981 0.05 1 2019-11-25
523 0x88888888 Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk> 0.05 1 2024-07-29
524 Strelnikov@bahnhof.se 0.05 1 2024-05-17
525 GnuPG: 0x6DCEBB9F 0.05 1 2019-02-18
526 torrelay at kieran dot de 0.04 3 2019-01-31
527 1806.one <1806 AT firemail dot cc> 0.04 1 2022-06-15
528 Randy Random <postmaster@zocer.net> 0.04 1 2024-09-22
529 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot com> 0.04 1 2016-02-03
530 torrelay@hayzy.com 0.04 1 2024-07-13
531 03f AT gmx dot de 0.04 1 2024-11-09
532 48215EE6 0.04 1 2024-10-16
533 tor-contact@kher.nl 0.04 2 2019-06-08
534 mutantcoder protonmail com 0.04 3 2022-03-12
535 0D6CD875 0.04 1 2023-03-13
536 none 0.04 1 2022-11-03
537 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.04 1 2024-09-29
538 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
539 gouroulubrik@gmail.com 0.04 1 2023-04-10
540 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
541 kol3v14@protonmail.com 0.04 1 2024-02-10
542 tor.yhkki@slmail.me 0.04 2 2022-03-04
543 pKD9jZ19N1LiTvsjOF3 at ttutanota com 0.04 1 2019-03-30
544 2AD82F39 0.04 1 2024-03-20
545 2B172EBC 0.04 1 2024-10-22
546 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.04 1 2024-07-27
547 7E1A01BA167E8023A6B68BE8A05D811694AE4D8E Felix Auringer <felix.auringer@protonma 0.04 1 2022-01-03
548 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
549 postmaster@lepenet.link 0.04 6 2024-02-23
550 42C56C1B 0.04 1 2024-01-22
551 43219E6F 0.04 1 2024-10-23
552 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
553 Martin; <martinlt wafflehaus org> 0.04 1 2022-11-29
554 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
555 Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de> 0.04 1 2024-02-22
556 <BrightEi AT proton dot me> 0.04 1 2024-08-05
557 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
558 4134DA29 0.04 1 2024-11-08
559 friedhaintor posteo.de 0.04 1 2024-09-01
560 5790B62A 0.04 1 2020-04-23
561 52239036 0.04 2 2024-05-08
562 54476788 0.04 1 2022-11-19
563 torkowo@testowo.pl 0.04 1 2024-04-06
564 samam < at > protonmail.com 0.04 1 2019-02-18
565 5B62E424 0.04 1 2024-01-22
566 nope@nopey.comd 0.04 1 2024-10-28
567 alxu.ca 0.04 3 2019-02-18
568 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.04 1 2024-07-28
569 <trly1 AT proton dot me> 0.04 3 2019-02-18
570 torspam at timanttikuutio . eu 0.04 1 2021-05-08
571 nice try 0.04 1 2022-10-20
572 81EBAD67 0.04 1 2024-10-06
573 PostGuard@gentlemansclub.de 0.04 1 2021-05-08
574 moehre-hostingtor@riseup.net 0.04 1 2024-01-22
575 tor@birdeck.com 0.04 2 2024-07-27
576 63B53D61 0.04 1 2023-05-28
577 adm AT>>tmrx.cc 0.04 1 2024-01-22
578 6B7CEA7C 0.04 1 2024-01-22
579 6C333B5B 0.04 1 2019-02-18
580 6F4C45A1 0.04 1 2024-06-20
581 Tor <tor AT hasselba dot ch> 0.04 2 2024-09-04
582 Mike Hertzog /Huthog@poortorrelayer.info 0.04 1 2024-01-22
583 71A1DA0D 0.04 1 2024-06-05
584 tor@worldofmail.com 0.04 1 2024-10-13
585 Tom A <tom AT realdeadbeef DOT com> 0.04 1 2024-04-02
586 relay at vonderste dot in 0.04 2 2024-08-28
587 email: admin@xoa.se 0.04 1 2022-05-13
588 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
589 4096R/701269C611CA9526 OpenNetworX Tor Operator <tor at onwx.org> 0.04 3 2019-02-18
590 abuse-from-tor@polo-uniar.it 0.04 1 2022-04-03
591 8EE8A8D4 0.04 1 2024-11-05
592 stu-junk at outlook com 0.04 1 2024-09-02
593 incognitorelay@proton.me 0.04 1 2024-01-21
594 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
595 ContactInfo email:knight AT germancraft dot net url:germancraft.net proof:dns-rs 0.04 1 2024-04-11
596 A233051F 0.04 1 2024-03-25
597 torrocks at- mailbox<dot=>org 0.04 1 2024-05-20
598 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
599 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
600 relay@stateofduality.de 0.04 1 2019-10-06
601 relay@nici.gay 0.04 1 2024-08-18
602 BF935943 0.04 1 2022-05-23
603 raphael@gonku.de 0.04 1 2024-09-19
604 BA44DFFE 0.04 1 2024-08-16
605 relaymijn a t gmail d o t com 0.04 1 2024-11-21
606 DC0B2CF7 0.04 1 2024-11-01
607 arpagic1@mail.com 0.04 2 2024-11-15
608 DFE3C36A 0.04 1 2024-11-02
609 CD2D2DAF 0.04 1 2024-09-14
610 wakako <at> rod <dot> ac 0.04 1 2021-02-17
611 Mike Wille <tor@mw.gd> pgp: 1D53B2FF846754E7ABC7B900E8DC24C0F0D96E21 0.04 1 2022-11-29
612 D8187484 0.04 1 2024-01-22
613 <roger fillipo> rodger.fillipo@mail.com 0.04 1 2019-02-18
614 andweb noc AT-symbol mailbox.org 0.04 1 2019-02-18
615 www.rince.de 0.04 1 2020-08-21
616 t.starlit144@passfwd.com 0.04 1 2024-05-23
617 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
618 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.04 1 2023-08-02
619 Top <s8pn910sokiig0cc76bl2qud at systemli.org> 0.04 1 2024-01-21
620 Hosting-OS.de <tor-relay@hosting-os.de> 0.04 1 2022-03-24
621 <1ea7deadbeef AT posteo dot net> 0.04 1 2019-02-18
622 support@vpsfree.org 0.04 1 2019-02-18
623 F7D5CD0A 0.04 1 2024-10-22
624 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0.03 5 2021-09-05
625 00FF9083 0.03 1 2024-11-20
626 dharma-initiative-tor-network e-mail-symbol protonmail.com 0.03 1 2023-08-16
627 04DFE047 0.03 1 2019-04-17
628 dfri.se 0.03 32 2021-11-04
629 02C7A07B 0.03 1 2023-03-01
630 www.triplebit.org 0.03 11 2024-10-07
631 0x31384448 Ole Rydahl Had a cat named Dobbo <ole rydahl at qp12 dot dk> 0.03 1 2024-03-27
632 0F6033F8 0.03 1 2021-02-16
633 Dan < xiaoqic at cs dot princeton dot edu > 0.03 5 2023-07-05
634 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-07
635 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2024-01-22
636 493A4023 0.03 1 2023-03-23
637 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-07
638 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-07
639 The Yeti <yeti AT shokk DOT de> 0.03 1 2024-12-07
640 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-02
641 12D5CABC 0.03 1 2023-01-26
642 ralph.ratz@recons.de 0.03 1 2024-05-03
643 recipe-acl@mit.edu 0.03 5 2023-03-01
644 Scott Maxwell tor-contact-2024-netcup-medium-arm at scottmaxwell dot org 0.03 1 2024-04-05
645 relay@enitg.no 0.03 1 2024-09-18
646 2144EC31 0.03 1 2024-01-21
647 random zandoli <zandoli@riseup.net> 0.03 1 2024-01-21
648 nicoleiocana.com 0.03 1 2020-09-20
649 28655D30 0.03 1 2024-01-22
650 298EC333 0.03 1 2024-01-22
651 evansaike consultant com 0.03 2 2022-07-22
652 307DF18E 0.03 1 2024-08-19
653 LS <rarity discard300 AT simplelogin dot com> 0.03 2 2024-10-13
654 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-02
655 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.03 1 2023-01-28
656 jimbo263@fastmail.com 0.03 2 2022-08-31
657 tor@dst.ca 0.03 4 2019-02-18
658 theres-no-email-for@bots.com 0.03 1 2024-04-14
659 Xavier Bettel 0.03 1 2019-02-18
660 mail: torrelay <at> maciej.cloud 0.03 1 2023-04-06
661 not.a@real.email 0.03 1 2024-12-06
662 40508842 0.03 1 2023-03-29
663 4EE694A4 0.03 1 2024-11-20
664 54F5431B 0.03 1 2024-11-19
665 Andsec Team <security AT andsec dot ch> 0.03 1 2024-10-27
666 <tor-relay@ceskar.xyz> s7xwcb5vpszox5a —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–mQGNB 0.03 1 2023-03-11
667 CanisAlpha aa tt PROTON MAIL o COM 0.03 3 2022-03-24
668 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2024-03-04
669 5B6DAB15 0.03 1 2022-08-21
670 MarkN.Hebb@gmail.com 0.03 2 2019-02-18
671 sebastianboegl.de 0.03 1 2019-02-18
672 tor822196@gmail.com 0.03 1 2024-02-06
673 83AF86A9 0.03 1 2024-11-05
674 8470EAB3 0.03 1 2024-01-22
675 6154EEEE 0.03 1 2023-06-09
676 629301C0 0.03 1 2024-05-16
677 w3da5mxwr@relay.firefox.com 0.03 3 2023-02-07
678 mib at mib dot dev 0.03 1 2024-01-26
679 tor@pathos-ii.ddnss.de 0.03 1 2024-02-20
680 706F54AC 0.03 1 2024-01-22
681 Damn these things are expensive <3 tordel-network@protonmail.com 0.03 1 2021-08-26
682 72C480E8 0.03 1 2024-05-29
683 74574575 0.03 1 2022-10-10
684 pl8 tektonix at proton.me 0.03 1 2024-07-25
685 59FDAC19FBC4E692652F3EB0C7B7552BDF21283B Smith <qtornado A T protonmail d0t com> 0.03 1 2019-02-18
686 0x1E7523CA911AC822 Markus Witt <markus.witt@rwth-aachen.de> 0.03 1 2019-04-29
687 7737A403 0.03 1 2019-02-18
688 <r.adnanbabar@gmail.com> 0.03 1 2024-01-22
689 7B06C796 0.03 3 2024-03-12
690 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.03 1 2024-09-29
691 admin@cynosure.red 0.03 1 2024-10-24
692 Amsterdam, NL <everybodyswatching@netherlands.nl> 0.03 1 2023-01-28
693 DevilishRelayOperator <devilishRelayOperator AT proton PERIOD me> 0.03 1 2024-11-04
694 8B09 DE4C E20B AD74 EF9A 11C4 F668 C57D 79DC 827E Vaultboy Admin <Vaultboy AT p 0.03 1 2020-08-31
695 f89g65f21@national.shitposting.agency 0.03 1 2019-02-18
696 voqelfrei <tor voqel AT pm me> pgp:8018FA5B9E760EF9560DA88531AD8DB3FAD8F4A6 0.03 1 2024-04-02
697 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.03 1 2024-02-15
698 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.03 1 2024-02-15
699 tor at alo dot is tor-relay.co 0.03 1 2019-12-25
700 Daniel Winzen <daniel@danwin1210.de> 0.03 1 2024-09-23
701 83832@tec.link38.eu 0.03 1 2022-06-12
702 9E2A4B1A 0.03 1 2021-02-17
703 tor-operator@mufff.in 0.03 2 2024-01-21
704 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-02
705 A151005A 0.03 1 2022-11-09
706 galois "d a s h" onion "a t" protonmail "d o t" com 0.03 1 2021-08-06
707 B50A9826 0.03 1 2019-02-18
708 AABD320B 0.03 1 2024-01-22
709 Sebastian Luebke <tor AT luebke dot dev> 0.03 1 2024-11-01
710 systemli <t o r - e x i t .AT. s y s t e m l i DOT o r g> 0.03 1 2023-07-27
711 4096R/1EE96C8A375D94EC46E1F93F12CD89085C726CB4 Jan <jan-tor with jreusch and de> 0.03 2 2019-02-18
712 tor-operator@maxwellfarrior.tech 0.03 1 2024-04-13
713 xyz.1328.tech 0.03 1 2024-11-29
714 Tor Admin <sysadmin AT waltoninstitute dot ie> 0.03 1 2024-04-13
715 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-02
716 tor@home.arpa 0.03 1 2024-10-14
717 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.03 1 2024-02-15
718 tuxli.org 0.03 2 2024-11-12
719 0xDAC4CCB6722FF7E5 Alexander Bhm <alexander.boehm@malbolge.net> 0.03 1 2022-07-02
720 C1F93754 0.03 1 2024-01-21
721 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-02
722 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2023-08-02
723 CD55FF8B 0.03 1 2024-03-09
724 CF9BEB3E 0.03 1 2022-08-31
725 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0.03 1 2024-04-10
726 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.03 1 2024-09-29
727 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.03 1 2024-10-17
728 mandalorian.outpost.222@yandex DOT com 0.03 1 2024-01-29
729 SysCom <syscom =at= snt.utwente.nl> 0.03 1 2019-02-18
730 EB806B20 0.03 1 2022-09-20
731 EC16F2B1 0.03 1 2022-02-22
732 tor@schr.at 0.03 1 2024-05-24
733 ED861855 0.03 1 2024-08-20
734 E039FEF5 0.03 1 2022-11-29
735 tor@rkn.life 0.03 1 2019-02-18
736 c3ypt1c@gmail.com 0.03 1 2024-03-10
737 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.03 1 2024-10-21
738 tor-operator at infosecproject dot org 0.03 1 2024-03-24
739 Our Tor relay: Because sometimes the longest detour is the most direct route - 0.03 1 2024-10-12
740 LongLiveTheOnion <longlivetheonion /AT mailbox /dot org> A632B0B269D15241141EE17 0.03 1 2024-10-27
741 FDA67317 0.03 1 2022-09-20
742 url:https://ricsi.priv.at proof:uri-rsa ciissversion:2 0.03 1 2022-01-13
743 mbox: skylark host: protonmail dot com 0.02 1 2020-08-28
744 01B8F18C 0.02 1 2022-02-05
745 relay@bgrshell.eu 0.02 1 2024-11-23
746 tor@cabaal.net 0.02 3 2023-10-27
747 KeFF NOC <noc AT keff dot org> 0.02 13 2020-07-28
748 037B6C60 0.02 1 2019-08-22
749 chaz@chaz6.com 0.02 1 2023-10-28
750 bc1q8jtc0jnvwxw5h4724v04xc3hvnq28s8wme2686 <tor AT grey dot pw> 0.02 1 2022-11-28
751 tor dot relay dot edc /at/ danwin1210 dot de 0.02 4 2021-03-19
752 fos-admin snokado@gmx.de 0.02 1 2024-01-22
753 EF201A39 <nat@makarevitch.org> 0.02 1 2021-08-21
754 TNinja <abuse-team at tor dot ninja> 0.02 3 2024-06-03
755 hviv.nl 0.02 14 2018-04-27
756 0FAD8CE4 0.02 2 2024-03-19
757 AntsySeptum@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-11-05
758 097D8390 0.02 2 2022-01-23
759 katze@kunfoo.org 0.02 1 2022-02-23
760 vlad at vlads dot me 0.02 2 2019-02-18
761 tor102 <tor102 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.02 4 2023-03-15
762 SuomiLLC AtT proton DOtT me 0.02 1 2024-07-10
763 <tor-relay@ceskar.xyz> s7xwcb5vpszox5a —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–mQGNB 0.02 1 2024-11-30
764 voxbox-tor at protonmail dot com 0.02 1 2021-11-04
765 482677A4 0.02 1 2024-11-05
766 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-08-17
767 tor@schweren.dev 0.02 1 2024-01-22
768 <tor@blicky.net> 0.02 1 2019-02-18
769 Cryptobot7 <cryptobot7 AT protonmail dot com> 0.02 1 2023-08-08
770 0C9B3C68 0.02 1 2013-10-21
771 JustChomik@proton.me 0.02 1 2023-11-08
772 176EC378 0.02 1 2024-07-27
773 isodiapher /at/ movim / eu xmpp ad9c85ac 5aded378 8fee0468 6680e323 3d3bc641 0.02 1 2023-03-25
774 1F322949 0.02 2 2022-03-04
775 1FCCC3FB 0.02 4 2024-03-05
776 12961130 0.02 2 2022-04-18
777 1324B4C0 0.02 1 2024-11-27
778 <gigi.marian.kent@gmail.com> 0.02 2 2023-11-20
779 19B2AB23 0.02 1 2024-09-12
780 skirtsandcats@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-06-25
781 freeasinbeer@techie.com 0.02 1 2024-07-15
782 264E8CA3 0.02 1 2022-03-14
783 2062C6FE 0.02 2 2021-09-05
784 <tamanegi AT rainside dot sk> 0.02 1 2019-02-18
785 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.02 3 2024-01-21
786 cpgs2v97c@mozmail.com 0.02 1 2024-04-25
787 katerinazamurieva1996964j3cy@mail.ua 0.02 1 2024-11-20
788 email:sysop openinternet.io offlinemasterkey:y ciissversion:2 0.02 2 2019-02-18
789 tor@dnet.ovh 0.02 1 2019-02-18
790 <tor at snehankekre dot com> 0.02 2 2021-12-14
791 Tor P. <torp ARROBA sol 42 PUNTO com> 0.02 1 2023-06-03
792 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.02 1 2023-08-02
793 31B08B49 0.02 1 2024-09-29
794 31D270A3 0.02 1 2019-11-05
795 tor-node-admin@protonmail.com 0.02 1 2022-01-23
796 32ED1B55 0.02 2 2021-03-19
797 io-tor@twormtwo.com 0.02 2 2024-07-17
798 234B06E4 0.02 3 2022-04-13
799 235A96D6 0.02 1 2021-07-07
800 Steven Murdoch <ephemer-tor-admin@cl.cam.ac.uk> 0.02 2 2019-02-18
801 24C312C6 0.02 1 2021-01-08
802 Clara <3 <clara at zergflag dot fr> 0.02 2 2024-01-22
803 Ka0a <kAl3id0sc0p3@proton.me> 0.02 1 2022-11-09
804 Kion Ma <kionma AT proton dot me> 0.02 2 2024-11-03
805 42BF33B3 0.02 1 2020-12-29
806 436F432D 0.02 1 2024-11-18
807 3A829FC1 0.02 2 2024-02-18
808 contact@plop.ovh 0.02 2 2024-01-22
809 Sidju <tor AT sidju dot se> 0.02 1 2022-12-19
810 44FB31D0 0.02 1 2021-07-27
811 463A4B44 0.02 2 2022-08-21
812 NoxDaFox nox32 at hotmail dot com 0.02 1 2021-02-17
813 kszczot.pl 0.02 3 2024-11-01
814 hacksax-osald.0c at icloud.com 0.02 1 2023-01-28
815 3FB88013 0.02 2 2024-01-28
816 gooserider42 at proton dot me 0.02 2 2022-08-01
817 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0.02 4 2024-01-22
818 4E632D84 0.02 1 2024-01-22
819 5h098y32 at duck . com 0.02 1 2023-06-21
820 < pokefamily AT tutanota dot com> 0.02 2 2022-03-04
821 @zandermeer 0.02 1 2024-04-01
822 7D06BF2C 0.02 1 2024-01-29
823 Bihurst relay <bihurstrelay dot photo825 AT passinbox dot com> 0.02 1 2024-03-11
824 54EE5C1E 0.02 1 2022-10-30
825 5746FE4B 0.02 1 2024-01-22
826 tor 1 AT online DOT de 0.02 1 2020-01-14
827 5B987FF9 0.02 1 2024-08-25
828 Moni-Tor <cmVsYXktb3BlcmF0b3JAYXNjaWlhbmRodXRjaC5iZQ==> 0.02 2 2021-10-05
829 nospam@gmail.com 0.02 1 2024-03-23
830 athalis.de 0.02 1 2020-10-30
831 CryingOnion-relay@protonmail.com 0.02 1 2020-10-10
832 5DC40F53 0.02 1 2019-02-18
833 5DCCC86A 0.02 1 2024-12-02
834 iraqizachy@privatemail.com 0.02 3 2024-06-10
835 82798874 0.02 1 2024-03-28
836 postmaster@yolovision-inc.com 0.02 1 2024-01-21
837 614656D1 0.02 1 2022-05-23
838 itzdr4v3n@gmail.com 0.02 1 2024-09-25
839 donrichys@riseup.net 0.02 1 2023-05-06
840 Random Person <pitime2038 AT gmail dot com> 0.02 1 2024-04-17
841 tor101 <tor101 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.02 4 2024-01-22
842 67CDF7A4 0.02 1 2019-02-18
843 ltvln8854 at protonmail.com 0.02 1 2024-11-15
844 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.02 1 2024-09-29
845 relay@nols.computer 0.02 2 2024-11-30
846 John 0.02 1 2022-01-13
847 gutter.duckdns.org 0.02 4 2023-02-07
848 6D6B24A5 0.02 1 2024-11-20
849 6DB10460 0.02 1 2022-10-20
850 0x4F8ACED4 Marcel Menzel <mail@typhoon31.de> 0.02 2 2019-02-18
851 torrelaysaregreat@gmail.com xmr:84czj1u2Q4dJ7bzf41TyDFS1i1GPKX5DQGgqZFg85LFge7LL 0.02 1 2024-09-17
852 7009E23E 0.02 1 2024-07-26
853 tor@eti-net.de 0.02 1 2024-02-09
854 72270EB5 0.02 1 2019-02-18
855 idontcheckmyemailanyways 0.02 1 2024-01-22
856 73A32BE0 0.02 1 2021-03-09
857 644A1E27 0.02 1 2024-11-20
858 FollowMyWay@mail.ru 0.02 1 2024-06-26
859 <agrialimasmeni@riseup.net> 0.02 1 2019-02-18
860 7913C398 0.02 1 2024-10-14
861 none 0.02 1 2024-01-22
862 trinity.fr.eu.org 0.02 1 2020-06-12
863 squarebrain–@cocaine–.ninja– 0.02 2 2024-03-16
864 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.02 1 2024-10-21
865 bosslike589 at gmail dot com 0.02 1 2022-12-29
866 929AD846 0.02 1 2024-01-25
867 community.torproject.grief119@passmail.net 0.02 1 2024-08-16
868 umnacquitypowa@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-02-06
869 kai.sx 0.02 2 2019-02-18
870 chinquapin single underscore no spaces kype aatt simplelogin com 0.02 1 2020-09-30
871 876C7CE4 0.02 1 2019-02-18
872 javier.a javi5@gmx.com 0.02 1 2024-01-22
873 avaet1iriejai9duv6aj at gmail dot com tor-relay.co 0.02 2 2019-09-06
874 Leader <leader AT free-hack dot com> 0.02 1 2021-10-05
875 precambrien <precambrien AT cestcool dot net> 0.02 1 2022-06-02
876 8EED46FF 0.02 2 2024-03-19
877 chimagamer01@gmail.com 0.02 2 2024-12-01
878 <ben tor at graef . in> 0.02 1 2019-02-18
879 tankf33der@disroot.org 0.02 1 2024-04-15
880 x12413@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-10-13
881 B34D07BF 0.02 1 2020-12-09
882 atomcats dot tor dot relay at gmail dot com tor-relay.co 0.02 1 2019-02-18
883 9B5B3B5B 0.02 1 2020-09-10
884 9CCC3E2B 0.02 1 2023-02-07
885 tor@garrenhax.se 0.02 1 2020-02-13
886 elude acid850@simplelogin.com 0.02 1 2024-10-22
887 pokherchip@mail.com 0.02 1 2024-11-04
888 0x5c3732f4942cffc4 Roland van Ipenburg <ipenburg@xs4all.nl> 0.02 1 2019-12-05
889 My Tor Node <mytornode@xn–y9a.net> 0.02 1 2022-05-03
890 antiglowiemachine9000@proton.me 0.02 1 2024-02-18
891 AB62ED1A 0.02 1 2023-03-03
892 noc =at= schokomil.ch 0.02 1 2019-02-18
893 BD59E773 0.02 1 2024-11-11
894 your@e-mail 0.02 1 2024-09-26
895 tor@operapia.org 0.02 1 2024-01-22
896 ADC19D08 0.02 1 2024-05-14
897 AE4EB5F6 0.02 1 2024-01-21
898 <thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5DC0FC325CB2D9CEDCC0454E6BC832A> 0.02 3 2024-08-17
899 tor-exit at ewigschlau dot de tor-relay.co 0.02 1 2020-07-02
900 cookieandtea@cocaine.ninja 0.02 1 2024-10-30
901 <roger fillipo> rodger.fillipo@mail.com 0.02 1 2019-02-18
902 m4j843@gmail.com 0.02 1 2024-02-16
903 C0C8864A 0.02 2 2022-05-23
904 tor relay.7razv@aleeas.com 0.02 1 2024-07-21
905 tor-relay@vaw-valentin.de 0.02 1 2024-10-12
906 bftorirelay@gmail.com 0.02 1 2024-01-22
907 C3389AB2 0.02 1 2023-05-12
908 machinepfftround4 at protonmail dot com 0.02 1 2024-06-09
909 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 0.02 1 2023-08-02
910 rotor-tor@pm.me 0.02 1 2024-05-05
911 TheStaticTurtle <tor-relay@thestaticturtle.fr> 0.02 1 2020-01-24
912 tor at txwx.de 0.02 1 2019-02-18
913 <thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5DC0FC325CB2D9CEDCC0454E6BC832A> 0.02 1 2024-12-05
914 C89976F4 0.02 1 2023-03-09
915 Tessier-Ashpool-Tech-Support protonmail com 0.02 1 2020-12-09
916 cleshawnlamontegue@gmail.com 0.02 1 2024-07-13
917 CD8A6568 0.02 2 2024-01-21
918 sere04versed@icloud.com 0.02 1 2024-01-22
919 CF70F884 0.02 1 2024-11-18
920 Decio <decio@decio.eu> 0.02 1 2019-02-18
921 email:foxwells riseup.net 0.02 1 2022-09-10
922 no@spam.org 0.02 1 2023-06-21
923 torrelay@lilmixture.com—bc1qgzysvt8emfmspykmft3dfgcwx45t7yr8cua4l—82zyVVH5yV 0.02 1 2024-05-17
924 Admin <causes.beretta0c@icloud.com> 0.02 1 2024-06-16
925 DAABB04E 0.02 1 2024-01-22
926 CFE937F5 0.02 1 2019-03-30
927 dmitri @bk.ru 0.02 1 2024-03-01
928 <tor-relay@ceskar.xyz> s7xwcb5vpszox5a —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK—–mQGNB 0.02 1 2024-11-30
929 E9BE2D99 0.02 1 2024-11-11
930 EA9E042A 0.02 1 2024-01-21
931 torrelay at vonkuenheim dot de 0.02 1 2019-03-20
932 tor at praseodyme dot net 0.02 1 2021-01-18
933 F2F8309E 0.02 1 2021-09-25
934 F4650430 0.02 1 2024-11-20
935 Jan Weiher <jan buksy de> 0.02 1 2019-02-18
936 cyberbits.eu 0.02 1 2020-07-22
937 email:torproxy protonmail.com proof:uri-rsa abuse:torproxy protonmail.com dnsl 0.02 1 2019-02-18
938 tor@53c70r.de 0.02 1 2020-12-19
939 nicetrynono@gmail.com 0.02 1 2022-01-13
940 VanillaIceCream Admin <VanillaIceCream.Admin@format.ovh> 0.02 1 2024-10-25
941 torproject.org.masculine802@passmail.net 0.02 1 2024-08-27
942 <r.adnanbabar@gmail.com> 0.02 1 2024-01-22
943 einSehrNetterHoster 0.02 1 2022-01-13
944 Nicholas Merrill <nick AT calyx dot com> BTC - 14wntQ8cBdnhUVfYmDjXz6PbpSSX8nCtk 0.01 16 2013-11-12
945 0017A473 0.01 1 2024-10-11
946 emeraldonion.org 0.01 40 2024-07-20
947 athenarelay at protonmail dot com 0.01 5 2019-07-05
948 servicetor@nexticom.net 0.01 1 2019-11-22
949 www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 0.01 9 2015-05-22
950 potlatch protonmail com 0.01 6 2019-02-18
951 dhnet.torcontact@gmail.com 0.01 3 2022-09-09
952 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0.01 3 2016-10-24
953 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2024-10-21
954 055AB95A 0.01 2 2023-10-01
955 unredacted.org 0.01 22 2021-11-07
956 114F5CD2 0.01 1 2024-06-17
957 11729833 0.01 1 2023-03-09
958 Random Person <my-tor-jitsi AT laryllian dot de> 0.01 1 2022-03-02
959 030B59F0 0.01 1 2023-09-17
960 02264CEE 0.01 1 2024-03-11
961 024A48D0 0.01 1 2023-12-19
962 0258BDAE 0.01 1 2021-05-24
963 tor-relay-admin@carlos1001.com 0.01 4 2021-05-18
964 tor@theyosh.nl 0.01 1 2014-04-21
965 06B0DAAF 0.01 3 2024-03-11
966 0xFFFFFFFF 0.01 1 2024-10-08
967 shampoo direness866@8alias.com 0.01 1 2024-06-12
968 FreeExitProvider at protonmail dot com tor-relay.co 0.01 8 2021-08-26
969 freeflow02.38er5 at slmail dot me xmr:87f14mUNt9EFjgRf2XapivQvti529nDVoGyuira8K 0.01 1 2023-01-09
970 4096R/1EC9B6F7 baloonasTORrelay <baloona at baloona dot de> 0.01 1 2021-01-30
971 Random Person <nobody AT example dot com> 0.01 1 2024-02-06
972 u1dnzv4kq@mozmail.com 0.01 1 2024-03-05
973 ps-tor-operators at listen.informatik.kit.edu 0.01 1 2023-08-02
974 marshtrutizator <nobody@nowhere.com> 0.01 1 2024-09-22
975 Random Person <nodeemail at protonmail dot com> 0.01 1 2019-12-15
976 2CDB2985 0.01 1 2024-01-22
977 2CFFDEAE 0.01 2 2021-10-25
978 Alessandro Greco <alessandro DOT greco DOT 1 AT protonmail DOT com> 0.01 1 2024-02-02
979 tor at example dot org 0.01 1 2023-06-17
980 Nickolai Zeldovich <nickolai AT csail dot mit dot edu> 0.01 2 2024-05-01
981 0DB4B91C 0.01 1 2022-10-28
982 0E20E3BF 0.01 1 2023-09-13
983 mentor@palokaj.co 0.01 7 2023-03-22
984 santa@claws.com 0.01 1 2023-10-31
985 16D50447 0.01 2 2024-01-21
986 apps-at-name-of-relay-dot-be 0.01 3 2021-05-28
987 17B40C59 0.01 1 2024-05-07
988 <fake34857 AT sofort-start dot de> 0.01 2 2019-02-18
989 1E621629 0.01 1 2024-04-11
990 12CF84D3 0.01 1 2015-08-04
991 FlashTor at e.mail DOT de 0.01 4 2019-02-18
992 J Stark <jstark1809 AT keemail dot me> 0.01 2 2021-11-30
993 Admin <tor.uncharted624@passmail.net> 0.01 1 2024-06-24
994 bundesgebaermutter.ddnss.eu 0.01 1 2016-08-09
995 2DFCA202 0.01 1 2022-06-02
996 jfghjgsdjghdsjgf@jabber.ccc.de 0.01 1 2022-10-10
997 torrc 0.01 1 2024-03-19
998 Fractalia <fractalia at protonmail dot com> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
999 none 0.01 2 2024-08-29
1000 1BD6462B 0.01 1 2022-03-04
1001 toroperator1776@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2019-03-20
1002 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.01 1 2024-11-03
1003 1CC7363E 0.01 2 2024-01-22
1004 1CD86E55 0.01 1 2024-02-19
1005 arpsel.ws 0.01 1 2023-06-21
1006 Random Person nelleprepared@yogirt.com 0.01 1 2024-03-16
1007 mikael datanerd.se 0.01 9 2024-12-07
1008 26CE0AE5 0.01 1 2024-01-31
1009 zzif <nospam AT zzif dot net> 0.01 1 2024-11-24
1010 Mr. Leviathan < tor-relay @ lvthn D.O.T win > 0.01 3 2022-04-23
1011 205312D3 0.01 1 2024-09-05
1012 saptak013@gmail.com 0.01 1 2020-09-20
1013 221F035A 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1014 223CE391 0.01 1 2024-04-14
1015 ziplock <ziplock@riseup.net> 0.01 1 2024-06-05
1016 Henry Dorsett Case 0.01 1 2024-11-14
1017 tor@pqpera.xyz 0.01 1 2024-11-29
1018 316DE45E 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1019 4716@ro.ru 0.01 1 2024-09-18
1020 Alexander <k9u4qCLrTa at protonmail dot com> 0.01 1 2021-12-14
1021 32742AD5 0.01 1 2022-06-12
1022 email:spambox bahnhof.se 0.01 1 2020-04-03
1023 Tor Administrator <tor at-sign downtimepatrol.com> 0.01 1 2020-08-11
1024 hey 0.01 1 2022-03-14
1025 3443772C 0.01 1 2023-02-07
1026 tor107 <tor107 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.01 4 2024-01-22
1027 elude acid850@simplelogin.com 0.01 1 2024-10-16
1028 23BAB4A9 0.01 1 2022-04-03
1029 24523E7B 0.01 2 2021-03-29
1030 PRQ Hosting <info AT prq dot se> 0.01 9 2024-10-20
1031 uralta a protonmail punto ch 0.01 1 2022-07-12
1032 liara.rviin@slmail.me 0.01 1 2024-11-16
1033 254C0A96 0.01 1 2022-08-11
1034 nextgenpriv at pm . me 0.01 3 2022-08-21
1035 432D9C81 0.01 1 2021-09-05
1036 breakingbread0@proton.me 0.01 1 2024-04-01
1037 ReplaceIwithY <tor AT cIberkommando d0t de> 0.01 1 2020-04-03
1038 Dr Andy Hill <support AT drandyhill dot co dot uk> 0.01 3 2024-01-21
1039 39B521C5 0.01 1 2024-02-16
1040 0xBDE438068A2BD353 postmaster@shh.sh 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1041 syrian-elephant at syrian-elephant 0.01 1 2024-06-24
1042 0xD2070CB6 admin<at>ajanvier<dot>fr 0.01 1 2019-03-10
1043 3B1A05FF 0.01 1 2021-12-04
1044 Person of good will <nobody - example com for now > 0.01 1 2024-02-01
1045 4BDBCEA3 0.01 1 2024-12-02
1046 k8r <tor@trollbox.org> 0.01 2 2023-02-27
1047 vollborn@quantentunnel.de 0.01 1 2023-03-15
1048 Martin Kroell <martin at kroell dot net> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1049 451F5F14 0.01 3 2024-03-18
1050 45418A62 0.01 1 2023-02-25
1051 466058DF 0.01 1 2021-04-18
1052 damienjamesh at yahoo dot com 0.01 1 2020-07-12
1053 0xE12ECD2E Nicola Ferralis <feranick AT hotmail dot com> 0.01 2 2019-02-18
1054 laser chef proton me 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1055 your@e-mail 0.01 1 2023-02-23
1056 nsa special projects directorate 0.01 5 2020-09-20
1057 Admin <mirror-admin AT nycbug DOT org> 0.01 2 2019-02-18
1058 kleft <kleft AT riseup dot net> 0.01 1 2024-03-03
1059 tor106 <tor106 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.01 4 2024-01-22
1060 408C9D2F 0.01 1 2021-05-18
1061 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 1 2024-07-12
1062 never/been/caught/@/proton/me 0.01 1 2024-04-30
1063 papakirelay AT proton DOT me 0.01 1 2024-05-04
1064 Party Horse <partyhorse UNDERSCORE tor at proton dot ME> 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1065 I S <tor AT t01 DOT s-ix DOT net> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1066 kinitor@espiv.net 0.01 3 2022-11-09
1067 Cedric <chutney dot tor AT gmx dot com> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1068 cloudrocket <tor AT cloudrocket dot at> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1069 55A3EE1D 0.01 1 2024-08-14
1070 aaston@martin.car 0.01 1 2024-02-01
1071 this it guy@outlook.com 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1072 57D0B5A2 0.01 1 2023-04-08
1073 Contact: Brian Penrose <penr0se@openmail.cc> - 8397 C079 68CD 6455 ECBD 4F85 0A0 0.01 1 2019-06-28
1074 mRtjR4JX6pgJ@protonmail.ch 0.01 1 2022-03-24
1075 5471EB05 0.01 1 2024-06-26
1076 hawk at swiss-enigma dot ch 0.01 1 2022-09-20
1077 underw00d72@mail.com 0.01 3 2022-04-23
1078 5CA88249 0.01 1 2023-03-11
1079 <tor-operator AT dafabhoid DOT de> 0.01 1 2020-12-09
1080 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.01 1 2024-07-19
1081 0xFFFFFFFF Playstar Network <info AT playstar DOT se> 0.01 1 2020-05-23
1082 597C985B 0.01 1 2024-07-20
1083 5AF1D601 0.01 1 2023-06-07
1084 81B8222C 0.01 2 2022-06-02
1085 jakob AT ybals DOT de 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1086 81E8A4F5 0.01 1 2024-11-04
1087 825A21F2 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1088 8330C8C5 0.01 1 2022-03-24
1089 naphthalin quietgarden.net 0.01 2 2022-10-20
1090 8404E8B8 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1091 Wytchwulf tor.unblock472@passinbox.com 0.01 1 2024-10-19
1092 62A123B8 0.01 1 2024-08-20
1093 x1005 AT protonmail.com - 19WuqebhqrywBXy9J7EGU8qoZ8Z5r2fxyu 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1094 678CB598 0.01 1 2024-04-19
1095 68CB49DE 0.01 1 2023-03-05
1096 68EDAD6E 0.01 1 2023-06-21
1097 6A6F6DDA 0.01 1 2021-01-08
1098 abaya@posteo.eu 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1099 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.01 1 2024-06-07
1100 <sinstranger@proton.me> 0.01 1 2024-11-20
1101 6CB2C00C 0.01 1 2023-02-07
1102 vstor@foldr.org 0.01 1 2022-10-30
1103 admin@mnlab.xyz 0.01 1 2021-12-24
1104 6DA6D574 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1105 6DB330B9 0.01 1 2024-07-06
1106 6E402A41 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1107 torrelay@brave.com 0.01 6 2019-02-18
1108 6F5B271B 0.01 1 2024-04-04
1109 alex@dumbfucks.se 0.01 1 2024-01-24
1110 6F708D57 0.01 1 2022-12-09
1111 6F95E6C5 0.01 3 2022-03-14
1112 720DCBD0 0.01 1 2024-01-30
1113 Thiesi <1thiesi23tor4@5gmail6.7com8> strip all numbers from the email address 0.01 2 2022-01-03
1114 Ragga Muffin <contact AT raggamuffin dot org> 0.01 1 2022-05-23
1115 75C0B7A2 0.01 1 2024-08-24
1116 0x602D14C5 tor at rittersporn dot net 0.01 1 2024-04-21
1117 < roswell a ufoencounter - site > 0.01 1 2024-11-04
1118 T0rNode555Nose koq@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2021-09-05
1119 abuse@spnet.net 0.01 1 2023-01-18
1120 77DAF63E 0.01 1 2024-10-28
1121 gorlock@gmx.net 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1122 648mnd4yg@mozmail.com 0.01 1 2024-09-08
1123 AhFei <tor@vfly2.com> 0.01 1 2023-07-19
1124 <tor AT busybear DOT se> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1125 0xDED852F26C8BDAFF Ryan Omasta <contact AT ryand dot ca> 0.01 2 2024-11-11
1126 foregroundhill@pm.me 0.01 1 2024-11-25
1127 91394645 0.01 1 2024-03-26
1128 mail@no-mail.gov 0.01 1 2023-03-31
1129 swordsman @ satoshi 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1130 85D141F0 0.01 1 2023-03-11
1131 letsdoit <letsdoit@gmx-topmail.de> 0.01 3 2021-03-19
1132 forester@ro.ru 0.01 1 2024-08-07
1133 shakita@mailfence.com 0.01 2 2022-01-23
1134 ZenGarden369@gmail.com 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1135 tor-admin <tor@mnesys.org> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1136 your@e-mail.com 0.01 1 2024-02-20
1137 889944F5 0.01 1 2020-11-29
1138 89999C2F 0.01 1 2023-03-09
1139 8A169EB2 0.01 1 2021-09-15
1140 privat at pato dot ch 0.01 1 2022-03-14
1141 peterschwegert at proton.me 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1142 ambroisia <ambroisia@protonmail.com> 0.01 1 2024-03-04
1143 arma56ko9 /at/ proton /./ me 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1144 97346BB5 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1145 CapitainZR@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2022-03-14
1146 Random Person <adi3mus AT protonmail dot com> 0.01 1 2024-10-27
1147 torkowo3@testowo.pl 0.01 1 2024-11-25
1148 mb-server <tor AT mb-server dot com> 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1149 Random Person <tor AT conti dash usa dot net> 0.01 1 2020-12-19
1150 Admin <root AT darkness dot su> 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1151 metor at taledo dot games tor-relay.co 0.01 1 2022-03-04
1152 950E02DB 0.01 2 2022-08-11
1153 your@e-mail 0.01 1 2024-11-04
1154 Xidorn Quan <tor-relay at upsuper org> 0.01 1 2019-02-28
1155 96BB4413 0.01 1 2024-08-07
1156 oymyakon.overvalue938@passinbox.com 0.01 1 2024-09-16
1157 B0F17A56 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1158 platayoro proton me 0.01 3 2023-02-25
1159 B2FC8F2D 0.01 1 2024-08-24
1160 yaraksan <ZmF0YWwtZnVycnkubmVwaGV3NDEyQHBhc3NpbmJveC5jb20=> base64 encoded mail 0.01 1 2024-07-09
1161 your@email.com 0.01 1 2024-06-30
1162 9BA1289C 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1163 EMTY <emty.pro AT proton> 0.01 1 2024-09-20
1164 9E41ED91 0.01 1 2024-01-19
1165 Ns27bdd25e@ro.ru 0.01 1 2024-08-29
1166 valley.cedar1012@eagereverest.com 0.01 1 2024-08-14
1167 A09CCE6A 0.01 1 2024-04-07
1168 Admin <admin AT tor-relay dot io> 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1169 A194375B 0.01 1 2024-08-20
1170 A1A29241 0.01 1 2020-11-19
1171 dusty dustin.tello@privatemail.com 0.01 1 2024-07-22
1172 tor@daishan.se 0.01 1 2024-07-04
1173 A33A5C70 0.01 1 2024-09-27
1174 0xF1ADC390 Random Tor Node Operator <tor at unterderbruecke dot de> 0.01 1 2023-02-17
1175 torproject.qj5i9@slmail.me 0.01 1 2024-03-01
1176 B5E973C4 0.01 1 2024-07-17
1177 xjfkytxy@duck.com 0.01 1 2023-03-21
1178 groundmark108@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2024-11-26
1179 <tor@softwareloft.de> 0.01 1 2021-08-26
1180 B7DB49B4 0.01 1 2022-07-12
1181 nx42.de 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1182 4096R/1567BC0F Jesus Cea <jcea@jcea.es> 0.01 1 2020-01-24
1183 0x641814BB9C9F44AE tor@nicolasmueller.eu 0.01 1 2020-04-23
1184 0xFFFFFFFF Playstar Network <info AT playstar DOT se> 0.01 1 2022-02-22
1185 AC48C1D7 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1186 Ali Gatorr <Ali DOT Gatorr AT free DOT fr> 0.01 1 2020-04-23
1187 D5597B37 0.01 1 2022-12-29
1188 D58ABC85 0.01 1 2022-06-02
1189 D5A2B3AE 0.01 1 2019-04-29
1190 alien@soylentgreen.eatzz 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1191 D6EDD332 0.01 1 2022-04-13
1192 BDD003B8 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1193 BE1114D1 0.01 1 2022-08-11
1194 public-tor at foxxiepants.net 0.01 1 2022-01-03
1195 Dan < xiaoqic at cs dot princeton dot edu > 0.01 1 2024-11-08
1196 lmtlabs.com 0.01 1 2024-02-09
1197 ADEC41CA 0.01 1 2024-07-31
1198 nah 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1199 konrad.teofil@interia.pl 0.01 1 2024-10-03
1200 BB6E1A7A 0.01 1 2021-06-17
1201 BBD1B1A2 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1202 C554EB32 0.01 1 2024-06-26
1203 jp-relays@proton.me 0.01 1 2024-11-19
1204 A8F9764C rubefeli <"relay nickname" AT pm.me> 0.01 1 2022-12-29
1205 testing2@testowo.pl 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1206 Web Master <tor AT torieshavefuckedthe dot uk> 0.01 1 2024-03-02
1207 planetpower AT earthmate DOT to 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1208 C37F87C0 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1209 C42C51EF 0.01 1 2023-05-16
1210 plasmatrap.com 0.01 1 2020-09-10
1211 www.habedieeh.re 0.01 1 2022-12-29
1212 AsylantenCeo <torproject@asyloperations.xyz> 0.01 1 2024-06-02
1213 C75A9693 0.01 1 2024-06-03
1214 DC8E26DB 0.01 1 2023-03-23
1215 DCC6F8CE 0.01 1 2024-02-15
1216 DDCB061A 0.01 1 2024-06-26
1217 DE35BB3C 0.01 1 2023-03-11
1218 manasiwibi.com 0.01 1 2021-10-15
1219 Tor-Team <tor at xcv d0t vc> 0.01 1 2019-02-28
1220 E036313A 0.01 1 2024-06-27
1221 <thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5DC0FC325CB2D9CEDCC0454E6BC832A> 0.01 1 2024-12-05
1222 chapman.shoop@riseup.net 0.01 1 2022-08-31
1223 CA037B9E 0.01 1 2024-10-04
1224 CC81D47E 0.01 1 2024-06-19
1225 bigsnoozefestATprotonDOTme 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1226 5h098y32 at duck . com 0.01 1 2024-02-04
1227 CD5CF125 0.01 1 2019-06-28
1228 tor at plasmanetworks dot net 0.01 2 2021-04-28
1229 E4C12BFB 0.01 1 2022-07-12
1230 John Doe <webmaster aT krypta d0t net> 0.01 1 2021-02-07
1231 phantomwave at protonmail dot com 0.01 1 2021-06-27
1232 E7F8F3DC 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1233 D8514224 0.01 1 2024-04-16
1234 D93A701C 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1235 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.01 1 2024-02-05
1236 D04EAF44 0.01 1 2022-08-11
1237 tor@denkena-consulting.com 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1238 D11A3C11 0.01 1 2022-03-14
1239 hydra@cock.lu 0.01 1 2024-02-04
1240 jjaytehjetplane@gmail.com 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1241 Aramis@ro.ru 0.01 1 2024-07-29
1242 Szabo Alexandru-Mihai <tor AT cyberdojotm DOT ro> 0.01 1 2024-02-27
1243 lqwer@isapunk.com 0.01 1 2024-01-31
1244 g30g43br4 at protonmail.com 0.01 1 2024-02-17
1245 E08166EE 0.01 1 2022-11-29
1246 E0D22F3B 0.01 1 2022-07-22
1247 valley.cedar1012@eagereverest.com 0.01 1 2024-08-14
1248 tor contact <tor0218@linuxw.info> 0.01 1 2020-06-22
1249 aestetium@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2023-04-06
1250 Patrich Stanley Nerdalert78@privatemail.com 0.01 1 2024-05-31
1251 mapexcavator@proton.me 0.01 1 2024-01-29
1252 KORVERIK korv@anderstorpsfestivalen.se 0.01 1 2022-01-13
1253 Arbel Arad <arbel@spacetime.technology> 0.01 1 2024-03-09
1254 anon 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1255 <samthatmail AT tutanota com > 0.01 1 2024-09-27
1256 JennyBreder2003@protonmail.com 0.01 1 2019-10-26
1257 F05114B2 0.01 1 2023-04-02
1258 tortech123456 <tortech123456 at protonmail com> 0.01 1 2022-12-19
1259 Frank Exchange of Views <f.e.o.v AT pm dot me> 0.01 1 2019-07-18
1260 torrelaysaregreat@gmail.com xmr:84czj1u2Q4dJ7bzf41TyDFS1i1GPKX5DQGgqZFg85LFge7LL 0.01 1 2024-10-05
1261 paulmataruso@dhitechnical.com 0.01 1 2021-02-27
1262 FA7136FD 0.01 1 2024-01-21
1263 oneup1@gmail.com 0.01 1 2024-04-09
1264 FE857C30 0.01 1 2019-04-09
1265 FF06E7A0 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1266 4b02f3f8327468277442dd4765d8494b5f453a64 Admin <admin AT arviceblot dot com> 0.01 1 2021-06-27
1267 email:privacyboys@tutanota.com hoster:atomicnetworks cost:64USD donationurl:http 0 4 2023-07-08
1268 csheats@tutanota.com 0 3 2022-10-25
1269 fakeblackhatter @ proton.me 0 2 2024-01-12
1270 Effi.org <tor AT effi dot org> 0 2 2018-11-13
1271 00D2CE3C 0 1 2022-05-27
1272 00EB7CA4 0 1 2024-06-26
1273 contact@cypher.re 0 1 2024-11-17
1274 InternetFreedomTeam <node.operators AT protonmail dot ch> 0 1 2022-10-10
1275 unnerve0909@proton.me 0 1 2023-12-14
1276 nullvoid.me 0 2 2017-10-29
1277 01D28453 0 1 2024-04-03
1278 pastly 0 1 2020-07-07
1279 z9kx21zk855s@protonmail.com 0 2 2023-06-13
1280 1free as a bird1@proton.me 0 1 2024-11-12
1281 yosu AT riseup.net 0 1 2018-06-18
1282 04DAB3B5 0 1 2022-10-26
1283 04DBE60E 0 1 2024-08-20
1284 accessnow.org <servers at accessnow dot org> 0 5 2017-12-08
1285 Objective Meninsky <bowrpgvirzravafxl@areqolangher.qr> 0 1 2024-11-03
1286 expertje88@hotmail.com 0 2 2024-05-22
1287 dodo.pm 0 3 2021-02-27
1288 10F8A0A6 0 1 2024-02-03
1289 tor@divided-by-zero.eu 0 1 2017-09-18
1290 <nobody AT example dot com> 0 1 2018-11-22
1291 cheese@cheese.com 0 1 2024-03-10
1292 Korrupt <richie AT zuviel dot org> 0 1 2022-08-05
1293 11FD2466 0 1 2023-03-09
1294 121FF0E5 0 1 2023-10-03
1295 1232C803 0 1 2024-07-02
1296 <developing ATT keemail dott me> 0 1 2021-05-26
1297 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0 8 2023-07-03
1298 legion.blender.1997 @ protonmail . com 0 1 2024-01-18
1299 022DEAAF 0 1 2024-07-22
1300 02654B8B 0 1 2022-02-28
1301 timetoreload@protonmail.com xmr:849QhLyrsd9ZVEin7WQMveij5adgcGreo3eSth1Zzq1V5sAu 0 1 2022-04-27
1302 tor at localhost dot lu 0 1 2015-06-12
1303 06392BF7 0 1 2024-10-06
1304 0645A80A 0 1 2022-05-06
1305 065AEEDF 0 1 2024-06-19
1306 06BC159D 0 1 2024-09-09
1307 reguralsize@proton.me 0 1 2024-05-19
1308 Mafra01 AT Safe-mail DOT net 0 1 2023-12-18
1309 06FA520E 0 1 2022-12-06
1310 Henrik Kramselund <hlk AT zencurity dot com> 0 2 2021-03-29
1311 0x4062D8BB8B0F9452 Thomas <thomas@biljettshop.se> 0 1 2017-01-27
1312 tersest 09 realms@icloud.com 0 1 2023-11-02
1313 0xABCDEF Jeff Backly 0 1 2015-02-23
1314 Osservatorio Nessuno ODV <exit@osservatorionessuno.org> 0 6 2018-12-21
1315 03CB58CC 0 1 2023-03-17
1316 04102613 0 1 2023-01-27
1317 The Dude 0 2 2019-11-22
1318 the xor account at fripost.org - wardrobe anontele relay 0 2 2023-10-22
1319 0x5eead6e4206b0ae9 James Kruth <james@kruth.org> 0 1 2016-10-02
1320 rufo <tor at rufoa dotcom> 0 1 2015-05-27
1321 0E947CA9 0 1 2024-05-13
1322 0EAAFDA0 0 1 2024-05-02
1323 0F03C4B8 0 1 2024-10-02
1324 <h2jzpeei2o AT 1007thecube.com> 0 1 2019-11-05
1325 torjockel@mailbox.org 0 1 2023-03-26
1326 0F71B014 0 1 2022-08-31
1327 0FCABB8C 0 1 2019-02-04
1328 halloanjedendenichkenne@gmail.com 0 1 2017-10-12
1329 Fruit9555 <l3j7u5bg AT anonaddy DOT me> 0 1 2023-11-20
1330 Svea Hosting <info@svea.net> 0 1 2020-07-28
1331 httpkiller @t web dot de 0 1 2023-07-04
1332 <DONTPANIC> <gmx.co.uk> 0 1 2023-12-02
1333 screamingpete@jollyfree.com 0 1 2024-06-18
1334 Contact <torrelay@kurzepost.de> 0 1 2022-02-07
1335 09B389B1 0 1 2024-10-04
1336 Random Person <tor-trouble AT boldandbusted dot com> 0 1 2008-10-06
1337 glenn@o2.pl 0 2 2022-01-03
1338 07tartar.sop@icloud.com 0 1 2018-01-21
1339 0ABC1EBF 0 1 2021-10-30
1340 Piero V <vogliadifarniente AT gmail dot com> 0 1 2021-04-12
1341 0AF3293D 0 1 2024-11-05
1342 0AFD832F 0 1 2024-03-13
1343 ; 0 1 2022-10-11
1344 0xFFFFFFFF Joe <ovhcontact.matrix415@passmail.net> 0 1 2024-10-14
1345 Ranlvor <tor-2024 AT starletp9 dot de> 0 1 2013-11-06
1346 0x18FFB9259E11C3BC69ABC8857E65272B32D3C971 f19.4jbg3@gmail.com 0 3 2024-01-22
1347 mikael datanerd.se 0 5 2024-10-19
1348 0BF171D0 0 1 2023-03-20
1349 email:Quetzalcoatl relays proton.me url:https://quetzalcoatl-relays.org proof:u 0 8 2024-08-29
1350 Random Person <thud erasure020@simplelogin.com> 0 1 2024-01-21
1351 2B6DE17E 0 1 2024-10-20
1352 turtlecute @ horsefucker . org 0 1 2022-12-09
1353 2BD1936E 0 1 2019-08-17
1354 2BE75399 0 1 2022-04-03
1355 unzane.com 0 1 2019-02-18
1356 youcansendmeanemail@t.complaints.7978atgmail.com 0 1 2022-11-09
1357 nobody <null@farfar.net> 0 1 2024-02-07
1358 2CE2DEE8 0 1 2019-02-18
1359 nezu <tor@nezu.cc> 0 1 2024-10-28
1360 0x3104709C support@aa.net.uk 0 1 2019-02-18
1361 eldernorn@gmail.com 0 1 2019-02-18
1362 47A9ADA8 0 1 2024-03-21
1363 tor-ba33b8c7@retrouvailles.ch 0 1 2024-01-22
1364 47D19F85 0 1 2022-07-12
1365 dtwst2@gmail.com 0 1 2022-08-01
1366 emeraldonion.org 0 1 2024-07-26
1367 482F359A 0 1 2020-12-29
1368 < asara AT devvul DOT com > 0 3 2022-09-30
1369 tor@zapner.anonaddy.com 0 1 2019-11-15
1370 yummycusard@proton.me 0 1 2022-09-30
1371 48B1BDAA 0 1 2022-05-13
1372 andr788k at airmail dot cc tor-relay.co 0 1 2021-02-17
1373 <hellguard3 at gmx.de> 0 1 2019-02-18
1374 dangdongdai@lortemail.dk 0 1 2024-01-22
1375 postmaster@km30701-02.keymachine.de 0 1 2024-10-07
1376 tor.sloppy693@aleeas.com 0 1 2023-10-31
1377 0C96F2BB 0 1 2024-08-27
1378 onkel-wurst@gmx.de 0 1 2021-09-27
1379 0CF2F07F 0 1 2022-08-05
1380 0D1FE076 0 1 2024-03-22
1381 <relay operatah AT proton mail dot com> 0 1 2024-11-23
1382 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-08-13
1383 0DD04EF0 0 1 2015-10-22
1384 relaytor at yahoo dot com 0 11 2021-11-04
1385 0E32EF31 0 1 2021-06-15
1386 15BF3EF1 0 1 2024-07-30
1387 163C07F4 0 1 2021-09-27
1388 steve@degga.net 8C78 85A0 3092 16F0 C403 DF2B 4AFE 11D8 9477 C19B 0 1 2023-07-09
1389 16D0620A 0 1 2022-04-03
1390 Kim Peters <petersko@mailbox.org> 0 1 2024-03-16
1391 obey at goawaycia dot nowhere 0 1 2024-01-22
1392 salmon at pm dot me 0 1 2024-01-21
1393 sunshinecowboy56 at protonmail.com 0 1 2024-11-11
1394 email me if you gotta u89b47 AT proton mail 0 2 2022-02-02
1395 tor-relay-001@schulte.org 0 1 2019-02-18
1396 358npyhXKrv834iyqtjHthudXRc5NjQcvm xmtx tor 0 1 2019-02-18
1397 Dr. Stephen Falken 0 1 2024-04-15
1398 xplato@pm.me 0 1 2024-06-08
1399 Random Person blobster@tuta.io 0 1 2022-10-20
1400 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0 1 2024-06-13
1401 blauskaerm@protonmail.ch 0 1 2020-08-01
1402 1E972A04 0 1 2024-06-30
1403 jets843@privatemail.com 0 6 2022-08-11
1404 hyperreal@moonshadow.dev 0 1 2024-09-08
1405 1FA37EC5 0 1 2024-11-02
1406 izella.blackford@freemailonline.us 0 1 2024-01-22
1407 my@e-mail.com 0 1 2024-10-11
1408 20179B14 0 1 2024-03-06
1409 Bartosz Waszak <waszi@httpx.pl> 0 1 2022-03-04
1410 me okr765 com 0 1 2022-11-29
1411 mg321@mailbox.org 0 1 2022-08-10
1412 peoplesliberation@proton.me 0 1 2023-07-06
1413 14B00A28 0 1 2024-05-12
1414 Pax Humana <paxhumana at protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-08-28
1415 15627B91 0 1 2024-03-22
1416 cpbtor@proton.me 0 1 2023-09-14
1417 15AE3D6B 0 2 2022-10-07
1418 seblonacs –>seblonacs AT protonmail DOT com< 0 1 2021-05-28
1419 2DAEF851 0 3 2024-09-24
1420 2E4BDDE1 0 1 2024-03-01
1421 noc@0x7c0.com 0 4 2024-07-26
1422 citadel@airmail.cc 0 1 2024-11-07
1423 accvio <accvio@gmx.net> 0 1 2020-07-02
1424 2EE7B018 0 1 2024-08-26
1425 NutNinja tornutninja at protonmail dot com 0 1 2022-08-21
1426 2F271015 0 1 2024-11-13
1427 2F645FDE 0 1 2024-08-20
1428 testing@testowo.pl 0 1 2022-11-19
1429 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-05-14
1430 0x022F0FF2CB0423427178334FBA3F9725266CDD10 Christopher Kerr <chris.kerr@mykolab. 0 1 2021-03-19
1431 3018498D 0 1 2024-05-11
1432 stubbornoxen at thewellinspired dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2020-07-02
1433 germancraft.net 0 1 2019-02-18
1434 18FFCE6F 0 1 2024-01-22
1435 1909BBDC 0 1 2024-06-07
1436 19173006 0 1 2020-12-29
1437 dave@tamasi.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1438 c0wb0y @ aol . com 0 1 2023-06-21
1439 lostmc1@mail.ru 0 1 2019-02-18
1440 1A087365 0 1 2020-06-22
1441 z@z.com 0 1 2024-10-14
1442 1A4BBA04 0 1 2024-08-04
1443 1A66C02A 0 1 2022-06-12
1444 slavy991 at protonmail.ch 0 1 2023-07-19
1445 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0 1 2024-06-13
1446 admin@grzb.de 0 1 2021-06-07
1447 1AD5D1AB 0 1 2024-07-02
1448 MAILTO peratoso DOT hice AT hopfen DOT space 0 1 2022-12-09
1449 1B0C838A 0 1 2024-03-19
1450 1B3E48D7 0 1 2019-02-18
1451 maniacal att&t jewwwwwdotws 0 1 2024-07-18
1452 tor-exit@mxmla.de 0 2 2024-11-06
1453 1BA53930 0 1 2024-09-11
1454 1C0F66CF 0 1 2024-01-22
1455 tor@mail.stvnrdg.me - bitcoin: 18a9RtQ4DteBNnyzQkqf38ba89Z82JEk2S 0 1 2024-01-29
1456 dexter@d3xt3r01.tk 0 1 2021-06-07
1457 tor2024@red-green.com 0 1 2024-12-03
1458 1D57E179 0 1 2024-03-12
1459 1D8ACC1F 0 1 2022-08-31
1460 floede@protonmail.com 0 1 2019-06-08
1461 1DE70504 0 1 2019-02-18
1462 257984B1 0 1 2024-04-29
1463 tor2407@aatebueli.ch 0 1 2023-08-08
1464 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-01-30
1465 265651B2 0 1 2024-08-31
1466 pflashpunk at protonmail.com 0 1 2024-07-08
1467 7be58bbb-2028-4549-923c-93325619a0f1@anonaddy.me 0 2 2024-11-10
1468 lamast-05.tycke@icloud.com 0 1 2022-08-31
1469 27132CE9 0 1 2024-02-23
1470 blas.harjaberhtaz outlook.com 0 1 2024-01-21
1471 support@free.de 0 1 2022-11-29
1472 pwcrack@pwcrack.com 0 5 2023-06-15
1473 2022BCB3 0 1 2019-02-18
1474 0xA90AFCF81406CC27 <sjk@dredel.com> 0 1 2019-02-18
1475 gleebear@proton.me 0 2 2022-12-09
1476 215E26D4 0 1 2024-08-04
1477 219BD3D1 0 1 2023-08-12
1478 21B38662 0 1 2024-03-15
1479 4096R/5C06D153 John Leach <john@johnleach.co.uk> 0 1 2019-02-18
1480 eyeman@posteo.ae 0 1 2019-02-18
1481 2258FE0E 0 1 2022-07-22
1482 relaynicknameAtl7ydotmedia 0 1 2024-10-10
1483 229B8F73 0 1 2024-06-24
1484 22E12A0E 0 1 2024-04-24
1485 tor-relay.fastquake@com swap characters 0 1 2019-02-18
1486 2322F9A6 0 1 2024-01-22
1487 3684B867 0 1 2024-01-31
1488 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-06-11
1489 le1025656haha102vvs210000bnmuiooop11x@protonmail.ch 0 1 2024-12-05
1490 Random Person <rasptorpipi AT members dot fsf dot org> 0 1 2019-02-18
1491 dontinterceptmebro.com 0 2 2019-02-18
1492 0x5AB387D3 Martin Kepplinger-Novakovic <martink@posteo.de> 0 1 2024-10-02
1493 imgoingbed at googles email service uplinkbw:100 trafficacct:unmetered ciissvers 0 2 2022-10-30
1494 no 0 2 2024-01-22
1495 torzpi222 AT gmail dot com 0 1 2023-05-08
1496 gut morgen@: chumli26 at mail , 0// 0 1 2022-09-20
1497 stackTrace <stack Trace admin AT proton DOT me> 0 1 2024-04-26
1498 38580179 0 1 2024-01-22
1499 393D39B4 0 1 2024-01-22
1500 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0 8 2021-06-17
1501 tor@jjays.org 0 1 2023-08-12
1502 0x8acbab2d00b6adef81416beaf815d5cd87d25b75 Likogan admin at likogan dot dev 0 1 2024-01-22
1503 0xD5792C4C8C6F8DE8377949D1F48380B2EC8F9449 Tor Operator <tor@teaparty.net> 0 1 2019-02-18
1504 2A800EC6 0 1 2024-08-25
1505 mega.avish@deecie.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1506 2AF74AFE 0 1 2024-09-06
1507 cris.sanders22@protonmail.com 0 1 2019-02-18
1508 2B34099E 0 3 2019-04-29
1509 Jerome Schnitzler <SOTorRelayUK01@secmail.one> 0 1 2024-11-11
1510 tor@camille.mozmail.com 0 1 2023-07-19
1511 30D922C5 0 1 2022-06-22
1512 f46edmin@linuxmail.org 0 3 2022-04-13
1513 tor@tel.dk 0 1 2024-11-04
1514 31362147 0 1 2023-07-17
1515 4725@ro.ru 0 1 2024-09-10
1516 jumpthrow at protonmail dot com 0 1 2020-09-20
1517 tor@xmmswap.com 0 1 2024-11-29
1518 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
1519 318CAD1A 0 1 2024-01-31
1520 Torenzo priminerd @ gmail . org 0 1 2024-01-21
1521 torservers.domestic736@passmail.net 0 1 2024-11-20
1522 Honos@outlook.com 0 1 2024-10-07
1523 343E94C2 0 1 2024-08-23
1524 3455616F 0 1 2022-04-03
1525 34618D94 0 1 2024-02-05
1526 349B1E09 0 1 2024-08-04
1527 VictorCrypto at the University of Michigan <victorcrypto AT umich dot edu> 0 1 2024-01-22
1528 35513B1D 0 1 2019-03-30
1529 Rich Russon <tor@russon.org> 0 1 2019-02-18
1530 35671868 0 1 2024-01-22
1531 <tor@taz.de> 0 1 2019-02-18
1532 torguy <torguy@efreetsystems.de> 0 1 2024-01-22
1533 360097B0 0 1 2023-08-02
1534 xmr:4AuKENt7AKt2HYuDTESThbFBbvREVhFM93nvLkpUd9gwQVu7giktvFEKAurXoUXwgx4Bz5Ric3BH 0 1 2019-02-18
1535 ContactInfo <shitruss@gmail.com> 0 1 2022-07-12
1536 tor@invisible-internet.com 0 1 2024-06-17
1537 mentor@palokaj.co 0 1 2023-07-27
1538 239E1393 0 1 2024-01-28
1539 23AC0EA5 0 1 2024-08-29
1540 Ro Lop <mail AT lopayne dot de> 0 1 2024-07-31
1541 acid74 <acid74-acid74 at hotmail.de> 0 1 2022-12-19
1542 kibbleandbits@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-09-30
1543 241A9F4C 0 1 2024-09-08
1544 abuse at miner dot dk see https://www.miner.dk 0 1 2020-07-02
1545 tor@husky.xyz 0 1 2024-01-22
1546 253E7C68 0 1 2022-03-24
1547 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
1548 web3point1 at pm dot me 0 1 2022-02-02
1549 Kindly consider donating this node: http://tor.t0m.pl/ 0 1 2024-07-15
1550 428140AF 0 1 2024-08-20
1551 1winloxi@pm.me 0 1 2024-10-11
1552 42D58335 0 1 2019-02-18
1553 Tor Manager <tor@ibiblio.org> 0 3 2019-02-18
1554 431529B2 0 1 2022-03-14
1555 438731B8 0 1 2021-03-19
1556 439B0F7B 0 1 2024-08-16
1557 obtusegiraffe proton me 0 1 2024-10-29
1558 44730B24 0 1 2019-02-18
1559 447D96D3 0 1 2021-03-09
1560 tuxli.org 0 3 2023-03-07
1561 39B1854E 0 1 2024-09-05
1562 39C2201A 0 1 2024-02-13
1563 39DAFD42 0 1 2024-08-01
1564 3A61389A 0 1 2023-04-30
1565 pasquino.cyblings.on.ca 0 1 2024-02-27
1566 4A4EFB3E 0 1 2021-06-17
1567 xmr:83c9cGyKtDTaYBLAaBaYAwQSTUBfUSuGY5XQYdLAeaJYDbA1DGFQgKwf6H5J6Mfnvudzn4UjsUxF 0 1 2024-08-04
1568 4ADFDCEC 0 1 2023-07-15
1569 Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de> 0 1 2019-02-28
1570 sgtor AT protonmail dot com 0 1 2022-01-03
1571 4726@ro.ru 0 1 2024-09-18
1572 amerdude <amerdude AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2022-07-12
1573 pazcthy@mail.com 0 1 2023-07-31
1574 4B8AFF36 0 1 2024-04-11
1575 mikael datanerd.se 0 4 2024-10-19
1576 gizmo tor@proton.me 0 1 2024-02-01
1577 georgecartlidge@protonmail.com 0 1 2019-02-18
1578 Justagettingit@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-12-06
1579 4C8302C3 0 1 2024-09-08
1580 Tor Admin <seijyaku@protonmail.com> 0 1 2024-07-06
1581 kl <kl.forwarder@gmail.com> 0 1 2019-02-18
1582 4D0D7918 0 1 2024-01-29
1583 4D4A285A 0 1 2024-07-31
1584 Relay Ops <tor AT as6145 DOT net> 0 1 2024-01-22
1585 4DB106F8 0 1 2024-08-26
1586 4DC7A4FA 0 1 2024-11-12
1587 4DECB03B 0 1 2024-01-31
1588 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2021-09-05
1589 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0 1 2024-11-16
1590 4561FC08 0 1 2019-02-18
1591 Jobi-Wanker-Nobi <help me dot jobi wan AT gmail dot com> 0 1 2024-09-20
1592 Abuse at Texas4Tor dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2021-02-07
1593 462EC0C8 0 1 2024-10-25
1594 ricoswavez2@gmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1595 Bob <exit000bob@gmail.com> 0 1 2024-01-22
1596 4D14050653A402D73687049D2404C9546E145360 gwolf.torrelay AT gwolf dot org 0 1 2019-02-18
1597 tor at d-ku dot de - 0x86d7bbcc54cbb356 0 1 2019-10-26
1598 46F9FB94 0 1 2024-02-07
1599 Random Person <info AT fortong dot de> 0 1 2022-09-20
1600 copia297@proton.me 0 1 2022-10-30
1601 Scott Maxwell tor-contact-2022-pythia at scottmaxwell dot org 0 1 2022-07-22
1602 3B557E3F 0 1 2022-06-02
1603 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-05-05
1604 3BFB3C1C 0 1 2023-03-15
1605 3C19F134 0 1 2024-10-09
1606 3C931221 0 1 2024-09-21
1607 3CBC541F 0 1 2019-02-18
1608 js755956 at googles mail 0 1 2024-08-17
1609 3CC53AA4 0 1 2024-04-14
1610 O n i on Ra s pb e rry Sou p@prot o n mail.co m 0 1 2019-02-18
1611 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-05-12
1612 name is Blaze — blazeready@Mail.com 0 2 2024-01-21
1613 Ralph Copeland <copelandhosting AT pissmail dot com> 0 1 2024-03-12
1614 FluentDuck <Fluent Duck@proton.me> 0 1 2024-10-29
1615 fulloffaith -SPAM-CUTTOFF- @gmx.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1616 3F02E624 0 1 2023-03-23
1617 3F1B13B1 0 1 2023-03-11
1618 torowner@userzap.de 0 1 2022-06-22
1619 3FA8931A 0 1 2024-06-19
1620 cbvhkks831@tormails.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1621 email:rascal washboard539 AT aleeas DOT com pgp:DF0FF776D2D70719405BBAB5827A 0 1 2024-03-04
1622 viator acht tuta daught io 0 2 2024-11-06
1623 ffe4n7pmuc at posteo dot de 0 1 2023-04-28
1624 Jeroen Haadenvelt <relay@otr.dreamhosters.com> 0 1 2023-02-21
1625 torproject.disjoin051@8shield.net 0 1 2024-12-04
1626 40DDEC46 0 1 2024-06-26
1627 411361FD 0 1 2024-08-15
1628 jikeyb81 at mailfence . com 0 1 2023-07-21
1629 4E41B00F 0 1 2020-02-13
1630 FlashTor at e.mail DOT de 0 1 2024-08-20
1631 4E5B4306 0 1 2023-05-18
1632 localvoid@tfwno.gf 0 1 2024-09-24
1633 dandelionsavanna@memeware.net 0 1 2024-03-30
1634 protonmail anel99anel99 0 1 2022-04-03
1635 http://exitnodev8.v6.rocks 0 1 2024-03-29
1636 privacy@tor-for-privacy.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1637 theeric@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-11-13
1638 peTelRobi aT gmaIl DOT cOm> 0 7 2024-02-14
1639 508D3420 0 1 2024-08-27
1640 50E23506 0 1 2021-09-25
1641 Admin <TOR AT tritonbase DOT com> 0 1 2019-02-18
1642 tor@apt96.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1643 John Doe johndoe@anon.local 0 1 2024-01-21
1644 51A8A229 0 1 2019-02-18
1645 51C009EB 0 1 2024-01-22
1646 hello@relaymagic.org relaymagic.org/contact 0 2 2023-01-28
1647 tor@jakami.de 0 1 2024-07-28
1648 7D33FC2D 0 1 2020-09-30
1649 <statusquo@mailbox.org> 0 1 2024-05-03
1650 tacoenjoyer@tutamail.com 0 1 2024-08-22
1651 clau.fisch AT t-online DOT de 0 1 2019-02-18
1652 info@timo-klein-web.de 0 1 2024-07-06
1653 7E1E7281 0 1 2022-03-24
1654 7E33C702 0 1 2024-03-29
1655 7E9D7A63 0 1 2024-07-30
1656 judas priest doamin here 0 1 2024-09-01
1657 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-07-03
1658 northboot@mailbox.org 0 1 2021-11-24
1659 fritohlays@fastmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1660 806778E1 0 1 2023-04-24
1661 806E6AB6 0 1 2024-04-03
1662 unixeno@proton.me 0 1 2024-01-22
1663 amuse <tor-amuse AT foofus dot com> 0 1 2022-01-03
1664 privacyprotectorrelay@proton.me 0 1 2024-07-10
1665 81484BEC 0 1 2024-10-21
1666 815AE924 0 1 2021-01-08
1667 81AE230D 0 1 2022-03-14
1668 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-02-02
1669 55125574 0 1 2019-02-28
1670 torowisko@grubelek.pl 0 1 2024-03-02
1671 557D0F4A 0 1 2024-09-11
1672 micah.sherr@georgetown.edu 0 1 2024-01-22
1673 Tor node<t0r-n0d3@protonmail.com> 0 1 2019-02-18
1674 55A5A764 0 1 2022-09-10
1675 torop <at> viking-sec <dot> xyz PGP:3297FA41D3C0E3E5FFD17DE9ADA62A499CB344B0 0 1 2024-11-02
1676 John Packet admin@terrorism.network 0 1 2024-08-08
1677 lay4play@protonmail.com 0 1 2023-08-18
1678 favorite0ne @proton.me 0 1 2024-01-21
1679 5783B5ED 0 1 2023-01-18
1680 tor@as200490.net 0 1 2024-01-22
1681 unicron4687@proton.me 0 1 2024-02-19
1682 580D16BB 0 1 2023-04-26
1683 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 2 2021-09-05
1684 gelios@onionmail.org 0 1 2024-10-08
1685 info@syndicateguys.com 0 4 2024-01-20
1686 527BFB3C 0 1 2024-05-28
1687 knuth <tor AT ethergeist dot de> 0 1 2019-02-18
1688 julianocarlson@proton.me 0 1 2024-02-21
1689 53CD0E93 0 1 2022-10-20
1690 fulffybunny690 at proton dot me 0 1 2024-01-21
1691 53FD4C5B 0 1 2024-08-22
1692 smarter.rices.0p@icloud.com 0 1 2024-03-06
1693 54713A1E 0 1 2023-07-07
1694 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2021-09-05
1695 poppy434@proton.me 0 1 2024-01-29
1696 SPEEVES gmx.com 0 1 2024-01-21
1697 5BE910FB 0 1 2024-08-28
1698 your@e-mail 0 1 2024-11-09
1699 5C5A8CAF 0 1 2024-04-03
1700 garnettkirk@gmx.net 0 1 2024-01-22
1701 root@bred.rocks 0 1 2022-05-13
1702 yumpy<at>fastmail<.>net 0 2 2024-01-22
1703 1024D/CF154167 Eirik Oeverby <ltning dash tor AT anduin dot net> 0 1 2019-02-18
1704 Some Jerk <heresy300 NOTAT gmail PERIOD com> 0 1 2018-11-20
1705 Random Person <collard tethers0r AT icloud dot com> 0 1 2024-01-22
1706 tor-exit-1.allium.dev 0 2 2022-08-21
1707 torrelayoperator@tutanota.com 0 1 2022-04-13
1708 iblech@quasicoherent.io 0 1 2019-02-18
1709 bf two zero nine @mailbox.org 0 1 2024-01-22
1710 torservers.net 0 1 2023-01-08
1711 59844561 0 1 2024-06-21
1712 59E87D02 0 1 2024-01-22
1713 5A19FE57 0 1 2024-03-25
1714 tartedge2 @ gmx.com 0 1 2022-09-30
1715 zonyade608@moimoi.re 0 1 2024-08-15
1716 < onion-exit @ /stagingdomain- dot -name> 0 1 2021-06-27
1717 5ABC06A8 0 1 2024-03-18
1718 5E776347 0 1 2024-01-22
1719 tor.somnus@tutamail.com 0 1 2024-08-20
1720 top@imap.cc 0 1 2021-11-04
1721 your friendly tor relay operator/ Ulie Dein / CommanderDein @ proton.me 0 1 2024-02-24
1722 5F1027BC 0 1 2024-10-27
1723 andronikos sys@mail.ru 0 1 2024-02-05
1724 5F875CFB 0 1 2021-10-05
1725 5F8FC4B9 0 1 2024-12-06
1726 torop <at> viking-sec <dot> xyz PGP:3297FA41D3C0E3E5FFD17DE9ADA62A499CB344B0 0 1 2024-11-02
1727 chomusuke@chunchunmaru.org 0 1 2023-05-06
1728 admin at gmail dot com 0 1 2021-12-24
1729 petrarca.codeberg.page 0 1 2019-02-18
1730 606546BC 0 2 2022-11-29
1731 Stan <favorite0ne@proton.me> 0 3 2024-08-02
1732 0xB83A02ED Randy Bush <randy AT psg dot com> 0 1 2019-02-18
1733 60F2139E 0 1 2019-02-18
1734 60F9F46C 0 1 2023-01-28
1735 81D4A9FB 0 1 2024-11-19
1736 81F95687 0 1 2024-10-30
1737 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0 1 2024-06-13
1738 rgzxwythod at p dot monash dot edu 0 1 2024-06-01
1739 art4096 proton mail 0 1 2022-09-30
1740 chicken at national.shitposting.agency 0 1 2024-05-05
1741 sabotage.net 0 1 2024-01-22
1742 n0p33king at tuta d o t io 0 1 2023-05-28
1743 shallotrelay at fedora dot email 0 1 2024-01-21
1744 mineestasedmateo@proton.me 0 1 2024-08-30
1745 greorod1206@gmail.com 0 1 2023-06-03
1746 Vm9ydCA8dnZvcnRAeWFuZGV4LnJ1Pg== 0 1 2019-02-18
1747 Random Person <collard tethers0r AT icloud dot com> 0 1 2024-01-22
1748 elzpiraten.de 0 1 2021-09-15
1749 8428C02C 0 1 2021-11-04
1750 2048R/B640BF1A Tor Relay <tor AT sec dot nl> 0 1 2019-02-18
1751 buchiihmseinrelay protonmail com 0 1 2021-12-14
1752 84D065ED 0 1 2024-05-12
1753 Tor Person <daotorrelay X gmail.com> 0 1 2023-04-04
1754 Aqua Ray Tor Operators <tor-operators-fr at aquaray dot com> 19rUv8F1y1xc2fL 0 1 2019-02-18
1755 vollborn@quantentunnel.de 0 1 2024-06-08
1756 0xDEADBEEF Dead Beef <ops@not.org> 0 1 2022-06-02
1757 6184E90C 0 1 2024-01-21
1758 6189F069 0 1 2021-01-18
1759 PGP:3f2ce2a67dcf7e955e5a4e2d0fec8dc32541e09b mail:node.nyxcz&x27;AT&x27;pm.me BTC:bc1q52 0 2 2024-10-02
1760 belldaddy@tuta.io 0 2 2024-03-10
1761 dhwon@fastmail.org 0 1 2024-03-24
1762 6280442F 0 1 2024-01-27
1763 62A2CE0D 0 1 2022-04-03
1764 biff 0 1 2024-07-01
1765 tor@gnu.style 0 1 2024-01-21
1766 d@guyone.net 0 1 2023-03-17
1767 creepychris @ protone.me 0 1 2024-02-21
1768 authentic-tor@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-01-21
1769 Eric L <tor@inconnu.club> 0 1 2023-01-18
1770 637CAFD5 0 1 2024-10-21
1771 js1651834@gmail.com 0 1 2024-11-16
1772 tinkywinkytor at proton.me 0 1 2023-01-28
1773 email:mikefloyd2 protonmail.com 0 1 2020-03-04
1774 671D4E22 0 1 2024-08-02
1775 67300B05 0 1 2023-01-08
1776 674CB819 0 1 2024-01-22
1777 E803282F8AFE3D6E9EFFFBF74F80C022E4969BEE uyilwm12t@mozmail.com 0 1 2024-03-24
1778 6755C086 0 1 2024-10-31
1779 676AC4EF 0 1 2022-10-20
1780 67734744 0 1 2022-08-31
1781 sabotage.net 0 1 2024-01-22
1782 Admin <tor.uncharted624@passmail.net> 0 1 2024-01-21
1783 Scott Maxwell tor-contact-2022-delphi at scottmaxwell dot org 0 1 2022-11-19
1784 FlokiNET <noc@flokinet.is> 0 2 2021-11-24
1785 May I See The Aurora Borealis at protonmail.com 0 1 2022-09-30
1786 emeraldonion.org 0 1 2024-07-26
1787 68A1D590 0 1 2022-10-30
1788 690C1908 0 1 2020-07-02
1789 692DFAD6 0 1 2024-09-16
1790 Valient Thor at yahoo dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2022-06-12
1791 698B8708 0 1 2019-02-18
1792 sepherimorth@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1793 r1hide-contact@curvenyx.com 0 1 2024-10-14
1794 Tobias Meggendorfer Mail:<tobias .AT. meggendorfer .DOT. de> PGP:B8FBA00C 0 1 2020-08-31
1795 contact AT armadix DOT net 0 1 2024-01-22
1796 tor at rbuc dot de 0 1 2020-01-04
1797 none 0 2 2024-02-01
1798 torrelay2112@pm.me 0 1 2024-03-11
1799 reversed: em tod notorp ta yalermar 0 1 2024-07-23
1800 d98313227@gmail.com 0 1 2023-06-29
1801 4727@ro.ru 0 1 2024-09-02
1802 6C2159E2 0 1 2024-04-28
1803 Random Person <nobody AT example dot com> 0 1 2024-08-03
1804 blualism@pm.me 0 1 2024-04-03
1805 bridge.and.relay.hoster@proton.me 0 1 2023-07-09
1806 <PabloReturnss@protonmail.com> 0 1 2022-04-03
1807 segfault123@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-08-08
1808 Jordan Belfort <StrattonsOakmont@proton.me> 0 1 2024-01-21
1809 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0 1 2024-11-16
1810 send it PRERRAFFEB at privatemail . com 0 1 2023-08-06
1811 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-01-22
1812 cheery.bed9346@fastmail.com 0 1 2023-02-27
1813 0xDE54A0BA TOR Admin <jandrese@vt.edu> 0 1 2019-02-18
1814 tor.yyzz.dev 0 1 2023-04-22
1815 tor.saru.moe 0 1 2022-06-22
1816 4096R/0xC1FD909980E93558 L29Ah <l29ahtor@riseup.net> - bc1q650syxwaygmzw3793j9k 0 1 2019-02-18
1817 7155DE90 0 1 2022-08-21
1818 dumpma1l at proton-me 0 1 2024-05-05
1819 relay@ro.ru 0 1 2024-08-08
1820 Nobody <nobody AT null dot com> 0 1 2024-08-30
1821 tor2.xn–sb-lka.org 0 1 2020-08-21
1822 ramin dot schreur at mail dot com 0 1 2022-04-03
1823 txrworlds.net 0 1 2024-07-07
1824 732ED61C 0 1 2024-08-22
1825 1187 EF45 9760 66ED 5AB5 5D50 9755 3391 D0BF 49BA Norris Thomlinson <norris@akti 0 2 2019-02-18
1826 jeff@mulb.us 0 1 2019-02-18
1827 anarchyrelay@proton.me 0 1 2024-08-25
1828 63DC9A6E 0 1 2024-09-19
1829 red0queen tor@red-net.info 0 1 2024-11-08
1830 Areopagiticia <freespeachrelay@protonmail.com> 0 1 2024-07-16
1831 649B581B 0 1 2024-01-22
1832 64B05F9A 0 1 2024-10-08
1833 spamd20@gmail.com 0 1 2024-02-18
1834 middleanony1552@proton.me 0 1 2024-04-05
1835 sillasombrosa pm me 0 1 2023-01-28
1836 6565F31D 0 1 2019-02-18
1837 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
1838 658EF917 0 1 2022-05-13
1839 abuse at texas4tor dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2021-10-25
1840 Tor Relay CAN <torrelaycan AT tutanota dot com> 0 1 2022-03-24
1841 email:Contact.HexaNode@protonmail.com ciissversion:2 0 1 2024-10-15
1842 anus@anus.null 0 1 2024-10-20
1843 669102E6 0 1 2021-03-19
1844 66B1DB0E 0 1 2024-10-15
1845 <me@nasrag.com> 0 1 2024-04-12
1846 tor-operator@theu.li 0 1 2024-11-20
1847 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0 1 2024-08-17
1848 phase 06 wheeled@icloud.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1849 EdK <ed@atl.org> 0 1 2023-05-02
1850 tor-admin-d8ufaqtfj3x7@xutrox.com 0 1 2024-01-29
1851 7502C638 0 1 2024-08-19
1852 torproject.barcan@simplelogin.co 0 1 2024-10-06
1853 75979637 0 1 2024-06-21
1854 75F0AC44 0 1 2024-08-16
1855 uwu.relays.presoak798@passinbox.com 0 1 2024-02-12
1856 766B2BFB 0 1 2024-03-18
1857 teitel.net 0 2 2019-12-25
1858 Any Body <info@vif.com> 0 1 2022-01-23
1859 7754F613 0 1 2024-01-22
1860 scofflaw@mailfence.com 0 1 2024-11-05
1861 x0f.org tor admin <tor AT x0f DOT org> 0 1 2024-11-03
1862 <uncharted update304 at simplelogin dot com> 0 1 2024-09-02
1863 n3r10@proton.me 0 1 2024-01-22
1864 78CCB6F1 0 1 2022-04-23
1865 cryptolion3000tor@gmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
1866 email:tor x8.gg url:x8.gg abuse:abuse x8.gg xmr:45mMGz82mHD8FZDbE2eLwc8xovqXHG 0 1 2024-05-24
1867 796B60AC 0 1 2024-05-12
1868 79A736CF 0 1 2024-01-22
1869 1024D/F9CD0B8F Peter Buzanits <peter AT icb dot at> 0 1 2019-02-18
1870 a dot habith at gmail dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2024-10-27
1871 7A875D79 0 1 2024-08-01
1872 7AA017BA 0 1 2022-06-12
1873 Rob Krupp <tor-krupp AT frijan dot xyz> 0 1 2024-01-22
1874 mikael datanerd.se 0 1 2024-10-19
1875 Boris <admin AT psilobyte dot io> 0 1 2021-09-25
1876 hwsystems.com 0 1 2023-01-28
1877 tor at thewellinspired dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2020-10-10
1878 <srelays AT tuta DOT io> 0 1 2024-10-19
1879 thatgaydragon@protonmail.com 0 3 2024-08-23
1880 7C9B6D51 0 1 2022-09-20
1881 halanamili at pm dot me 0 1 2023-07-31
1882 A5B15D59 0 1 2019-05-19
1883 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-10-26
1884 A62B3F47 0 1 2024-03-13
1885 kassu.h@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-06-13
1886 j.r <tor AT jugendhacker dot de> 0 1 2021-12-24
1887 promotos gmx de 0 1 2024-11-06
1888 RonnyH182 on Twitter de 0 1 2024-03-05
1889 torcontact viper78fr AT gmail dot com 0 1 2024-11-19
1890 A7F8FBDC 0 1 2024-03-16
1891 A80E5638 0 1 2024-01-29
1892 lord@mzte.de 0 1 2024-08-26
1893 D-3t4c42twdawcrktbn4vsmlyoj8uwe2fgi7j3tb9mx7rqt< a >flashbox.5july.org 0 1 2021-08-16
1894 A8C00073 0 1 2024-08-21
1895 A8D34CA0 0 1 2022-01-13
1896 DONT SPAM DONT SPY legalizeprivacy protonmail com 0 1 2023-05-24
1897 A95CF2AF 0 1 2024-08-20
1898 90C330DE 0 1 2024-04-29
1899 90CCB439 0 1 2023-06-27
1900 90E23FDA 0 1 2024-09-27
1901 Hello 0 1 2023-06-01
1902 917C4C9F 0 1 2024-01-21
1903 orangejuicebeautiful@proton.me 0 1 2024-06-02
1904 tata at sud-ouest dot org 0 1 2024-01-22
1905 Pine Relay <noderelaypine@gmail.com> 0 1 2024-10-20
1906 niceware.xyz 0 1 2024-10-07
1907 tor-exit@vrij-heid.nl 0 4 2024-01-22
1908 9279F00D 0 1 2021-06-27
1909 your@e-mail 0 1 2024-07-03
1910 fuchs7@riseup.net 0 1 2024-01-22
1911 gruene.social/@b90g 0 1 2024-11-03
1912 remops@frell.theremailer.net 0 1 2024-01-29
1913 mylilrelay at tutanota dot com 0 1 2022-03-24
1914 86157CEC 0 1 2024-06-19
1915 86592C7B 0 1 2023-07-15
1916 Netium <info AT netium.pl> 0 1 2019-02-18
1917 staten eiwit.0n AT icloud.com 0 1 2024-04-12
1918 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot com> 0 1 2023-02-07
1919 emeraldonion.org 0 1 2024-07-26
1920 88AFF04D 0 1 2024-07-14
1921 platernary tutanota com 0 1 2023-03-01
1922 creideikitor@ferretporn.se 0 1 2019-02-18
1923 abuse t at digital-filestoredotde 0 1 2022-03-04
1924 donatello@cocaine.ninja 0 1 2024-03-26
1925 ss aT EFF d0t ro 0 1 2019-02-18
1926 8982D544 0 1 2024-05-12
1927 Abuse Poseidon2 <poseidon2.mule134 AT silomails DOT com> 0 2 2024-05-08
1928 tor-operator@theu.li 0 1 2024-11-20
1929 mlejkowskisocialmedia@gmail.com 0 1 2023-06-11
1930 0x9EF906D803716AB65B48F01870005293EF5D0AE2 ldrewes <webmaster AT ldrewes DOT de> 0 1 2020-01-14
1931 8AA3E8CD 0 1 2021-08-16
1932 example@gmail.com 0 1 2024-10-02
1933 gutbesserwasser <support@gutbesserwasser.com> 0 1 2022-11-09
1934 <tutelrelay AT protonmail DOT com> 0 1 2024-02-13
1935 8B5E282D 0 1 2020-12-29
1936 B34ch B0y <kal4f0rni4@protonmail.com> 0 1 2023-06-23
1937 8C2B3692 0 1 2024-06-26
1938 b450m @ proton dot me server cost me 50 bucks 0 1 2024-08-24
1939 mybluesnode 0 1 2021-06-27
1940 8D009640 0 1 2024-06-27
1941 8D1085E8 0 1 2024-01-29
1942 ac1dburn ac1dburn@tuta.io 0 1 2022-10-20
1943 Matthias Schmidt <tor@vegms.de> 0 1 2024-01-21
1944 tor at dapor dot de 0 1 2024-11-28
1945 m781@tutanota.com 0 1 2022-10-10
1946 8EBE832C 0 1 2024-05-12
1947 8F16229D 0 1 2020-04-03
1948 Julian Kassat <tor@xenu.chickenkiller.com> 0 1 2020-05-03
1949 FlashTor at e.mail DOT de 0 1 2024-08-25
1950 maxzrbn AT protonmail DOT com 0 4 2024-05-12
1951 Just another Morron <jimytutcnd@use.startmail.com> 0 1 2023-08-18
1952 9064866C 0 1 2024-06-19
1953 <c4t2816 at protonmail . ch> 0 1 2023-06-29
1954 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-05-30
1955 haxalicious5 at gmail dot com 0 1 2022-02-02
1956 Random Person <zr10utf3 AT anonaddy DOT me> xmr:8BtynUbpW7DJ4Wq4VjSHmHAHdGopwqUs 0 1 2023-06-17
1957 ryguy7246 PLUS tor AT gmx.com 0 1 2024-11-29
1958 Unnamed1@mail.ru 0 1 2024-07-02
1959 Relay Info <relay-ops AT tuta dot io> 0 1 2022-06-22
1960 9876581B 0 1 2024-08-27
1961 987CFC56 0 1 2022-05-23
1962 98BD4713 0 1 2024-01-30
1963 WSSH - <wssh at gmx dot com> 0 1 2021-12-04
1964 98DFD727 0 1 2024-08-28
1965 arvanode.net 0 1 2024-01-30
1966 sabotage.net 0 1 2024-01-18
1967 ponelogic@gmail.com 0 1 2022-05-13
1968 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <tor AT kornnatter.dedyn.io> 0 1 2022-11-29
1969 ms192@gmx.de 0 1 2024-01-21
1970 Roger <roeschu@gmail.com> 0 1 2021-02-17
1971 complaint@toluris.fr 0 1 2024-01-31
1972 935EAE38 0 1 2024-01-22
1973 nashepro@proton.me 0 2 2024-06-28
1974 937CAFC3 0 1 2023-03-23
1975 tor.relay.scorch322@passmail.net 0 1 2024-08-17
1976 949C43F6 0 1 2024-01-21
1977 vollborn@quantentunnel.de 0 1 2023-03-15
1978 Tor Admin <tor -at- cs -dot- bu -dot- edu> 0 1 2019-02-18
1979 951DE6AC 0 1 2024-01-22
1980 9522118C 0 1 2024-06-29
1981 95333D86 0 1 2022-03-14
1982 Five Boxing Wizards <FiveBoxingWizards AT gmail DOT com> 0 1 2019-04-19
1983 nibirutard@gmail.com 0 1 2024-02-05
1984 johnson blake 1 at gmail PUNKT com tor-relay.co 0 1 2021-12-04
1985 95955DF2 0 1 2024-11-28
1986 aze <tor at aze dot wtf> 0 2 2024-02-09
1987 96438383 0 1 2022-02-22
1988 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2023-08-12
1989 torrelay13@gmail.com 0 1 2024-08-18
1990 Woozy@ro.ru 0 1 2024-08-13
1991 Jon Proulx <jon AT csail dot mit dot edu> GPG Key ID 0x37C6224D225BCD7D Finger P 0 2 2019-02-18
1992 B12322D4 0 1 2024-09-03
1993 <8uk54nt0 AT gmail DOT com> 0 1 2024-03-30
1994 makeitfoss@proton.me 0 1 2022-11-19
1995 B1B687C3 0 1 2022-02-02
1996 ParseThisClever tor insertSymbols dirasad withEnding de 0 1 2023-06-07
1997 lenkasykorova47@gmail.com 0 1 2023-07-25
1998 B2371F3B 0 1 2024-08-21
1999 B25E0201 0 1 2020-10-20
2000 B27115A2 0 1 2019-02-18
2001 Benjamin < tor@bennybyte.de > 0 1 2020-05-03
2002 ur PINGAS 0 1 2024-06-05
2003 Tor Admin <tor AT nomadlogic dot org> 0 2 2023-05-16
2004 B3004A9A 0 1 2023-07-27
2005 chicken at national.shitposting.agency 0 1 2024-05-05
2006 B350F747 0 1 2024-06-24
2007 B3A722F0 0 1 2024-09-16
2008 Digineo GmbH <tor AT digineo dot de> 0 1 2024-05-23
2009 B4A2D7BF 0 1 2022-11-29
2010 your@e-mail 0 1 2024-01-29
2011 9AAB2688 0 1 2022-01-23
2012 contact@einfachzocken.eu 0 1 2024-10-20
2013 Administrator <admin AT anonymousbits DOT net> 0 1 2024-09-17
2014 9B7A16AA 0 1 2024-09-03
2015 9B8EAB1F 0 1 2024-08-21
2016 intern <me@theintern.pw> 0 1 2024-01-22
2017 ineatery-calator openmail D cc 0 1 2020-03-24
2018 FlashTor at e.mail DOT de 0 1 2024-03-05
2019 9BB6B685 0 1 2022-03-24
2020 tor@kavaro.net 0 1 2023-07-27
2021 9BF90C46 0 1 2024-10-10
2022 clan.gardner at protonmail dot com 0 1 2022-08-11
2023 devnull@omegazero.org 0 1 2024-02-03
2024 9C9B2A36 0 1 2023-06-09
2025 9CA70A32 0 1 2024-08-02
2026 9CE094A0 0 1 2024-01-22
2027 9CFBB7CD 0 1 2024-07-30
2028 9D4094BF 0 1 2024-08-19
2029 laladee@posteo.net 0 1 2024-12-04
2030 9DD7CF55 0 1 2024-08-26
2031 Jeff Burrows Jeff@privacywarrior.org 0 1 2024-01-13
2032 9E328584 0 1 2024-01-22
2033 mward44 at uwo dot ca 0 1 2024-09-12
2034 luminoso <luminoso AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2020-01-04
2035 MIYOP @tutanota.de 0 1 2024-01-16
2036 9EEAA02E 0 1 2019-02-18
2037 retouch equity626@simplelogin.com 0 1 2024-08-26
2038 torrelay@riz-om.net 0 1 2024-09-21
2039 courbevoie@orange.fr 0 1 2024-01-21
2040 9FAA9CEE 0 1 2024-01-22
2041 secure-communications-zachary@protonmail.ch 0 1 2023-01-18
2042 A0121D63 0 1 2024-04-01
2043 A0393557 0 1 2022-11-19
2044 noc@as204750.net 0 1 2024-09-22
2045 sorcier at tutanota dot com tor-relay.co 0 1 2020-02-13
2046 davio 2000 at gmx dot com 0 1 2022-06-22
2047 Random Person <nobody AT ostehaps dot dk> 0 1 2022-07-22
2048 A1617C69 0 1 2023-08-12
2049 torservers.net 0 1 2023-01-08
2050 jayden@jaydenha.uk 0 1 2024-10-02
2051 tim t.edwards@proton.me 0 1 2024-08-25
2052 3kh0 <tornode AT 3kh0 dot net> 0 1 2024-10-23
2053 0xCCA1331895B6562393A651D93B67825FE6F79D24 tor@maxhost.io 0 1 2024-01-22
2054 A2900F5B 0 1 2024-08-23
2055 jello@ro.ru 0 1 2024-10-14
2056 A2C85DB6 0 1 2022-04-03
2057 riqoiaki1@mozmail.com :3 0 1 2024-01-22
2058 A2D63C32 0 1 2024-01-22
2059 TOR EXIT <SUCK.IT> 0 1 2024-10-14
2060 juuuuuuka@protonmail.com 0 1 2021-12-14
2061 a valid email address 0 1 2020-05-13
2062 Random Person phil@beaconlab.uk 0 1 2024-01-22
2063 contact@sachin.cool 0 1 2024-01-22
2064 A489D370 0 1 2022-08-31
2065 A4A508B3 0 1 2024-08-25
2066 A4B46EFF 0 1 2024-06-25
2067 3ipfnszc at duck.com 0 1 2021-10-25
2068 A5424DEE 0 1 2022-07-22
2069 A5AD4BE5 0 1 2024-11-12
2070 B4E7C2AE 0 1 2024-03-22
2071 your@e-mail 0 1 2024-10-11
2072 mikael datanerd.se 0 1 2024-12-07
2073 daddycool69@duck.com 0 1 2024-09-05
2074 468ef3638c9ef85e939ae12795feadd60d5c3d27 McRelayface Operator <mcrelayface-opera 0 1 2024-12-04
2075 zuzan@cock.li 0 1 2024-09-29
2076 B6339F95 0 1 2024-08-15
2077 B63626A3 0 1 2019-02-18
2078 <mwaechter AT mac dot com> 0 1 2022-12-19
2079 7fa3b767c460b54a2be4d49030b349c7 0 1 2024-10-16
2080 tor@lienk.fr 0 1 2024-11-07
2081 captainsonic-tor @ protonmail.com 0 1 2024-10-01
2082 B6FB68B2 0 1 2024-08-21
2083 B369 6A4B 2017 8226 9C8F F34D 799E 755B F77A 6C3A Weston Reed <tor@westonreed.co 0 1 2022-04-23
2084 B71E68A8 0 1 2019-02-28
2085 B72663DD 0 1 2024-03-25
2086 Wyliefowler at g mail dot com 0 1 2021-12-04
2087 unshakled@proton.me 0 1 2024-11-21
2088 hnlexit@bsideshawaii.org 0 1 2024-05-13
2089 ashlygrp@mail.com 0 1 2023-02-21
2090 auster d o t predator425 <a t> passinbox dot <c o m> 0 1 2024-06-12
2091 justagettingit@yahoo.com 0 1 2023-01-08
2092 blipp46@fastmail.com 0 1 2022-12-09
2093 matrixrevolution@mail2tor.com 0 1 2024-11-10
2094 bofh <info@sig9.ch> 0 2 2022-08-01
2095 AB6F0864 0 1 2024-10-06
2096 ABDD25A3 0 1 2022-06-12
2097 AC2D10FD 0 1 2024-10-02
2098 ACD2A656 0 2 2024-02-28
2099 e5bd61de-e40c-432e-8bbe-543843074571@tordiversity.anonaddy.com 0 1 2020-01-24
2100 torrelay.60doj@8shield.net 0 1 2024-01-22
2101 D41A0073 0 1 2023-04-22
2102 subtype@protonmail.com 0 2 2019-10-16
2103 Random Person <xplato1 AT proton.me> 0 1 2024-10-20
2104 D4C16732 0 1 2019-02-18
2105 oniontears@tuta.io 0 1 2022-09-20
2106 zukalt@proton.me tor-relay.dev 0 1 2024-10-19
2107 D5228FA5 0 1 2019-02-28
2108 D6473D96 0 1 2024-08-02
2109 974530@proton.me 0 1 2024-11-10
2110 someonesneighbor1@protonmail.com 0 1 2022-05-03
2111 George Harold <tor-harold AT frijan dot xyz> 0 1 2024-01-22
2112 admin@localhost 0 1 2024-08-27
2113 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
2114 Slarty <info at slarty . org> 0 1 2022-09-20
2115 4096R/34650013 La Quadrature du Net <tor@laquadrature.net> 0 1 2019-02-18
2116 <adkaser DOT tor AT posteo DOT org> 0 1 2020-02-23
2117 kalebmii2 at proton dot me 0 1 2024-10-22
2118 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <Neblo d-o-t giovaskonin at googl> 0 1 2024-06-13
2119 dasexil proton.me 0 1 2024-06-23
2120 ContactInfo torop <at> viking-sec <dot> xyz PGP:3297FA41D3C0E3E5FFD17DE9ADA62A49 0 1 2024-11-02
2121 BC85F046 0 1 2024-04-23
2122 w6eeehrjq <<at>> mozmail <<dot>> com 0 1 2024-08-16
2123 @ 0 1 2022-04-23
2124 mailto:iangtornode@cs.uwaterloo.ca - 12UfuXzi5m3PmW5ask1Pc6BnBNe3cgKQan 0 1 2019-02-18
2125 t0rn0de01@pm.me 0 1 2024-11-05
2126 t.yeerum@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-04-10
2127 Spam Trap <tor ATTTT r4v3n dot dot dot net> 0 1 2022-02-02
2128 nico@pfcloud.io 0 1 2024-01-21
2129 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0 1 2024-08-17
2130 BE106F94 0 1 2024-09-29
2131 BF155CD2 0 1 2024-02-13
2132 BF281E46 0 1 2024-06-26
2133 BF7F6B20 0 1 2024-08-23
2134 <tor AT b4ne dot de> 0 1 2019-02-18
2135 myLittleTorRelay on proton period me 0 1 2024-02-27
2136 ADCA86A6 0 1 2024-11-18
2137 AE3CED88 0 1 2024-01-21
2138 <toradmin at rlogin.net> 0 1 2019-02-18
2139 AE8E77AD 0 1 2024-08-14
2140 torvarval@proton.me 0 1 2024-02-01
2141 DuckSounds31@aol.com 0 1 2019-02-18
2142 tor-NLfreedom@protonmail.com 0 1 2022-03-04
2143 AFBAFBD8 0 1 2024-07-30
2144 AFCF9FB5 0 1 2024-09-05
2145 AFEAF3A9 0 1 2022-07-12
2146 B03D9DA5 0 1 2024-03-06
2147 tor at zyron dot de 0 1 2022-09-30
2148 lemongrab@posteo.de 0 1 2023-03-03
2149 0x6EE6A3CB856843C0CBBD5BA413ED656CAFBC258B carchecks oobal <carchecks oobal AT s 0 1 2022-08-31
2150 4mdeh8uy7pidm16 <tor abuse@MalShare.com > 0 1 2021-12-24
2151 B8CE7258 0 1 2024-08-28
2152 hot.taco.relay@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-04-03
2153 babysharkdootdoot@proton.me 0 1 2024-01-22
2154 <tor at nep dot soy> 0 1 2024-07-13
2155 B985BC38 0 1 2024-08-14
2156 snapserv.net 0 1 2022-09-10
2157 soulsacrifice proton.me 0 1 2024-01-22
2158 B9F1C02D 0 1 2024-01-22
2159 B9FAB575 0 1 2024-12-05
2160 LaceChoitl@proton.me 0 1 2024-07-31
2161 admin@datcom-unibw.de 0 1 2019-09-26
2162 johnnybravo@gmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
2163 BAE70B5A 0 1 2019-02-18
2164 BAF223E9 0 1 2020-02-13
2165 BB4BBDD4 0 1 2022-10-20
2166 BB504941 0 1 2024-08-21
2167 BB5E140E 0 1 2024-06-26
2168 bob <thereddale69 AT outlook.com> 0 1 2022-10-20
2169 admin at wakegi dot net 0 1 2019-02-18
2170 mo@tor.nonze.ro 0 1 2015-07-09
2171 BBCCB09B 0 1 2024-08-01
2172 BBD8F4DF 0 1 2024-09-17
2173 BC5D9898 0 1 2024-09-26
2174 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-05-07
2175 postmaster@floerens.eu 0 1 2022-10-10
2176 C5ADD0D1 0 1 2024-07-26
2177 C5B58715 0 1 2023-06-09
2178 Sys Admin <SIBLING NICK NAME AT proton dot me> 0 1 2023-06-11
2179 BFD6FBF3 0 1 2024-01-22
2180 NO SOLICITING ////// jimbo263 ///// @fastmail.com —— 0 1 2024-03-15
2181 Justagettingit@yahoo.com 0 1 2024-12-06
2182 Amer Dude <amerdude AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-03-29
2183 noctor@as393577.net 0 1 2024-02-06
2184 C0916071 0 1 2024-03-11
2185 email:abuse-zuluu at protonmail dot com url:http://tor-exit.zuluu.net 0 1 2023-08-20
2186 torrelay@drkt.eu 0 1 2022-07-12
2187 exactlee <exactlee AT kir dot dev dot gmail dot com> 0 1 2022-10-30
2188 sink1999@gmail.com 0 1 2024-01-22
2189 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
2190 C1DCC470 0 1 2020-04-23
2191 C2FB7025 0 1 2024-01-22
2192 C2FBCAE5 0 1 2024-09-04
2193 email:DicedOnions airmail.cc pgp:44518269EE80A8CD8519F4206CAF73918253E26B os:de 0 1 2021-09-25
2194 C347D135 0 1 2024-07-11
2195 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2024-05-29
2196 Jordan <jordan zero three two one AT gmail dot com> 0 1 2020-09-30
2197 skelly1178 AT proton DOT me 0 1 2024-10-03
2198 C4663EA5 0 1 2024-04-24
2199 4ebrv4vf4cnk6lfg4fatxa6p2ryd@hidefrom.us 0 1 2024-08-06
2200 C4ECFD56 0 1 2024-02-19
2201 FlashTor at e.mail DOT de 0 1 2024-11-28
2202 C533D888 0 1 2024-08-23
2203 dns@opennameserver.org 0 1 2022-10-20
2204 C6BAD239 0 1 2024-02-09
2205 free.anonymous@internet.com 0 1 2024-01-22
2206 C6E93004 0 1 2024-08-20
2207 chromacy@pm.me 0 1 2024-07-18
2208 <tor-admin AT tma-0 DOT net> 0 1 2020-06-12
2209 eandy@gmx.de 0 1 2024-01-22
2210 grihsgbabbflasfhuf at onionmail dot org 0 1 2023-06-21
2211 tor.noddy@proton.me 0 2 2024-02-20
2212 tor@tor.org 0 1 2024-02-22
2213 DBDFE627 0 1 2024-04-25
2214 thistoradm@thismirror.uk 0 1 2023-12-12
2215 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0 1 2024-11-16
2216 dkiong@yahoo.com 0 1 2020-11-29
2217 DF885E50 0 1 2022-07-22
2218 UHJpdmFjeSBpcyBhIGh1bWFuIHJpZ2h0IC0gUmVsYXlPcGVyYXRvcjgzNDg2NzJAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5j 0 1 2024-01-22
2219 Austin <tor-relay@tor.tf> 0 1 2024-02-25
2220 middlenode-sumsumbrrr do an at sign here stachelkaktus.net 0 1 2022-01-03
2221 E0286D88 0 1 2023-07-17
2222 C7FE7FB4 0 1 2024-10-23
2223 C80AD04B 0 1 2024-07-21
2224 C8177AD2 0 1 2024-01-22
2225 Nihal Jere <tor aT nihaljere DoT xyz> 0 1 2024-03-17
2226 C858338D 0 1 2024-09-24
2227 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
2228 C90A0A41 0 1 2024-11-13
2229 5h098y32 at duck . com 0 1 2024-08-28
2230 C9455663 0 1 2024-10-06
2231 noname <nobody AT nowhere dot unknown> 0 1 2024-03-10
2232 C9A5FBC2 0 1 2024-05-12
2233 C9C1D11A 0 1 2022-03-04
2234 C9C8F183 0 1 2024-08-02
2235 C9D614B9 0 1 2024-02-13
2236 0x3FBCCE84D378F232223CCF6637E31222F67A9925 TorOnCampus <toroncampus at uni-goett 0 1 2021-07-27
2237 abuse@nycmesh.net 0 1 2020-07-12
2238 Random Person valrelay@danwin1210.de 0 1 2024-07-19
2239 CA9BCCB4 0 1 2024-01-21
2240 0xFFFFFFFF <boogly91mailfencecom> 0 1 2022-09-20
2241 CB0BD833 0 1 2024-02-19
2242 admin@mesolvarde.eu 0 1 2024-10-12
2243 arma test relay 0 1 2024-10-12
2244 Random Guy <nobody AT example dot com> 0 1 2022-09-30
2245 tor-operator@xor.sc 0 1 2022-08-21
2246 rwood@duck.com 0 1 2024-01-22
2247 CC3113E6 0 1 2021-03-29
2248 CC514DD6 0 1 2024-07-10
2249 Matthew Sotoudeh <signup.jonathan AT masot dot net> 0 1 2024-02-06
2250 url:carson.riker.me email:c <at> rson.riker.me 0 1 2023-03-23
2251 N/A 0 1 2024-01-29
2252 Zighinetto <tor -a t- zi ghi netto dot org> 0 1 2019-02-28
2253 bpawnz@yandex.com 0 1 2024-09-26
2254 CE301561 0 1 2024-06-09
2255 CE602C5F 0 1 2024-06-06
2256 staaf@protonmaildotch 0 1 2023-08-14
2257 justin.brisceaux@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-03-06
2258 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-05-11
2259 squeegee@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-10-01
2260 email:comotion hackeriet.no uri:cereal.hackeriet.no proof:uri-rsa ciissversion: 0 1 2019-02-18
2261 Sina Rabbani < sina redteam net > 0 1 2023-08-20
2262 support@xmission.com 0 1 2019-02-18
2263 tor-relay@metanohi.name 0 1 2020-12-19
2264 E45EFBF7 0 1 2024-01-22
2265 0xA821E3B2A0544BCCE4358697E097A42A55F3CF22 Adam Badran <adam at dr00tb dot com> 0 1 2022-09-30
2266 ciissversion:2 email:tor mailink.org memory:32768 virtualization:baremetal os:d 0 1 2024-11-03
2267 E4C87B4F 0 1 2024-01-22
2268 E52A1B57 0 1 2024-08-07
2269 frei.raum Technikkollektiv <roland.k AT disroot DOT org> <https://frei-raum.epiz 0 2 2019-09-16
2270 E59529B3 0 1 2024-03-08
2271 E5DEA9F6 0 1 2020-12-19
2272 E654E2ED 0 1 2024-10-25
2273 obtusegiraffe proton me 0 1 2024-10-29
2274 E74FAEA7 0 1 2024-09-26
2275 stareintodeathandbestill.com 0 1 2024-08-24
2276 E87DCB2B 0 1 2024-01-29
2277 Random Person <a6470922-6cd2-405d-8a25-6cfe699caa34 AT simplelogin dot com> 0 1 2024-07-09
2278 anon1mous54@hotmail.com 0 1 2022-11-19
2279 D80A1696 0 1 2024-08-16
2280 D83307C7 0 1 2024-08-16
2281 <tor /at/ buffsage /dot/ com> 0 1 2024-11-01
2282 D9088D7D 0 1 2024-08-20
2283 biurolultornode@gmail.com 0 1 2024-11-23
2284 D99BCDDA 0 1 2024-01-22
2285 francois < tor AT zof.sh> 0 1 2021-05-18
2286 DeuZa <proton@deuza.bzh> 7F19 FB12 EF3D 26EE 52AD 281A 24F2 C12A 37C5 7A81 Sys 0 1 2024-08-13
2287 tor-operator@frerebeau.com 0 1 2024-08-22
2288 DA6290D5 0 1 2023-07-07
2289 DA661D57 0 1 2024-01-21
2290 nobody@example.com 0 1 2024-10-09
2291 CFE1CB23 0 1 2021-10-05
2292 D0886A4A 0 1 2022-01-13
2293 flowerstotheworld@example.com 0 1 2024-11-16
2294 onionmaster.alongside579@8shield.net 0 1 2024-12-01
2295 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0 1 2024-06-13
2296 noc@august.tw 0 1 2022-03-24
2297 notashamed@privatemail.com 0 1 2024-06-28
2298 filip@fkomarek.eu 0 1 2023-01-18
2299 D1B300B4 0 1 2022-07-22
2300 linuxuser699@cock.li 0 1 2024-02-15
2301 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
2302 D2F8E54F 0 1 2024-06-26
2303 heinrich5991 <heinrich5991@gmail.com> 0 1 2019-02-18
2304 D33B263A 0 1 2024-08-20
2305 abuse@zachmaier.de 0 1 2024-01-22
2306 Miska <abuse@0xmiska.com> or <0xmiska@tutamail.com> 0 1 2024-11-17
2307 KurumiKira.github.io 0 1 2023-02-07
2308 metormay@vfosnar.cz 0 1 2024-11-09
2309 EA4DDBF7 0 1 2024-08-14
2310 EA5D809F 0 1 2024-06-25
2311 torproject.disjoin051@8shield.net 0 1 2024-11-29
2312 nop 0 1 2024-07-10
2313 michatux@e-mail.de 0 1 2024-04-26
2314 0xmose@proton.me 0 1 2024-07-11
2315 nothuman@duck.com 0 1 2024-01-30
2316 syuuzu <syuuzu@proton.me> 0 1 2024-10-06
2317 Jerome Schnitzler <SOTorRelayDE01@secmail.one> 0 1 2024-11-16
2318 0xFFFFFFFF BotheredSoul <botheredsoul@protonmail.com> 0 1 2022-12-19
2319 tankf33der@disroot.org 0 1 2022-10-20
2320 Jon@9072997.com 0 1 2024-10-07
2321 your@e-mail 0 1 2022-04-23
2322 EC4E56B2 0 1 2024-03-28
2323 operator@ambient8.xyz 0 1 2022-05-03
2324 sMWEhyEpJQYwddk7@proton.me 0 1 2024-08-20
2325 2048R/B640BF1A Tor Relay <tor AT sec dot nl> 0 1 2019-02-18
2326 torzpi222 AT gmail dot com 0 1 2022-10-20
2327 MatrixOperator <matrixoperator AT protonmail dot ch> 0 1 2024-07-02
2328 E0688984 0 1 2023-07-01
2329 E06EC752 0 1 2022-06-12
2330 tor4freedom-at-protonmail-dot-ch 0 1 2024-01-22
2331 David Stroud <tor AT dapper period cod3s> 0 1 2021-10-05
2332 carter@sullynode.com 0 1 2024-01-29
2333 sysop 0 1 2020-07-12
2334 schimfin@keemail.me 0 1 2021-12-04
2335 E1A7B34D 0 1 2024-06-24
2336 NIEN SPAM rgrwilco @ mailc.net 0 1 2023-07-31
2337 the dude ——————@———————- gmx.com 0 1 2024-02-16
2338 E1C7847B 0 1 2024-05-12
2339 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0 1 2023-06-09
2340 E1DFA3F2 0 1 2024-08-14
2341 tor@moritzwm.de 0 1 2023-06-15
2342 tor @ metalhearf . fr 0 1 2021-09-05
2343 torcontact viper78fr AT gmail dot com 0 1 2024-11-22
2344 abuse at maxko dot org url:maxko-hosting.com 0 1 2022-07-02
2345 E2A4DE34 0 1 2024-02-29
2346 94f8607f@queer.cat 0 1 2024-08-23
2347 abuse-tor@lists.kau.se 0 1 2019-08-17
2348 oink@cock.li 0 1 2024-09-22
2349 EE93AAEC 0 1 2024-08-16
2350 TorManager <tor@hint.de> 0 1 2019-02-18
2351 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0 1 2024-10-21
2352 NoInfo 0 1 2024-05-09
2353 jajtor@comcast.net 0 1 2024-03-26
2354 Tor <tor@plutex.de> 0 1 2019-02-18
2355 0x485EF628CB85CDD4CB7CFF0D52F5127650733A18 thican-tor <thicantor AT thican DOT 0 1 2024-08-04
2356 EFE57C38 0 1 2024-03-26
2357 Pie4fusael0f <AT> vouti <dot> es 0 1 2021-10-05
2358 tor.rawbit.ninja 0 1 2019-02-18
2359 F0248E8A 0 1 2022-04-03
2360 Tor Admin <toradmin A@T esponde D0T net> 0 1 2023-07-11
2361 TorNode <tornode AT parkbenchindustries dot com> - 1PjwyggxcsmWJDqsq6G7hqgiLC2ia 0 1 2019-02-18
2362 F223403E 0 1 2024-07-06
2363 F25C8649 0 1 2024-12-01
2364 wm7alhb4jyqlajs2@0box.eu 0 1 2019-02-18
2365 F2E60DE0 0 1 2019-02-18
2366 Peter Rodge <peter.rodge20 AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2019-02-18
2367 F3201361 0 1 2024-09-06
2368 F3280741 0 1 2024-01-22
2369 F39B2BE0 0 1 2022-06-22
2370 ContactInfo email:miked riseup.net pgp:651CC8177A44A276 keybase:miked uplinkbw: 0 1 2022-03-04
2371 F41CFF18 0 1 2022-05-23
2372 F434D536 0 1 2024-08-05
2373 freenetwork AT protonmail dot com 0 1 2019-02-18
2374 lelis -at- zoho.com 0 1 2023-08-08
2375 F4CD29F4 0 1 2023-02-27
2376 Random Person <tor@nobugz.eu> 0 1 2024-05-04
2377 USERPART tor DOMAINPART wh4f dot de 0 1 2024-09-05
2378 your@e-mail 0 1 2024-01-21
2379 linuxuser699@cock.li 0 1 2024-02-26
2380 Just another Morron <jimytutcnd@use.startmail.com> 0 1 2023-08-18
2381 aeon@oppai 0 1 2024-01-29
2382 YoyoYankee <american AT protonmail dot com> 0 1 2024-07-21
2383 A1D43308B65F647AF925CF37D8C32E50B43539C6 <frost 055 a-t protonmail d0t com> 0 1 2022-12-09
2384 rogergoh58@gmail.com 0 1 2020-11-29
2385 F8212628 0 1 2024-09-04
2386 F8412946 0 1 2024-06-25
2387 Random Person <collard tethers0r AT icloud dot com> 0 1 2024-01-22
2388 spam T heisl DT at 0 1 2024-08-10
2389 F9860DED 0 1 2022-02-22
2390 sabotage.net 0 1 2022-12-09
2391 ShowMyWay@mail.ru 0 1 2024-06-25
2392 tor-operator@theu.li 0 1 2024-11-20
2393 tor a.t napshome DO.T net 0 1 2024-07-06
2394 mrfreeman.tor@proton.me 0 1 2024-12-03
2395 FB8DAEA4 0 1 2022-07-02
2396 FBC5D4C0 0 1 2022-08-21
2397 tor.rm6g4@slmails.com 0 1 2024-11-14
2398 pdncogrhslkdnqpd at mail2tor dot com 0 1 2020-06-02
2399 domain:proton.me,user:birchbark-relay 0 1 2023-03-05
2400 SexWarrior <tor@omgomg.eu> 0 1 2019-05-09
2401 FCE5FFBF 0 1 2022-07-22
2402 FD127D10 0 1 2020-06-02
2403 vollborn@quantentunnel.de 0 1 2024-06-08
2404 tor@mail.amiba.me 0 1 2024-01-21
2405 graven.dev 0 1 2019-12-05
2406 moom0o@protonmail.com BTC: 31hADvfttHDbkTDLeyVMpZ938SxUD1f1zd XMR: 49aXC8Zat 0 1 2024-09-19
2407 ShadowExit@proton.me 0 1 2024-08-30
2408 immensefloat@protonmail.com 0 1 2022-03-04
2409 FEAC1FFC 0 1 2024-12-03
2410 FEC0BFE6 0 1 2024-03-05
2411 DOOOM@posteo.net 0 1 2024-05-16
2412 symptom gravel444@simplelogin.com 0 1 2024-08-23
2413 root@mlfh.org 0 1 2024-02-01
2414 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0 1 2024-09-22
2415 xdd 0 1 2024-11-26

Relay Families by Consensus Weight

  Authenticated Relay Operator ID or Contact (unverified) CW Fr.(%) Exit(%) Guard(%) #Relays First Seen
0 nothingtohide.nl 7.57 19.53 1.86 290 2020-07-02
1 email:admin prsv.ch url:https://prsv.ch/ proof:ur 4.8 1.91 6.72 272 2024-03-03
2 artikel10.org 4.08 12.24 0 160 2021-02-27
3 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 3.21 9.02 0.3 352 2020-11-08
4 for-privacy.net 2.52 3.99 2.12 86 2019-03-05
5 applied-privacy.net 2.47 7.41 0 104 2018-04-15
6 tuxli.org 2.38 2.16 2.7 91 2020-06-02
7 www.cccs.de 1.77 4.98 0.16 54 2022-01-16
8 digitalcourage.social 1.19 3.36 0.11 30 2020-07-12
9 email:support rdp.sh url:https://rdp.sh proof:uri 1.08 0 1.95 92 2024-07-04
10 09AEBB99 0.74 0 1.32 23 2019-02-18
11 nos-oignons.net 0.71 2 0.06 37 2019-02-18
12 email:torix protonmail.com url:https://torix-rela 0.66 1.87 0.06 68 2021-08-26
13 tor.r0cket.net 0.62 1.77 0.05 24 2024-09-26
14 mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 0.62 0 0 18 2024-08-26
15 shadowbrokers.eu 0.5 0.21 0.72 31 2023-02-17
16 Brandon Kuschel <tor AT NOSPAM brandonkuschel dot 0.5 0.72 0.45 48 2021-04-08
17 artikel5ev.de 0.46 0.95 0.24 31 2016-10-19
18 Hurdy-Gurdy <admin AT my-mail dot rocks> 0.41 0.12 0.66 8 2023-05-10
19 dfri.se 0.39 1.1 0.03 32 2021-11-04
20 tor vidister de 0.39 0 0.7 8 2023-11-11
21 gus@riseup.net 0.37 0 0.67 24 2022-08-31
22 dotsrc.org 0.35 0.64 0.25 12 2020-09-10
23 zadrotik zadrottor<at>420blaze<dot>it 0.35 0 0 10 2024-10-10
24 limoneneis.de 0.35 0 0.63 8 2022-01-26
25 ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de 0.34 0 0.62 9 2021-07-17
26 1D7B8E6D 0.32 0 0.57 6 2024-08-18
27 middelstaedt.com 0.3 0.5 0.24 19 2022-10-20
28 cp tor mailfence dot com 0.28 0 0.44 20 2022-04-03
29 gojira-family.dedyn.io 0.27 0 0.5 12 2022-04-03
30 berlusconi<at>jabb.im 0.27 0 0 5 2024-04-05
31 lokodlare.com 0.27 0.27 0.32 14 2021-11-14
32 arbitrary.ch 0.25 0 0.45 14 2019-02-18
33 kopfschusskorl@gmail.com 0.25 0 0.45 5 2024-04-09
34 KeFF NOC <noc AT keff dot org> 0.24 0.69 0.02 13 2020-07-28
35 ggroland@yahoo.net 0.22 0 0 4 2024-04-15
36 TNinja <abuse-team at tor dot ninja> 0.22 0.62 0.02 3 2024-06-03
37 btc:1984isUS1kZx9QqJBRephtiZXDsZ1LG4ET xmr:44ZTe8E 0.21 0 0.33 31 2024-09-07
38 hviv.nl 0.21 0.6 0.02 14 2018-04-27
39 j.abrahim99 at proton dot me 0.21 0 0.38 9 2022-07-12
40 relay // at // pommespanzer // dot // cc 0.21 0 0.37 11 2024-06-03
41 Viktor <vnikolov AT vnikolov dot cz> 0.2 0 0.37 6 2022-09-20
42 www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 0.2 0.58 0.01 9 2015-05-22
43 Neel Chauhan <neel AT neelc DOT org> 0.2 0.47 0.08 32 2024-01-22
44 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.2 0 0.24 12 2024-07-19
45 mentor@palokaj.co 0.19 0.55 0.01 7 2023-03-22
46 Contact at SilSte on Twitter tor-relay.co 0.19 0 0.35 8 2019-12-15
47 unredacted.org 0.19 0.55 0.01 30 2021-11-07
48 BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH @ Safe-mail.net 0.19 0 0.32 23 2019-07-28
49 amongus-piprelay@proton.me 0.19 0 0 5 2024-10-17
50 tor-operator@theu.li 0.19 0 0.34 9 2022-12-31
51 tor@dedi.zone 0.18 0 0.21 3 2024-08-17
52 email:fuwafuwapankeki@proton.me 0.18 0 0.13 14 2023-07-21
53 zwiebeltoralf.de 0.18 0 0.33 9 2019-02-18
54 flowjob at protonmail dot ch 0.18 0 0.33 9 2019-05-29
55 kilim2 pixelgagnant.net 0.18 0 0 5 2024-10-15
56 lsdmanrelays mr-email.fr nf 0.17 0 0 5 2024-10-12
57 FreeExitProvider at protonmail dot com tor-relay. 0.17 0.48 0.01 8 2021-08-26
58 orezmila@gmail.com 0.17 0 0 10 2023-07-04
59 mikael datanerd.se 0.16 0.46 0.01 9 2024-12-07
60 911 0.16 0 0.29 6 2024-03-04
61 oyboy991@hunnur.com 0.16 0 0 5 2024-10-13
62 email:miltor gonnabit.com 0.16 0 0 14 2024-07-24
63 0xFFFFFFFF <tormaster AT kkb-clan dot de> 0.15 0 0.21 11 2019-02-18
64 urquanrelays proton me 0.15 0 0.28 2 2017-10-06
65 Dave Null <dave@null.net> 0.15 0 0.28 8 2024-01-16
66 PRQ Hosting <info AT prq dot se> 0.15 0.43 0.01 9 2024-10-20
67 torarbert@delroth.net 0.14 0 0.22 4 2019-02-18
68 freiraum TK AT protonmail DOT ch 0.14 0 0.21 22 2019-02-18
69 bigbonesy@proton.me 0.14 0 0 4 2024-05-21
70 axstet.de 0.14 0 0.26 9 2022-01-13
71 2BCA0A8B 0.14 0 0.26 2 2022-04-03
72 18FF6A3E 0.14 0 0.26 6 2024-12-03
73 GeoDB Tor Service <tor DOT svc AT geodb DOT org> 0.14 0 0.25 4 2022-04-03
74 relayon.org 0.14 0 0 4 2020-10-19
75 6ACAECCF 0.13 0 0.24 2 2022-07-02
76 terjan.net 0.13 0 0.19 7 2019-02-18
77 alps at AT protonmail dot com 0.13 0 0.24 2 2023-12-29
78 dike <at> tor.rndsh <dot> it 0.13 0 0.23 10 2018-11-25
79 louis.weebl.me 0.13 0 0.24 3 2019-02-18
80 Behemoth Project Anonimity <make-tor-great-again@e 0.13 0.15 0.13 7 2024-07-21
81 StayStrongServer <staystrongserver AT yandex dot 0.13 0 0.24 1 2020-06-12
82 Nicholas Merrill <nick AT calyx dot com> BTC - 14w 0.13 0.38 0.01 19 2013-11-12
83 Alexander Faeroey <ahf@0x90.dk> 0x61A208E16E7CB43 0.12 0 0.23 2 2019-02-18
84 9DC0D644 0.12 0 0.22 2 2023-07-01
85 Sh4d0wC1ph3r@proton.me 0.12 0 0.22 2 2024-01-21
86 5h098y32 at duck.com 0.12 0 0.22 2 2024-11-02
87 Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 0.11 0 0.21 3 2019-02-18
88 null-f.org 0.11 0 0.15 21 2024-11-27
89 Jonas Hess <tor@jonashess.net> 0.11 0 0.2 7 2023-01-28
90 wagner1.johannes@web.de 0.11 0 0.2 4 2024-08-16
91 torserver at xs4all 0.11 0 0.2 2 2024-02-05
92 emeraldonion.org 0.11 0.32 0.01 40 2024-07-20
93 mikael datanerd.se 0.11 0.32 0 6 2024-10-19
94 zwiebelrouter.net 0.11 0 0.2 5 2022-03-14
95 hiwi <hiwi AT nurfuerspam dot de> 0.11 0 0.13 5 2020-12-29
96 Support <support at lunoxia dot de> 0.11 0 0.2 1 2024-05-20
97 bahu.pro - Cloud Hosting tor at bahu dot pro 0.1 0 0.18 1 2024-07-22
98 EE2A6210 0.1 0 0.18 1 2022-05-13
99 xonumi.com 0.1 0 0.18 5 2024-01-15
100 enkidu-6.github.io 0.1 0 0.18 6 2022-06-12
101 email:Quetzalcoatl relays proton.me url:https://q 0.09 0.27 0 8 2024-08-29
102 z o 0.09 0 0 1 2024-04-03
103 tpr0000@cock.li 0.09 0 0.17 1 2024-08-29
104 lucaswerkmeister.de 0.09 0 0.17 1 2021-01-08
105 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <niels AT nldo dot nl> 0.09 0 0.17 1 2024-05-07
106 Ariazonaa <torproject@ariazonaa.net> 0.09 0 0.17 1 2024-08-25
107 info AT dxx dot eu 0.09 0 0 1 2024-11-20
108 gk@torproject.org 0.09 0.04 0.14 2 2021-11-24
109 moom0o@protonmail.com BTC: 31hADvfttHDbkTDLeyVMp 0.09 0.28 0 6 2024-09-19
110 4D0F2ADB 0.09 0 0.17 2 2024-01-21
111 doedelkiste.de 0.09 0 0.16 11 2015-10-18
112 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.09 0 0.16 4 2024-07-22
113 0xa1<:at:>mailbox<:dot:>org 0.09 0 0.16 5 2020-03-01
114 darmstadt@fridaysforfuture.de 0.09 0 0.16 3 2024-11-07
115 tor bruzzzla.de 0.09 0.01 0.15 5 2024-10-10
116 nospamhereplsss@gmail.com 0.09 0 0.16 1 2024-04-03
117 email:antifaang@freenode.cc 0.09 0 0.16 1 2021-11-24
118 your@e-mail.com 0.09 0 0.16 1 2024-04-03
119 <tor AT sutsuj dot com> 0.09 0 0.16 1 2020-09-10
120 <private> 0.09 0 0.16 1 2024-03-21
121 tor@righttoprivacy.net 0.08 0.13 0.05 8 2024-01-18
122 surok@b7s.ru 0.08 0 0 20 2024-11-07
123 email:bill-torrelays boughton.eu ciissversion:2 0.08 0 0.15 2 2019-02-18
124 99027C42 0.08 0 0.15 2 2024-01-22
125 B587EEC1 0.08 0 0.15 2 2024-01-21
126 www.privex.io 0.08 0.12 0.08 3 2019-06-28
127 tor at milkywan dot fr 0.08 0 0.15 2 2019-02-18
128 mikael datanerd.se 0.08 0.24 0 5 2024-10-19
129 6520532F 0.08 0 0.15 2 2023-08-04
130 raltullou@posteo.org 0.08 0 0.15 2 2017-02-13
131 tor-exit@vrij-heid.nl 0.08 0.23 0 4 2024-01-22
132 F1542050 0.08 0 0.07 2 2024-10-06
133 peTelRobi aT gmaIl DOT cOm> 0.08 0.23 0 7 2024-02-14
134 0320c8867fccd45d6a6f7a577ed09773f8929a6e CSGuard < 0.08 0 0.14 2 2019-02-18
135 StarApps GmbH, Switzerland 0.08 0 0.14 3 2021-10-01
136 tor@setsun.org 0.08 0 0.14 1 2019-12-25
137 3A04AC89 0.08 0 0.14 1 2022-05-13
138 queso/loco/at/tutanota/dot/io 0.08 0 0.14 1 2024-07-17
139 thor@securemail.com 0.08 0 0.14 1 2024-04-03
140 7C22E89A 0.08 0 0.14 1 2024-09-16
141 frisbeechampion 0.08 0 0.14 1 2024-08-31
142 mkg20001.io 0.08 0 0.14 1 2021-05-08
143 email:churrodawgsworld 0.08 0 0.14 1 2022-08-01
144 Best cheap vapes vape@citrinio.net 0.08 0 0.14 1 2024-01-21
145 DFA46FE6 0.08 0 0.14 1 2024-02-15
146 Fabian Keil <fk@fabiankeil.de> 8BA2371C 0.08 0 0.07 4 2019-02-18
147 Markus <markus AT mdfnet dot se> 0.08 0 0.14 3 2014-06-16
148 tuxli.org 0.08 0.13 0.03 10 2024-11-12
149 Abuse Poseidon2 <poseidon2.mule134 AT silomails DO 0.08 0.22 0 2 2024-05-08
150 0xD2BDDAAEA71726EBF8FD20FF02435989068F7B6B Karin S 0.08 0 0.14 2 2023-05-04
151 Random Person <tor-server@mikitsu.me> 0.08 0 0.14 2 2022-07-22
152 rofl.cat 0.07 0 0.1 8 2018-04-11
153 Henrik Kramselund <hlk AT zencurity dot com> 0.07 0.21 0 2 2021-03-29
154 Strelnikov@bahnhof.se 0.07 0 0.05 2 2020-07-12
155 Mi Gibtsdonet <nobody AT example dot com> 0.07 0 0.13 4 2022-05-23
156 4496A8EE 0.07 0 0.13 2 2024-10-24
157 b0at dot build3r at proton dot me 0.07 0 0.13 2 2022-07-22
158 Osservatorio Nessuno ODV <exit@osservatorionessuno 0.07 0.21 0 8 2018-12-21
159 max at freifunk-dresden dot de tor-relay.co 0.07 0 0.13 2 2021-02-14
160 opsfi-mail protonmail com 0.07 0 0.13 2 2024-01-21
161 admin@tor-relay.utilizer.de abuse@tor-relay.utiliz 0.07 0 0.13 3 2024-06-05
162 ceebee <@> chunguswire <dot> me 0.07 0 0.13 1 2022-08-01
163 enigma aet s0ny d0t net 0.07 0 0.13 1 2019-02-18
164 email:relaycontact l33tn0de.cc hoster:hetzner xmr 0.07 0 0.13 1 2021-11-14
165 chocolatebyte.mvb0y@slmails.com 0.07 0 0.13 1 2024-01-21
166 Tuxifan <tuxifan @ posteo . de> 0.07 0 0.13 1 2024-02-05
167 contact me at : darkknight <AT> binaryvault <DOT> 0.07 0 0.13 1 2022-08-01
168 James Taylor <contact AT tor-servers dot fornoreas 0.07 0 0.13 4 2019-02-18
169 haku19-@-mail.com 0.07 0 0.13 4 2022-03-14
170 512@gmx.ch tor-relay.co 0.07 0 0.13 1 2024-08-03
171 :- spicyavo @ binaryvault . net 0.07 0 0.13 1 2022-08-01
172 email:chuckyhorror sublimestorm dot xyz Donate at 0.07 0 0.13 1 2022-11-29
173 playboicarti at chunguswire.me B.T.C: 1Nvp7LbJ8JsN 0.07 0 0.13 1 2022-12-09
174 freeiranandtheworld@outlook.de 0.07 0 0.13 1 2024-01-22
175 broekemabent@protonmail.com 0.07 0 0.13 1 2022-04-03
176 email:m1dn1ght foxxynodes.com ciisversion:2 btc:1 0.07 0 0.12 1 2021-11-13
177 email: ammirelay at boatmail.cc confmgmt:ansible c 0.07 0 0.12 1 2022-08-01
178 Alexander abuse@spynode.cc 8E28C7AAD6360D19802D6D5 0.07 0.08 0.07 2 2024-11-13
179 Relay run by GhostBros ghostbros at sublimestorm 0.07 0 0.12 1 2022-11-29
180 58A2A0E8 0.07 0 0.12 1 2022-07-12
181 sloetor@gmail.com 0.07 0 0.12 4 2022-01-03
182 Lou Tschaier e98c29f1-04e6-46f6-9fc2-fab537bbc120@ 0.07 0 0.12 2 2024-01-22
183 psYchotic 0.07 0 0.12 1 2019-02-18
184 A85182BA 0.07 0 0.12 2 2023-01-18
185 3258B4E7 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-11-24
186 WilliDieEnte <tor AT ente dot dev> 0.06 0 0.07 2 2024-11-13
187 Abuse and contact address: turik at odinbox dot xy 0.06 0 0.12 1 2022-03-04
188 chappie7 AT riseup.net Donate here: https://pa 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-01-21
189 AF37B951 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-11-05
190 Contact: peabodysrv AT odinbox DOT xyz 1GLB7QLpc4N 0.06 0 0.12 1 2022-11-29
191 infokoopa@hacktivism.ch 0.06 0 0.12 3 2024-11-14
192 laguna <laguna@nerial.uk> 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-02-13
193 Eliana Routhampia <eli@novacloudapp.net> 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-05-25
194 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0.06 0.19 0 8 2021-06-17
195 Linus Nordberg 4096R/23291265 <linustor@nordberg. 0.06 0 0.12 3 2019-02-18
196 bogioa90 dot gmail.com 0.06 0 0 2 2024-08-12
197 5BE7317D 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-11-01
198 iwpjx9ay2@mozmail.com 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-11-04
199 Logforme <m7527 AT abc dot se> 0.06 0 0.12 1 2021-03-19
200 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot co 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-12-01
201 I thought you GNU 0.06 0 0 1 2024-01-19
202 8or8ty8 8or8ty8email@mir4ge.cc 0.06 0 0.12 1 2024-05-26
203 Hi Mom im on TV bigmanstu at hidemymail dot xyz 0.06 0 0.12 1 2022-12-09
204 pl8 tektonix at proton.me 0.06 0 0.03 2 2024-07-25
205 Vasil Kolev <tor@ludost.net> 0.06 0 0.12 1 2019-02-18
206 email:spacetex tutanota.com ciissversion:2 btc:14 0.06 0 0.12 1 2021-11-14
207 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.06 0 0.12 3 2024-07-22
208 Snorlax <pokemon365 at arktis dot cc> 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-11-29
209 yout@e-mail 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-06-28
210 email: itsvanbobaby AT torbewachen DOT xyz 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-08-01
211 email:pabs@dropbears.cc abuse:pabs@dropbears.cc ci 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-03-04
212 Sebastian Hahn <tor@sebastianhahn.net> 0.06 0 0.11 2 2019-02-18
213 uncertain krait AT proton . me 0.06 0.19 0 3 2024-09-04
214 not-real dot gmail.com 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-11-06
215 tor@k-ten.de 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-11-09
216 mRtjR4JX6pgJ@protonmail.ch 0.06 0 0.01 3 2022-03-24
217 Dieter - deeburger@zohomail.com 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-05-23
218 AE68ACD0 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-10-28
219 B023FAE9 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-09-26
220 email:contact c0der3d.xyz abuse:contact AT c0der3 0.06 0 0.11 1 2021-11-19
221 553652FB 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-01-22
222 vader@ciphermail.xyz 0.06 0 0.11 1 2021-11-24
223 Relay by H and the team. Contact us at: buzzteam A 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-08-01
224 dplus26@fastmail.com 0.06 0 0.11 3 2023-01-05
225 bensraspirelayde@gmail.com 0.06 0 0.1 4 2024-01-22
226 tor@birdeck.com 0.06 0.1 0.04 2 2024-07-27
227 Totoro4219 <totoro4219 AT mailbox dot org> 0.06 0 0.11 2 2024-02-02
228 WELCOME TO THE CHUMBUCKET pl4nkton @ froggydispa 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-12-04
229 58AA3EE7 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-04-05
230 CA0BA8FE 0.06 0 0.11 1 2023-05-06
231 Relay Admin Contact - mail@discretematch.cc 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-01-22
232 anders.io 0.06 0 0.11 4 2023-06-17
233 Kuro email:shinobi tntrelays.xyz xmr:47aUBkGxpr2j 0.06 0 0.11 1 2021-11-24
234 FUCK THE NSA Donate: 4AyALFfn3DQ6VSNaTzZMCgAicZy 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-03-04
235 FlokiNET <noc@flokinet.is> 0.06 0.17 0 2 2021-11-24
236 ELON TUSK <frosty at ovinet dot org> 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-11-29
237 mail: contactmail at s1rocco.org 0.06 0 0.11 1 2024-05-24
238 Gaara Patrick M naruto AT wafflehaus DOT org 0.06 0 0.11 1 2022-11-29
239 email:peeps@arktis.cc btc:1bR2BRgZ3GgwL1iCW5rGr9Hv 0.06 0 0.11 1 2021-11-24
240 tor-exit@mxmla.de 0.06 0.17 0 2 2024-11-06
241 Nurtic-Vibe <nurtic-vibe AT grmml DOT eu> 0.06 0 0.11 2 2018-10-03
242 tor-operator@mufff.in 0.06 0 0.03 6 2024-01-21
243 2269C990 0.06 0 0.1 1 2024-11-11
244 EDDD1EE1 0.06 0 0.1 1 2024-08-28
245 tor-operator@xor.sc 0.06 0.16 0 1 2022-08-21
246 goodserver@why.com 0.06 0 0.1 1 2024-11-06
247 pupokin at gmx de 0.06 0 0 1 2019-02-18
248 F6E694C8 0.06 0 0 1 2024-11-21
249 le1025656haha102vvs210000bnmuiooop11x@protonmail.c 0.05 0.17 0 3 2024-12-05
250 neprivet.ru 0.05 0 0 1 2024-04-15
251 email:fatdave moltencore.org ciissversion:2 0.05 0 0.1 1 2021-11-14
252 email:nuremberg2tor protonmail.com ciissversion:2 0.05 0 0.1 1 2021-11-14
253 email:gh0sthalo@moltencore.org btc:146KFigj4Lc6JjS 0.05 0 0.1 1 2021-11-14
254 Sophie <tor AT 999eagle DOT moe> 0.05 0 0.1 1 2020-06-22
255 1024D/0x49360B3B1DFBA164 Bernhard M. Wiedemann <to 0.05 0 0.07 2 2021-03-09
256 3544DD8F 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-10-29
257 Taj Rumbinji contact: taj@tajjina.cc 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-05-27
258 relay@lotusmassage123.com 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-05-29
259 3CA58FEC 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-11-12
260 e: <r3lay><@torrelaymail.net> 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-05-28
261 email:masterchief@sektorblue.com 0.05 0 0.1 1 2021-11-24
262 BEC5DA93 0.05 0 0.1 1 2023-03-05
263 email:freeassange foxxynodes.com ciisversion:2 bt 0.05 0 0.1 1 2021-11-14
264 www.schmeling-ol.de 0.05 0 0.09 5 2019-09-16
265 katawaredoki.net 0.05 0.01 0.09 4 2019-02-18
266 admin <raging relay@protonmail.com> 0.05 0 0 2 2024-02-01
267 email:d3fc0n c0der3d.xyz ciisversion:2 xmr:49bZRY 0.05 0 0.1 1 2021-11-14
268 sabotage.net 0.05 0.16 0 1 2024-01-22
269 1E03D81C 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-09-29
270 froschw403@gmail.com 0.05 0 0.1 1 2024-11-27
271 66DCBBB9 0.05 0 0 1 2024-01-21
272 Stan <favorite0ne@proton.me> 0.05 0.16 0 3 2024-08-02
273 tor @ public-files dot de - BTC: 3JVUpva3XdTzNyTVH 0.05 0 0.1 2 2019-02-18
274 <tor-contactREMOVEME AT t4cc0.re> GPG: 0x3AFF3AB49 0.05 0 0.1 2 2019-02-18
275 07F0E652 0.05 0 0.1 1 2022-04-15
276 miwtor@web.de 0.05 0 0.1 1 2020-09-29
277 364597B8 0.05 0 0 1 2024-10-14
278 44DC2366 0.05 0 0.1 1 2019-02-18
279 bofh@domain.tldr 0.05 0 0.1 1 2022-09-20
280 E00DFD54 0.05 0 0.1 1 2019-02-18
281 email:privacyboys@tutanota.com hoster:atomicnetwor 0.05 0.15 0 4 2023-07-08
282 noc@as204750.net 0.05 0.15 0 1 2024-09-22
283 7B8E2AC6 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-21
284 9CD25E71 0.05 0 0.09 2 2024-01-22
285 abuse at sign zwiebelmett dot xyz 0.05 0 0.09 1 2019-09-29
286 toradmin at night-site dot org 0.05 0 0.09 1 2019-02-18
287 tor at kyrasec.nl 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-06-03
288 email:jlvtrim at dropbears dot cc ciissversion:2 0.05 0 0.09 1 2022-02-12
289 nuketheworld email:boom tntrelays.xyz ciissversio 0.05 0 0.09 1 2021-11-14
290 tor-operator@mufff.in 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-22
291 7B78F4D8 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-11-12
292 A9F8CA97 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-06-27
293 email:wwallace@tntrelays.xyz zec:zs1tlt8aqleaxy46r 0.05 0 0.09 1 2022-11-29
294 no@thank.you 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-04-30
295 tor@wurzelmann.at 0.05 0 0.09 3 2024-08-21
296 Gaius Sorjonen <sorjonen AT tuta dot io> 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-07-21
297 friend of tor @privatemail.com> 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-21
298 5C426791 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-01-28
299 easybird <easybird.relay@proton.me> 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-06-08
300 0CDCFB0B 0.05 0 0.09 2 2015-04-12
301 114555F8 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-01-23
302 email:citadel5 ciphermail.xyz zec:zs1nkw34ffgwxt9 0.05 0 0.09 1 2021-11-24
303 email:minionrelay@protonmail.com ciissversion:2 0.05 0 0.09 1 2021-11-14
304 65562EE2 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-21
305 D870744F 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-10-28
306 Vasil Kolev <tor@ludost.net> 0.05 0 0.09 1 2019-06-08
307 F3FD38F2 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-02-08
308 IP-Eend <tor AT ip-eend dot nl> 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-05-23
309 89EEEFA5 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-07-21
310 8A5EFB7B 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-21
311 0x4471de61 Senf <tor AT senf dot space> 0.05 0 0.09 3 2022-12-29
312 Random Person <mangolover AT tutamail dot com> 0.05 0 0.06 3 2024-05-05
313 s dot aint667 at proton dot me 0.05 0 0.06 4 2022-06-22
314 uftorty8@gmail.com 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-22
315 email:mickymousecontact sektorblue.com ciissversi 0.05 0 0.09 1 2021-12-04
316 B2D9FF58 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-04-16
317 Witam kontakt:jan AT hidemymail.xyz 0.05 0 0.09 1 2022-11-29
318 tor-relay@t13pr.net 0.05 0 0.09 2 2024-01-26
319 InternetFreedomTeam <node.operators AT protonmail 0.05 0.14 0 1 2022-10-10
320 xplato1 <at proton.me> 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-10-22
321 B369F97F 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-11-14
322 email:blueeyeswhitedragon kluismail com ciissver 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-29
323 phillw.net 0.05 0 0.08 3 2019-02-18
324 email:validbutanonymaddress protonmail.com abuse: 0.05 0 0.07 3 2023-07-15
325 sven DOT scheiner AT googlemail DOT com tor-relay 0.05 0 0.09 2 2022-07-02
326 Matthias Schmidt <tor@vegms.de> 0.05 0.14 0 1 2024-01-21
327 0CAA2E90 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-03-17
328 /fabi/hererra/ gmx . com fabiana 0.05 0 0.09 1 2024-01-21
329 tor at bgp dot rodeo 0.05 0 0.09 1 2023-02-07
330 liiberated1@proton.me 0.05 0 0.09 2 2022-08-11
331 tor.gabrielg.es 0.05 0 0.09 1 2021-05-18
332 GaliNightsbridge <admin@GaliNightsbridge.net> 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-21
333 7F302F0A 0.04 0 0.08 1 2020-09-10
334 9A1C9EDB 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-21
335 0xF40E25B8FB8FC3F2204ABFBBA9DE100CAF6305D0 Kilobug 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-11-17
336 BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH @ Safe-mail.net 0.04 0 0.08 8 2019-02-28
337 2DC9AECB 0.04 0 0.08 3 2024-10-13
338 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.04 0 0.08 2 2024-07-22
339 dianaclip@proton.me 0.04 0 0 1 2024-11-10
340 1079E628 0.04 0 0.08 1 2019-03-05
341 Yorrick <yorrickh AT mail.ee> 0.04 0 0.08 1 2022-05-03
342 florentin.rochet@unamur.be 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-07-09
343 Tor admin <tor AT schellingstrasse dot de> 0.04 0 0.08 1 2020-08-21
344 2BA7 0A81 CD4F 8CC0 A862 E785 8FA6 0FFD 8B72 01E0 0.04 0 0.08 2 2024-05-04
345 your@e-mail 0.04 0.13 0 1 2024-10-11
346 email:contactrelay freenode.cc ciissversion:2 xmr 0.04 0 0.08 1 2021-11-14
347 Rotate-13 gbeznfgre@ubehf-vg.qr 0.04 0 0.08 1 2016-08-04
348 you&x27;re assumin&x27; imma human 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-11-03
349 9B81565C 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-04-04
350 bl4ckpr1sm@proton.me 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-10-14
351 FC87BA11 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-22
352 c0der@freenode.cc 0.04 0 0.08 1 2021-11-12
353 09F9CD95 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-02-10
354 siroxcw@proton.me 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-11-25
355 606ECD67 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-06-29
356 tor@0x800.cz 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-08-29
357 DAB09C9C 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-04-04
358 E6D32265 0.04 0 0 1 2024-01-22
359 F3145AA7 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-10-12
360 tuxli.org 0.04 0.13 0 3 2023-03-07
361 1D851C4B 0.04 0 0.07 2 2023-04-04
362 csheats@tutanota.com 0.04 0.13 0 3 2022-10-25
363 tor-NLfreedom@protonmail.com 0.04 0.13 0 1 2022-03-04
364 0xAAF5E25904F58A0F52BE1DA5BECFF25F495915B7 Absturz 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-21
365 371C00BF 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-05-10
366 Yuki Ibuki <yukiibuki090 at proton dot me> 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-09-07
367 474EA76A 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-07-11
368 Rhys RE <me at sign rhysre dot net> 0.04 0 0.08 1 2019-02-18
369 7DC499EA 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-02-17
370 fiad@schloop.win 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-22
371 D643B486 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-09-21
372 DAF25DF4 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-22
373 maxzrbn AT protonmail DOT com 0.04 0.13 0 5 2024-04-14
374 vgqzzubq at anonaddy dot me 0.04 0 0.08 16 2022-10-20
375 nashepro@proton.me 0.04 0.12 0 2 2024-06-28
376 tor@gweifinder.mozmail.com 0.04 0 0.08 12 2023-12-13
377 1261042B 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-06-03
378 17C2FBA1 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-22
379 flev @ kpnmail . nl 0.04 0 0.08 1 2019-02-18
380 bund <at-> posteo dot>de <> tor-relay.co 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-08-18
381 tor-relay-admin@carlos1001.com 0.04 0.1 0.01 4 2021-05-18
382 tor at cyberbunker dot biz 0.04 0 0.07 2 2023-05-10
383 27AD21AE 0.04 0 0.08 1 2023-06-23
384 6BB83B92 0.04 0 0 1 2024-11-25
385 693F0A23 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-11-01
386 71986901 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-01-22
387 <private> 0.04 0 0.08 1 2024-03-11
388 ContactInfo email:knight AT germancraft dot net ur 0.04 0 0.04 2 2024-04-11
389 tor a web7seas dot com 0.04 0 0.07 2 2019-09-26
390 sabotage.net 0.04 0.12 0 1 2024-01-22
391 27B7D6C0 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-07-21
392 tor at pingless dot com 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-01-03
393 tor-relay@simofamily.org 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-01-22
394 email:hotpwkr jltn xyz Donate here:17zPicHTVE7GP 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-11-29
395 76D58DE9 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-05-04
396 tortor AT mailbox dot org 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-05-10
397 rng29a@wintermute.info 0.04 0 0.07 1 2020-08-21
398 A5CAF012 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-03-01
399 Rize <relay AT rize dot anonaddy dot com> 0.04 0 0 1 2024-11-22
400 AA0D90C8 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-04-05
401 BE062843 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-07-25
402 2fjsaf2ja4da@protonmail.com 0.04 0 0 1 2020-04-13
403 maffaypeter847@gmail.com 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-11-27
404 none@none 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-03-09
405 12CE2632 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-02-09
406 24893333 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-11-29
407 37A5E87E 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-05-01
408 901AAC5B 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-04-03
409 9A39B0B7 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-04-23
410 torservers.net 0.04 0.12 0 1 2023-01-08
411 379AD084 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-11-01
412 549FA4E3 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-04-03
413 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-08-02
414 7997C3FC 0.04 0 0.07 1 2020-08-01
415 admin <tor DASH 3xg0k33m AT dzp DOT nz> 0.04 0 0.07 1 2019-02-18
416 <x6c656e696e sektorblue.com> 0.04 0 0.07 1 2021-11-24
417 dianaclip@proton.me 0.04 0 0 1 2024-11-10
418 EB68C39C35BC73E97C267CF4087D607D91E0B52C admin <mo 0.04 0 0.07 6 2023-08-22
419 Tor Admin <toradmin AT veilsoftheonion DOT eu> 0.04 0 0.07 2 2019-02-18
420 galtland.network 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-06-27
421 51221964 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-08-07
422 Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 0.04 0 0.07 1 2021-04-08
423 pinkpurpleorange@proton.me 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-11-24
424 6E5F1BE3 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-02-17
425 socatsocat cock.li 0.04 0 0 1 2024-08-24
426 0x21C9B87E69A83FB112295C271FBF751E8BD3D4CA k4m1 <k 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-08-17
427 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0.04 0 0 1 2024-11-28
428 E42DEAC2 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-05-11
429 F11F59BB 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-11-19
430 pikachu.systems 0.04 0 0.07 2 2021-12-22
431 AA763073 0.04 0 0.07 3 2019-02-18
432 torservers.net 0.04 0.11 0 1 2023-01-08
433 Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 0.04 0 0.07 1 2021-04-08
434 <torrelayrunner AT protonmail DOT com> 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-03-12
435 38316AF9 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-05-12
436 tor-relay-contact <at> digitalsquid <dot> co <dot> 0.04 0 0.05 4 2020-04-03
437 secutor secure-bits.org 0.04 0 0.07 2 2024-01-22
438 8921CB0E 0.04 0 0.07 1 2023-04-24
439 your@e-mail 0.04 0.12 0 1 2024-09-02
440 z9kx21zk855s@protonmail.com 0.04 0.11 0 2 2023-06-13
441 email:bigcastle8127@airmail.cc ciissversion:2 0.04 0 0.07 1 2022-12-06
442 2A5F2AD5 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-04-08
443 Critical Cat <tor@critical.cat> 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-01-22
444 0xFFFFFFFF observatory123 <observatory123 AT proto 0.04 0 0.07 1 2024-08-14
445 sabotage.net 0.03 0.11 0 1 2022-12-09
446 252957C9 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-08-28
447 human@kobar.de 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-11-06
448 email:ynp4bj airmail.cc ciissversion:2 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-08-14
449 sct-rl-contact@proton.me 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-10-16
450 8D1272C0 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-08-29
451 email:snowball at rapidmail.cc 0.03 0 0.07 1 2021-12-04
452 info@niklasl.com 0.03 0 0.07 1 2022-09-30
453 0x59205995C95D108C Sylvain Rager <sylvain at reg 0.03 0 0.07 1 2019-02-18
454 your@e-mail 0.03 0 0 1 2024-06-20
455 tor-relays <you know what belongs here> mmap <and 0.03 0 0.06 2 2021-12-14
456 1D24826A 0.03 0 0.05 3 2024-03-15
457 sabotage.net 0.03 0.1 0 1 2024-01-18
458 51407211 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-01-31
459 8E3700E5 0.03 0 0.07 1 2023-05-10
460 landshrimp at kluismail dot com 0.03 0 0.07 1 2022-03-04
461 email:micrasoft at jltn . xyz ciisversion:2 confmg 0.03 0 0.07 1 2024-03-15
462 shadowroute01.oncoming659@passinbox.com 0.03 0 0.06 4 2024-05-19
463 hostmaster@lauchyt.de 0.03 0 0.05 2 2023-03-27
464 email: tor at b0rken dot de 0.03 0 0.06 1 2021-08-30
465 tor-relay@littleroot.de 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-06-02
466 colincogle.name 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-03-14
467 <domi.0815@gmail.com> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-11-29
468 quench@proton.me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-12-03
469 foo@example.com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-10-05
470 zsXDYnpE6P at protonmail dot com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-01-22
471 celtiq.sec A.T. proton D.O.T. me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-02-07
472 B970961C 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-12-09
473 CBD42010 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-08-08
474 AA1474F6 0.03 0 0 3 2024-12-10
475 <thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5D 0.03 0.01 0.02 5 2024-08-11
476 jets843@privatemail.com 0.03 0.1 0 6 2022-08-11
477 B58D 2CC8 1269 1D74 EDA8 44E2 C2F1 43CF E49F 7671 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-11-25
478 zorc.xyz 0.03 0 0.06 1 2021-01-28
479 beat me marvinfreehudred@proton.me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-01-22
480 60C24AFF 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-06-23
481 C270F5E0 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-10-22
482 tioncol@proton.me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-11-14
483 nico@pfcloud.io 0.03 0.1 0 2 2023-05-14
484 8329D57A 0.03 0 0.06 2 2024-05-23
485 torusyeetus@protonmail.com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-09-15
486 Stechus Kaktus <stechuskaktus1337@protonmail.com> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-07-29
487 348944DB 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-01-21
488 matt@felle.nz 0.03 0 0 1 2024-02-01
489 Lilly Schramm <lilly tor@trans.ceo> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-02-05
490 dianaclip@proton.me 0.03 0 0 1 2024-11-10
491 tor.start100@gmail.com 0.03 0 0 1 2024-01-22
492 8B4ECB75 0.03 0 0.06 1 2020-11-09
493 email:hmenscerepig pm.me pgp:0c063fab0d477c7978bb 0.03 0 0 1 2024-12-13
494 Mika Schneider <tor AT mikaconor-schneider dot de> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-03-25
495 911 0.03 0 0 1 2024-10-14
496 Mike Wille <tor@mw.gd> pgp: 1D53B2FF846754E7ABC7B 0.03 0 0.04 3 2022-11-29
497 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.03 0 0.05 3 2024-01-21
498 tornode2022@protonmail.com 0.03 0.1 0 6 2023-02-17
499 malagama proton 0.03 0 0 10 2024-10-28
500 0AFD832F 0.03 0.1 0 1 2024-03-13
501 tor-exit-1.allium.dev 0.03 0.1 0 2 2022-08-21
502 1D6528AA 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-06-09
503 SComputerLP <scomputerlp AT gmail dot com> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-03-03
504 tor at ensayon dot com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-10-09
505 miraty.niv.re 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-05-03
506 phoenitydawn tor admin <tor@phoenitydawn.de> - 1KW 0.03 0 0.06 1 2019-02-18
507 mail: admin tjdev.de 0.03 0 0.06 2 2022-09-10
508 739AE4DE 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-07-19
509 8F9CD937 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-05-03
510 94629572 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-04-15
511 C6C2F339 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-07-02
512 Paco Caliente <p4co.c4liente AT protonmail dot com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2021-08-26
513 CB19C930 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-03-29
514 DB603D15 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-04-18
515 E8648791 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-01-22
516 35872480 0.03 0 0 2 2024-09-22
517 evansaike consultant com 0.03 0.05 0.03 2 2022-07-22
518 root@skathi.net 0.03 0 0 2 2024-02-01
519 37C1D665 0.03 0 0.01 2 2019-02-18
520 worldofmatthew.com 0.03 0.1 0 1 2020-08-31
521 Sven Reissmann <abuse at rz.hs-fulda.de> 0.03 0.1 0 1 2024-01-21
522 4ADB08AF 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-01-21
523 <olafuringvason@posteo.is> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-02-25
524 B1FE4BE9 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-02-21
525 werger.ufer@tutanota.com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-01-21
526 CDD66C79 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-03-15
527 FAB3FE2A 0.03 0 0 1 2024-08-09
528 athenarelay at protonmail dot com 0.03 0.07 0.01 5 2019-07-05
529 recipe-acl@mit.edu 0.03 0.04 0.03 5 2023-03-01
530 82BEDF4C 0.03 0.1 0 1 2024-01-22
531 ramin dot schreur at mail dot com 0.03 0.09 0 1 2022-04-03
532 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.03 0.09 0 1 2023-06-09
533 0E83A834 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-12-01
534 Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-11-23
535 1FE6D59B 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-03-23
536 31588E6B 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-08-28
537 kzjaaqwfnabb protonmail com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2021-04-28
538 arli@arli21.me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-09-15
539 kontakt@hopfen.space 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-05-13
540 send complaints to Putin instead 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-03-01
541 torbert then an at and dignonet here a dot org 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-04-02
542 <TGSwissNET abcATabc gmail abc abc com> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-06-23
543 fuckedop@proton.me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-05-03
544 pikz at tuta dot io 0.03 0 0.06 1 2019-08-17
545 J Random Hacker <j random hacker at nowhere loopba 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-07-09
546 IT <tor AT informatik dot uni-bremen dot de> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-04-03
547 7be58bbb-2028-4549-923c-93325619a0f1@anonaddy.me 0.03 0.09 0 2 2024-11-10
548 contact@radical-privacy.com 0.03 0 0.05 3 2024-01-05
549 tesseract.dk 0.03 0 0.06 2 2020-05-13
550 3A4E734B 0.03 0 0.06 2 2024-10-11
551 dhnet.torcontact@gmail.com 0.03 0.07 0.01 3 2022-09-09
552 0A8FB5E2 0.03 0 0.06 2 2022-10-27
553 Kavin <kavin-tor AT protonmail dot com> 0.03 0 0.06 3 2023-01-18
554 someonesneighbor1@protonmail.com 0.03 0.09 0 1 2022-05-03
555 mk17hg@brocku.ca 0.03 0 0.06 8 2023-05-27
556 community.torproject.8pqny@passmail.net 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-05-10
557 vidarekinci@protonmail.com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-10-10
558 2CE9BE1F 0.03 0 0.06 1 2019-05-09
559 45EDDBE3 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-10-23
560 4938A9B5 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-08-02
561 Relay Admin <privacheese AT proton.me> 0.03 0 0.06 2 2024-09-06
562 TorInAS200462<AmyCrossed AT tutanota dot com> 0.03 0 0.06 1 2021-06-27
563 keiferdodderblyyatgmaildodder dot com 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-02-03
564 Lennart Oldenburg <lennart.oldenburg@esat.kuleuven 0.03 0 0.06 1 2019-02-18
565 B4C39AD4 0.03 0 0.06 1 2022-01-13
566 BA46824B 0.03 0 0.06 1 2023-08-16
567 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-07-28
568 Mr.Weasel ferretfet@proton.me 0.03 0 0.06 1 2024-04-03
569 Contact me at: blazedwizard@rapidmail<.>cc 0.03 0 0.06 1 2021-12-04
570 orenom@tutanota.com 0.03 0 0 4 2020-07-12
571 50shadesofblue85@gmail.com 0.03 0 0.06 8 2024-08-30
572 1FB9CCBE 0.03 0 0.05 1 2022-08-11
573 2CD23D10 0.03 0 0.05 1 2023-05-06
574 27C1DF5B 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-01-22
575 857D506E 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-02-03
576 tor@mail.flo-the.dev 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-01-21
577 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-10-21
578 dir act at systemli.org 0.03 0 0.05 2 2023-04-18
579 E3D851EB 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-08-26
580 DE915B27 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-01-22
581 obfuscation.oxofrmbl@mein.gmx 0.03 0 0.05 2 2021-04-18
582 info@syndicateguys.com 0.03 0.09 0 4 2024-01-20
583 quetzalcoatl-relays.org 0.03 0.09 0 16 2023-06-03
584 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.03 0.09 0 1 2024-01-22
585 03D2EFFB 0.03 0 0 1 2023-12-25
586 tor at dereferenced net 0.03 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
587 Eridanus <tor AT 5ir dot de> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2020-04-14
588 1884B98A 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-11-07
589 2EB3C230 0.03 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
590 <code9n at pm dot me> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2022-12-19
591 crafter@crafter.rocks 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-02-20
592 levitate@proton.me 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-12-05
593 giannoug AT-gmail DOt- com 0.03 0 0.05 2 2019-02-18
594 knight AT RELAYNAMEWITHOUTNUMBER DOOOT nett 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-06-11
595 @jbrps 0x588F6C31 <jonas@rz-k.de> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
596 Jugger Relay jugger-relay@protonmail.com 0.03 0 0.05 1 2020-01-04
597 TorAdmin <toradmin AT tanascius dot com> 0.03 0 0.05 2 2019-12-05
598 <BrightEi AT proton dot me> 0.03 0 0.04 2 2024-08-05
599 email:tor memcpy.io url:http://memcpy.io proof:ur 0.03 0 0.05 2 2021-12-24
600 CryptoCactus Tor AT proton dot me 0.03 0 0.05 2 2024-01-28
601 cvjoint73@protonmail.com 0.03 0.09 0 2 2022-04-03
602 name is Blaze — blazeready@Mail.com 0.03 0.08 0 2 2024-01-21
603 contact at ng1x dot xyz 0.03 0 0.05 2 2022-06-02
604 shyonion@mailbox.org 0.03 0.09 0 1 2024-04-18
605 mentor@palokaj.co 0.03 0.08 0 1 2023-07-27
606 35BC0F0D 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-09-07
607 tioncol@proton.me 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-11-14
608 socatsocat cock.li 0.03 0 0 1 2024-08-24
609 tor at 0x3d dot lu - 1x3dG3utS7FDrTtJutnR3zuCo4Z8f 0.03 0 0.05 2 2019-02-18
610 Leon <Leon AT platinumhost dot io> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2023-04-12
611 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-08-30
612 Zufaellige Person vorname nachname@mail2tor.com 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-01-22
613 chaotorum<ASCII64>onionmail<ASCII46>org 0.03 0 0.05 1 2021-08-06
614 0x88888888 Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-07-29
615 Administrator <torrelay dot photon AT mkfs dot xyz 0.03 0 0.05 2 2024-06-29
616 2EC83D2B 0.03 0 0.05 4 2021-11-14
617 ezyn.de 0.03 0 0.05 3 2021-10-05
618 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.03 0.09 0 1 2024-01-22
619 46F9FB94 0.03 0.08 0 1 2024-02-07
620 2659ACAA 0.03 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
621 tor-relay@steinmann.help 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-04-13
622 6932475F 0.03 0 0 1 2024-04-17
623 tor@opensource-it.org 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-08-22
624 tor AT ravidwivedi dot in 0.03 0 0.05 1 2022-01-03
625 ipunchsharks@protonmail.com 0.03 0 0.05 1 2019-06-08
626 your@e-mail 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-12-07
627 r3y7dvprknzsjnwgaufs@tutanota.de 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-01-22
628 0x88888888 Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-06-16
629 DC073284 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-10-29
630 wrath-deny-slimy@duck.com 0.03 0 0 1 2024-11-22
631 Gloria Mundi <tor AT gloria-mundi DOT eu> 0.03 0 0.05 1 2023-07-21
632 Top <s8pn910sokiig0cc76bl2qud at systemli.org> 0.03 0 0.04 2 2024-01-21
633 f46edmin@linuxmail.org 0.03 0.07 0 4 2022-04-13
634 01900B2C 0.03 0 0.05 4 2023-11-02
635 relaymijn a t gmail d o t com 0.03 0.01 0.04 2 2024-11-21
636 limited0ne@gmx.com 0.03 0 0.05 3 2022-08-21
637 portaler-typ.0c@icloud.com 0.03 0.09 0 1 2022-08-31
638 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.03 0.09 0 1 2024-01-22
639 relay@hackster.anonaddy.com 0.03 0.09 0 1 2023-02-21
640 NotMyMomsAdmin <NotMyMomsTorRelay AT schaefer minu 0.03 0 0 1 2021-12-14
641 438F3EA4 0.03 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
642 edita@danwin1210.de 0.03 0 0.05 1 2022-11-19
643 8EF390A0 0.03 0 0.05 1 2023-07-21
644 PMG the world@is.yours 0.03 0 0.05 1 2022-10-30
645 Kutas Pierdolony < tor.mooned586 A7 silomails , c0 0.03 0 0.05 1 2024-01-22
646 holonet.sh 0.03 0 0.05 1 2022-04-23
647 platypus-tor-node/at/proton/dot/me 0.03 0 0.05 1 2021-05-08
648 admin at hivemind dot biz 0.03 0 0.05 2 2022-07-22
649 MiddleChildRelay Admin <tor-middlechild @ digitali 0.03 0 0 1 2024-01-22
650 torrelay fokaia AT manchester DOT gr 0.02 0 0.05 2 2022-03-14
651 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-22
652 2702323C 0.02 0 0 1 2024-10-16
653 zwiebelchentor@gmx.de 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-22
654 7CCAAC63 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-09-21
655 81FA8CD8 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-12-04
656 tor-operator@mufff.in 0.02 0 0 1 2024-02-01
657 E84FB379 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-01-21
658 F2899981 0.02 0 0.05 1 2019-11-25
659 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2023-11-09
660 John Doe johndoe@anon.local 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-21
661 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-21
662 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-22
663 Burgwallbronn.xyz@proton.me 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-09-21
664 pitivierglisse@gmail.com 0.02 0 0.05 1 2023-08-22
665 327EEC1C 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-11-18
666 Thomas Steen Rasmussen / Tykling <thomas@gibfest.d 0.02 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
667 . . . 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-11-23
668 littlehoster.denote399@passinbox.com 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-04-23
669 tor.skankhunt42.pw 0.02 0 0 2 2023-05-12
670 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0 1 2024-03-04
671 7DBD27A6 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-02-16
672 8C5E2A69 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-12-03
673 B16BFE5C 0.02 0 0 1 2022-08-21
674 luis.carilla1@gmail.com 0.02 0 0.05 1 2024-10-23
675 GnuPG: 0x6DCEBB9F 0.02 0 0.05 1 2019-02-18
676 relaytor at yahoo dot com 0.02 0.07 0 12 2021-11-04
677 <comecum32 habenwir com> 0.02 0 0 8 2024-10-25
678 belldaddy@tuta.io 0.02 0.07 0 2 2024-03-10
679 arpagic1@mail.com 0.02 0 0.04 2 2024-11-15
680 torrelay at kieran dot de 0.02 0 0.04 3 2019-01-31
681 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-22
682 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-22
683 mikael datanerd.se 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-10-19
684 42C56C1B 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
685 5790B62A 0.02 0 0.04 1 2020-04-23
686 nope@nopey.comd 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-28
687 81EBAD67 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-06
688 I dont have an email to contact me on yet : 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-21
689 www.rince.de 0.02 0 0.04 1 2020-08-21
690 t.starlit144@passfwd.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-05-23
691 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2023-11-09
692 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-14
693 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.08 0 1 2024-01-22
694 greorod1206@gmail.com 0.02 0.07 0 1 2023-06-03
695 2AD82F39 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-03-20
696 0D6CD875 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-03-13
697 2E593E0E 0.02 0 0 1 2024-09-17
698 Martin; <martinlt wafflehaus org> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-11-29
699 63B53D61 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-05-28
700 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-21
701 Mike Hertzog /Huthog@poortorrelayer.info 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
702 9C965407 0.02 0 0 1 2024-11-22
703 incognitorelay@proton.me 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-21
704 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
705 raphael@gonku.de 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-09-19
706 DFE3C36A 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-11-02
707 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
708 DC0B2CF7 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-11-01
709 your@e-mail 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-22
710 wakako <at> rod <dot> ac 0.02 0 0.04 1 2021-02-17
711 tor at ewigschlau dot de tor-relay.co 0.02 0 0.02 2 2020-07-02
712 <neoshadow55@proton.me> 0.02 0 0 3 2024-11-27
713 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
714 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
715 Digineo GmbH <tor AT digineo dot de> 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-05-23
716 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
717 staaf@protonmaildotch 0.02 0.07 0 1 2023-08-14
718 0xFFFFFFFF Random Person <nobody AT example dot co 0.02 0 0.04 1 2016-02-03
719 torrelay@hayzy.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-07-13
720 4134DA29 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-11-08
721 48215EE6 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-16
722 PostGuard@gentlemansclub.de 0.02 0 0.04 1 2021-05-08
723 moehre-hostingtor@riseup.net 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
724 Tom A <tom AT realdeadbeef DOT com> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-04-02
725 torrelay@k2x.dev 0.02 0 0 1 2024-11-11
726 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
727 CD2D2DAF 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-09-14
728 maskoniontrue@proton.me 0.02 0 0 1 2024-12-03
729 andweb noc AT-symbol mailbox.org 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-02-18
730 turtlecute @ horsefucker . org 0.02 0.03 0 4 2022-10-10
731 mutantcoder protonmail com 0.02 0 0.04 3 2022-03-12
732 relay at vonderste dot in 0.02 0 0.04 2 2024-08-28
733 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
734 hole1@gmx.com 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
735 Randy Random <postmaster@zocer.net> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-09-22
736 2B172EBC 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-22
737 7E1A01BA167E8023A6B68BE8A05D811694AE4D8E Felix Aur 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-01-03
738 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
739 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-07-27
740 PrivateCitizen <pr1vat3citizen AT proton dot me> 0.02 0 0 1 2023-05-06
741 tor-contact@kher.nl 0.02 0 0.04 2 2019-06-08
742 54476788 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-11-19
743 samam < at > protonmail.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-02-18
744 52239036 0.02 0 0.04 2 2024-05-08
745 adm AT>>tmrx.cc 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
746 nm1zujww at duck.com 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-22
747 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
748 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
749 ContactInfo email:knight AT germancraft dot net ur 0.02 0 0 2 2024-01-23
750 alxu.ca 0.02 0 0.04 3 2019-02-18
751 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
752 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
753 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
754 Svea Hosting <info@svea.net> 0.02 0.06 0 1 2020-07-28
755 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-09-29
756 03f AT gmx dot de 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-11-09
757 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
758 43219E6F 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-23
759 <>money4peace<> @proton.me 0.02 0 0 1 2024-07-29
760 5B62E424 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
761 torspam at timanttikuutio . eu 0.02 0 0.04 1 2021-05-08
762 6F4C45A1 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-06-20
763 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
764 torrocks at- mailbox<dot=>org 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-05-20
765 stu-junk at outlook com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-09-02
766 9F331451 0.02 0 0 1 2024-10-14
767 relay@stateofduality.de 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-10-06
768 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-31
769 relay@nici.gay 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-08-18
770 BF935943 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-05-23
771 C8A0C692 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-21
772 <roger fillipo> rodger.fillipo@mail.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-02-18
773 venus-tor@proton.me 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-20
774 fabian AT hufenreuter dot info 0.02 0 0 1 2019-02-18
775 <1ea7deadbeef AT posteo dot net> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-02-18
776 support@vpsfree.org 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-02-18
777 tor.yhkki@slmail.me 0.02 0 0.04 2 2022-03-04
778 tor-mgmt@netc.fr 0.02 0.01 0 3 2024-12-12
779 4096R/701269C611CA9526 OpenNetworX Tor Operator <t 0.02 0 0.04 3 2019-02-18
780 <trly1 AT proton dot me> 0.02 0 0.04 3 2019-02-18
781 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
782 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
783 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-01-22
784 first@oniontb.anonaddy.com 0.02 0.07 0 1 2024-08-31
785 Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de> 0.02 0.06 0 1 2019-02-28
786 911 0.02 0 0 1 2024-10-14
787 none 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-11-03
788 SEND DOS dosman@privatemail.com 0.02 0 0 1 2024-03-06
789 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
790 <ben tor at graef . in> 0.02 0 0.02 2 2019-02-18
791 torkowo@testowo.pl 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-04-06
792 friedhaintor posteo.de 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-09-01
793 nice try 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-10-20
794 Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-07-28
795 Nobody pudzian-relay at protonmail.com 0.02 0 0 1 2022-02-02
796 911 0.02 0 0 1 2024-10-14
797 <sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0.02 0.02 0.02 5 2024-01-22
798 Effi.org <tor AT effi dot org> 0.02 0.06 0 2 2018-11-13
799 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2023-09-06
800 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
801 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-21
802 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-31
803 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
804 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
805 911 0.02 0 0 1 2024-10-14
806 pKD9jZ19N1LiTvsjOF3 at ttutanota com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-03-30
807 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
808 Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-02-22
809 6C333B5B 0.02 0 0.04 1 2019-02-18
810 abuse-from-tor@polo-uniar.it 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-04-03
811 untilnoend@gmail.com 0.02 0 0 1 2021-01-28
812 BA44DFFE 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-08-16
813 Covert Narcissist brownathena969@gmail.com 0.02 0 0 1 2024-02-01
814 gutter.duckdns.org 0.02 0 0.02 10 2021-11-14
815 postmaster@lepenet.link 0.02 0 0.04 6 2024-02-23
816 Dev Null <root@dev.null> 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-09-30
817 WSSH - <wssh at gmx dot com> 0.02 0.06 0 1 2021-12-04
818 babysharkdootdoot@proton.me 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
819 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-21
820 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
821 1806.one <1806 AT firemail dot cc> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-06-15
822 kol3v14@protonmail.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-02-10
823 gouroulubrik@gmail.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-04-10
824 392051FD 0.02 0 0 1 2023-04-16
825 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.04 1 2023-08-02
826 email: admin@xoa.se 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-05-13
827 John Doe <tor AT zeroxninety dot net> 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-30
828 6B7CEA7C 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
829 Tor <tor AT hasselba dot ch> 0.02 0 0.04 2 2024-09-04
830 71A1DA0D 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-06-05
831 tor@worldofmail.com 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-13
832 823D33ED 0.02 0 0 1 2024-11-15
833 8EE8A8D4 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-11-05
834 A0026D48 0.02 0 0 1 2024-11-15
835 A233051F 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-03-25
836 None 0.02 0 0 1 2024-10-16
837 D8187484 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-01-22
838 Hosting-OS.de <tor-relay@hosting-os.de> 0.02 0 0.04 1 2022-03-24
839 F7D5CD0A 0.02 0 0.04 1 2024-10-22
840 Patator <cmVsYXktb3BlcmF0b3JAYXNjaWlhbmRodXRjaC5iZ 0.02 0 0.02 3 2021-10-05
841 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2023-09-06
842 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
843 DeuZa <proton@deuza.bzh> 7F19 FB12 EF3D 26EE 52AD 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-08-13
844 zcarba@gmx.com 0.02 0.06 0 1 2022-10-30
845 02C7A07B 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-03-01
846 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-08-07
847 0F6033F8 0.02 0 0.03 1 2021-02-16
848 307DF18E 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-08-19
849 LS <rarity discard300 AT simplelogin dot com> 0.02 0 0.03 2 2024-10-13
850 tor822196@gmail.com 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-02-06
851 tor@pathos-ii.ddnss.de 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-02-20
852 706F54AC 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
853 admin@cynosure.red 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-10-24
854 Sebastian Luebke <tor AT luebke dot dev> 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-11-01
855 83832@tec.link38.eu 0.02 0 0.03 1 2022-06-12
856 email: bigul AT tutanota DOT com 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-04-10
857 atyourservice@morke.org 0.02 0 0 1 2023-03-10
858 c3ypt1c@gmail.com 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-03-10
859 techno stigma 0c at icloud dot com 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-30
860 Dan < xiaoqic at cs dot princeton dot edu > 0.02 0 0.03 10 2021-06-27
861 noc@0x7c0.com 0.02 0.05 0 4 2024-07-26
862 MarkN.Hebb@gmail.com 0.02 0 0.03 2 2019-02-18
863 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
864 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
865 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-22
866 judas priest doamin here 0.02 0.05 0 1 2024-09-01
867 scofflaw@mailfence.com 0.02 0.05 0 1 2024-11-05
868 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-08-07
869 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-08-07
870 12D5CABC 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-01-26
871 Scott Maxwell tor-contact-2024-netcup-medium-arm 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-04-05
872 2144EC31 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-01-21
873 relay@enitg.no 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-09-18
874 ralph.ratz@recons.de 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-05-03
875 8470EAB3 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
876 4EE694A4 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-11-20
877 Andsec Team <security AT andsec dot ch> 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-10-27
878 galois "d a s h" onion "a t" protonmail "d o t" co 0.02 0 0.03 1 2021-08-06
879 DevilishRelayOperator <devilishRelayOperator AT pr 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-11-04
880 E039FEF5 0.02 0 0.03 1 2022-11-29
881 ED861855 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-08-20
882 jimbo263@fastmail.com 0.02 0 0.03 2 2022-08-31
883 potlatch protonmail com 0.02 0.03 0.01 6 2019-02-18
884 billy819@mail.com 0.02 0.06 0 1 2022-10-21
885 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-01-21
886 viggosg@varmdogymnasium.se 0.02 0.06 0 1 2024-11-22
887 987CFC56 0.02 0.05 0 1 2022-05-23
888 hot.taco.relay@protonmail.com 0.02 0.05 0 1 2024-04-03
889 00FF9083 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-11-20
890 04DFE047 0.02 0 0.03 1 2019-04-17
891 0x31384448 Ole Rydahl Had a cat named Dobbo <ole 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-03-27
892 214323BD 0.02 0 0 1 2024-01-22
893 28655D30 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
894 Xavier Bettel 0.02 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
895 sebastianboegl.de 0.02 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
896 <r.adnanbabar@gmail.com> 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
897 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-08-02
898 A151005A 0.02 0 0.03 1 2022-11-09
899 AABD320B 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
900 systemli <t o r - e x i t .AT. s y s t e m l i DOT 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-07-27
901 B50A9826 0.02 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
902 None 0.02 0 0 1 2022-10-30
903 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-08-02
904 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.02 0 0.03 1 2023-08-02
905 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-10-17
906 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-10-21
907 allenk841@mailfence.com 0.02 0 0 1 2022-12-29
908 tor-operator at infosecproject dot org 0.02 0 0.03 1 2024-03-24
909 kszczot.pl 0.02 0 0.02 4 2024-10-30
910 CanisAlpha aa tt PROTON MAIL o COM 0.02 0 0.03 3 2022-03-24
911 xjfkytxy@duck.com 0.02 0 0.01 2 2023-03-21
912 411361FD 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-08-15
913 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-05-30
914 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-01-22
915 dharma-initiative-tor-network e-mail-symbol proton 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-08-16
916 298EC333 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
917 not.a@real.email 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-12-06
918 theres-no-email-for@bots.com 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-04-14
919 6154EEEE 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-06-09
920 mib at mib dot dev 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-01-26
921 torproject at telekobold dot de 0.01 0 0 2 2022-11-19
922 Damn these things are expensive <3 tordel-network 0.01 0 0.03 1 2021-08-26
923 74574575 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-10-10
924 0x1E7523CA911AC822 Markus Witt <markus.witt@rwth-a 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-04-29
925 59FDAC19FBC4E692652F3EB0C7B7552BDF21283B Smith <qt 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
926 voqelfrei <tor voqel AT pm me> pgp:8018FA5B9E760EF 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-04-02
927 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-02-15
928 TorRelay.TacticalAtom@gmail.com 0.01 0 0 1 2022-12-09
929 xyz.1328.tech 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-11-29
930 tor.recopy788@silomails.com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-30
931 Tor Admin <sysadmin AT waltoninstitute dot ie> 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-04-13
932 0xDAC4CCB6722FF7E5 Alexander Bhm <alexander.boehm 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-07-02
933 C1F93754 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-01-21
934 admin@caspervk.net 0.01 0.05 0 2 2023-08-06
935 germancraft.net 0.01 0 0 8 2019-02-18
936 torcornholio at gmail.com 0.01 0.05 0 1 2023-07-07
937 50E23506 0.01 0.05 0 1 2021-09-25
938 favorite0ne @proton.me 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-01-21
939 send it PRERRAFFEB at privatemail . com 0.01 0.05 0 1 2023-08-06
940 Lennart Hostettler <lennart.hostettler // wurzel.i 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-01-22
941 fritohlays@fastmail.com 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-01-22
942 The Yeti <yeti AT shokk DOT de> 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-12-07
943 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-08-02
944 random zandoli <zandoli@riseup.net> 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-01-21
945 nicoleiocana.com 0.01 0 0.03 1 2020-09-20
946 mail: torrelay <at> maciej.cloud 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-04-06
947 40508842 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-03-29
948 5F65CD87 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-28
949 76A4FAD9 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-29
950 7737A403 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
951 83AF86A9 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-11-05
952 f89g65f21@national.shitposting.agency 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
953 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-02-15
954 tor at alo dot is tor-relay.co 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-12-25
955 email:tormaster nerdreich.de btc:1Ma9whLg6U5HDBUP 0.01 0 0 1 2021-12-14
956 4096R/1EE96C8A375D94EC46E1F93F12CD89085C726CB4 Jan 0.01 0 0.03 2 2019-02-18
957 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-08-02
958 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-02-15
959 tor-operator@maxwellfarrior.tech 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-04-13
960 mandalorian.outpost.222@yandex DOT com 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-01-29
961 url:https://ricsi.priv.at proof:uri-rsa ciissversi 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-01-13
962 Our Tor relay: Because sometimes the longest detou 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-10-12
963 www.triplebit.org 0.01 0 0.03 11 2024-10-07
964 contact@cypher.re 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-11-17
965 tawfek.cloud kontakt AT tawfek.dk 0.01 0.05 0 1 2023-02-09
966 peoplesliberation@proton.me 0.01 0.05 0 1 2023-07-06
967 fulloffaith -SPAM-CUTTOFF- @gmx.com 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-01-22
968 laladee@posteo.net 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-12-04
969 4096R/34650013 La Quadrature du Net <tor@laquadrat 0.01 0.05 0 1 2019-02-18
970 145C1A48 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-10
971 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-08-02
972 firststylebm@proton.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-02
973 405B635B 0.01 0 0 1 2024-01-22
974 <tor-relay@ceskar.xyz> s7xwcb5vpszox5a —–BEGIN 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-03-11
975 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-03-04
976 629301C0 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-05-16
977 66B71E9A 0.01 0 0 1 2024-09-26
978 72C480E8 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-05-29
979 Gunnis Va <gv.anonym AT gmail dot com> 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-28
980 8B09 DE4C E20B AD74 EF9A 11C4 F668 C57D 79DC 827E 0.01 0 0.03 1 2020-08-31
981 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-09-29
982 Daniel Winzen <daniel@danwin1210.de> 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-09-23
983 Reaver@darkside.net 0.01 0 0 1 2024-09-21
984 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-09-29
985 5B2B8D57736C5CB2E561FB4613517D5C7BD72B14 Mattias C 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-02
986 EB806B20 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-09-20
987 solitude at montanti dot us 0.01 0 0 8 2022-05-03
988 w3da5mxwr@relay.firefox.com 0.01 0 0.03 3 2023-02-07
989 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0.01 0 0.03 5 2021-09-05
990 mooooooooon.com 0.01 0 0 14 2024-05-14
991 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0.05 0 1 2024-01-31
992 Bartosz Waszak <waszi@httpx.pl> 0.01 0.04 0 1 2022-03-04
993 <c4t2816 at protonmail . ch> 0.01 0.04 0 1 2023-06-29
994 matrixrevolution@mail2tor.com 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-11-10
995 mikael datanerd.se 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-12-07
996 B8CE7258 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-08-28
997 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-05-07
998 Random Person nobody@tor.org 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-01-28
999 2BDC19C9 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-19
1000 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-01-22
1001 493A4023 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-03-23
1002 54F5431B 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-11-19
1003 5B6DAB15 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-08-21
1004 Amsterdam, NL <everybodyswatching@netherlands.nl> 0.01 0 0.03 1 2023-01-28
1005 9E2A4B1A 0.01 0 0.03 1 2021-02-17
1006 tor@home.arpa 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-10-14
1007 CF9BEB3E 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-08-31
1008 SysCom <syscom =at= snt.utwente.nl> 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
1009 CD55FF8B 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-03-09
1010 E11657B9 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-10
1011 EC16F2B1 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-02-22
1012 tor@schr.at 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-05-24
1013 tor@rkn.life 0.01 0 0.03 1 2019-02-18
1014 LongLiveTheOnion <longlivetheonion /AT mailbox /do 0.01 0 0.03 1 2024-10-27
1015 FDA67317 0.01 0 0.03 1 2022-09-20
1016 frei.raum Technikkollektiv <roland.k AT disroot DO 0.01 0.04 0 2 2019-09-16
1017 carbon1958@protonmail.com 0.01 0.02 0 2 2024-03-08
1018 Privacy Person <privacy first please AT protonmail 0.01 0 0 2 2024-01-31
1019 tor@dst.ca 0.01 0 0.03 4 2019-02-18
1020 7B06C796 0.01 0 0.03 3 2024-03-12
1021 <gigi.marian.kent@gmail.com> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2023-11-20
1022 email:abuse-zuluu at protonmail dot com url:http:/ 0.01 0.04 0 1 2023-08-20
1023 freeasinbeer@techie.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-07-15
1024 tor@dnet.ovh 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1025 Tor P. <torp ARROBA sol 42 PUNTO com> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-06-03
1026 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-08-02
1027 Random Person <tor@nerdconomy.com> 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-24
1028 3C9E68EE 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-20
1029 contact@plop.ovh 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-01-22
1030 5AC2115B 0.01 0 0 1 2024-10-27
1031 5DC40F53 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1032 72270EB5 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1033 idontcheckmyemailanyways 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1034 precambrien <precambrien AT cestcool dot net> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-06-02
1035 AE4EB5F6 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-21
1036 url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-08-02
1037 torrelay@lilmixture.com—bc1qgzysvt8emfmspykmft3d 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-05-17
1038 tor-relay@ahnlak.com 0.01 0 0 6 2024-06-06
1039 Kion Ma <kionma AT proton dot me> 0.01 0 0.02 3 2024-11-03
1040 iraqizachy@privatemail.com 0.01 0 0.02 3 2024-06-10
1041 <nobody AT example dot com> 0.01 0.04 0 1 2018-11-22
1042 abuse at miner dot dk see https://www.miner.dk 0.01 0.04 0 1 2020-07-02
1043 emeraldonion.org 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-07-26
1044 8F16229D 0.01 0.04 0 1 2020-04-03
1045 NO SOLICITING ////// jimbo263 ///// @fastmail.com 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-03-15
1046 C4ECFD56 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-02-19
1047 008269B0 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-23
1048 00C7825A 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-21
1049 JustChomik@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-11-08
1050 Michael Garson <tor relay against censorship@tutan 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-01
1051 NoxDaFox nox32 at hotmail dot com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-02-17
1052 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-08-17
1053 @zandermeer 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-04-01
1054 cerca at swiss-enigma dot ch 0.01 0 0 1 2023-08-12
1055 tor@eti-net.de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-02-09
1056 0x5c3732f4942cffc4 Roland van Ipenburg <ipenburg@x 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-12-05
1057 BD59E773 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-11
1058 CFE937F5 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-03-30
1059 EA9E042A 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-21
1060 VanillaIceCream Admin <VanillaIceCream.Admin@forma 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-25
1061 463A4B44 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-08-21
1062 torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 0.01 0 0 10 2024-08-21
1063 gleebear@proton.me 0.01 0.04 0 2 2022-12-09
1064 Clara <3 <clara at zergflag dot fr> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-01-22
1065 io-tor@twormtwo.com 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-07-17
1066 CD8A6568 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-01-21
1067 h0tch0c @caramail.fr 0.01 0.04 0 1 2023-07-29
1068 Friendlu user teodorbober814@gmail.com 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-11-11
1069 the dude ——————@———————- 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-02-16
1070 stareintodeathandbestill.com 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-08-24
1071 01B8F18C 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-02-05
1072 037B6C60 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-08-22
1073 176EC378 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-07-27
1074 18B160CD 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-10
1075 skirtsandcats@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-06-25
1076 <tor-relay@ceskar.xyz> s7xwcb5vpszox5a —–BEGIN 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-30
1077 42BF33B3 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-12-29
1078 5B987FF9 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-08-25
1079 5D15E37B 0.01 0 0 1 2022-06-12
1080 John 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-01-13
1081 6DB10460 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-10-20
1082 876C7CE4 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1083 tankf33der@disroot.org 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-04-15
1084 tor@garrenhax.se 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-02-13
1085 squarebrain–@cocaine–.ninja– 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-03-16
1086 noc =at= schokomil.ch 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1087 BC951FE4 0.01 0 0 1 2024-10-31
1088 your@e-mail 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-09-26
1089 Paris, FR <parisofficial@france.fr> 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-17
1090 tor at txwx.de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1091 email:foxwells riseup.net 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-09-10
1092 rotor-tor@pm.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-05-05
1093 F463C140 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-06
1094 data.forger@proton.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-08
1095 barcelona@miistermail.fr 0.01 0 0 5 2024-10-28
1096 email:sysop openinternet.io offlinemasterkey:y ci 0.01 0 0.02 2 2019-02-18
1097 tzancauraganul@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 3 2024-01-21
1098 kai.sx 0.01 0 0.02 2 2019-02-18
1099 462EC0C8 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-10-25
1100 emeraldonion.org 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-07-26
1101 emeraldonion.org 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-07-26
1102 vlad at vlads dot me 0.01 0 0.02 2 2019-02-18
1103 235A96D6 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-07-07
1104 264E8CA3 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-03-14
1105 katerinazamurieva1996964j3cy@mail.ua 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-20
1106 31D270A3 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-11-05
1107 hacksax-osald.0c at icloud.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-01-28
1108 47D55C9B 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-08
1109 Sidju <tor AT sidju dot se> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-12-19
1110 54EE5C1E 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-10-30
1111 5E54B70A 0.01 0 0 1 2024-01-21
1112 dev.null@kryptonit.org 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-09-29
1113 pokherchip@mail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-04
1114 9CCC3E2B 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-02-07
1115 elude acid850@simplelogin.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-22
1116 x12413@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-13
1117 unisex-stapes.0h@icloud.com 0.01 0 0 1 2020-11-29
1118 ADC19D08 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-05-14
1119 bftorirelay@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1120 sere04versed@icloud.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1121 <tor-relay@ceskar.xyz> s7xwcb5vpszox5a —–BEGIN 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-30
1122 no@spam.org 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-06-21
1123 <r.adnanbabar@gmail.com> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1124 Jan Weiher <jan buksy de> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1125 tor dot relay dot edc /at/ danwin1210 dot de 0.01 0 0.02 4 2021-03-19
1126 avaet1iriejai9duv6aj at gmail dot com tor-relay.c 0.01 0 0.02 4 2019-09-01
1127 0FAD8CE4 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-03-19
1128 097D8390 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-01-23
1129 3A829FC1 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-02-18
1130 surveillance.monster 0.01 0 0 2 2024-11-05
1131 none 0.01 0.03 0 2 2024-02-01
1132 <tor at snehankekre dot com> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2021-12-14
1133 karsgoesbeepATlilbroDOTca 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-12-11
1134 4D7F03F8 0.01 0.04 0 1 2024-12-11
1135 0AF3293D 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-11-05
1136 pazcthy@mail.com 0.01 0.03 0 1 2023-07-31
1137 < onion-exit @ /stagingdomain- dot -name> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2021-06-27
1138 <statusquo@mailbox.org> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-05-03
1139 CC3113E6 0.01 0.03 0 1 2021-03-29
1140 YoyoYankee <american AT protonmail dot com> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-07-21
1141 EF201A39 <nat@makarevitch.org> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-08-21
1142 14917053 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-25
1143 isodiapher /at/ movim / eu xmpp ad9c85ac 5aded 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-03-25
1144 ContactInfo email:knight AT germancraft dot net ur 0.01 0 0 1 2024-01-22
1145 Cryptobot7 <cryptobot7 AT protonmail dot com> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-08-08
1146 5h098y32 at duck . com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-06-21
1147 tor 1 AT online DOT de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-01-14
1148 5746FE4B 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1149 5DCCC86A 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-12-02
1150 ltvln8854 at protonmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-15
1151 9B5B3B5B 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-09-10
1152 nobody@example.com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-02
1153 cookieandtea@cocaine.ninja 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-30
1154 m4j843@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-02-16
1155 CF70F884 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-18
1156 <roger fillipo> rodger.fillipo@mail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1157 TRFI> torrelayfi gmail 0.01 0 0 1 2019-07-28
1158 TheStaticTurtle <tor-relay@thestaticturtle.fr> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-01-24
1159 E9BE2D99 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-11
1160 cyberbits.eu 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-07-22
1161 tor101 <tor101 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.01 0 0.02 4 2024-01-22
1162 12961130 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-04-18
1163 <dmpmmservice –at– gmail . -com-> 0.01 0 0 7 2024-09-15
1164 <admir@tor.mailia.be> 0.01 0 0 2 2024-03-25
1165 tor102 <tor102 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.01 0 0.02 4 2023-03-15
1166 nermal@tutanota.de 0.01 0 0 2 2024-10-15
1167 C8F4A475 0.01 0 0 2 2024-01-22
1168 < pokefamily AT tutanota dot com> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-03-04
1169 1FCCC3FB 0.01 0 0.02 4 2024-03-05
1170 2062C6FE 0.01 0 0.02 2 2021-09-05
1171 <developing ATT keemail dott me> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2021-05-26
1172 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-01-30
1173 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-06-11
1174 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-02-02
1175 Admin <tor.uncharted624@passmail.net> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-01-21
1176 MIYOP @tutanota.de 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-01-16
1177 BAF223E9 0.01 0.03 0 1 2020-02-13
1178 dasexil proton.me 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-06-23
1179 bc1q8jtc0jnvwxw5h4724v04xc3hvnq28s8wme2686 <tor AT 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-11-28
1180 AntsySeptum@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-05
1181 <tamanegi AT rainside dot sk> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1182 24C312C6 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-01-08
1183 cpgs2v97c@mozmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-04-25
1184 SuomiLLC AtT proton DOtT me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-07-10
1185 0x1E430D7E Spelling Cow <spelling-cow AT proton D0 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-20
1186 i-am-freman-@-privatemail dot com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-03-30
1187 63DF5478 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-24
1188 FollowMyWay@mail.ru 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-06-26
1189 CryingOnion-relay@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-10-10
1190 donrichys@riseup.net 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-05-06
1191 67CDF7A4 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1192 7D06BF2C 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-29
1193 atomcats dot tor dot relay at gmail dot com tor-re 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1194 <thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5D 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-12-05
1195 lyraiue7 at duck.com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-01-30
1196 einSehrNetterHoster 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-01-13
1197 FFD52CFC 0.01 0 0 1 2024-05-17
1198 nicetrynono@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-01-13
1199 torproject.org.masculine802@passmail.net 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-08-27
1200 0x4F8ACED4 Marcel Menzel <mail@typhoon31.de> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2019-02-18
1201 3FB88013 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-01-28
1202 cub-due0k@icloud.com 0.01 0 0 2 2024-10-25
1203 tor@cabaal.net 0.01 0 0.02 3 2023-10-27
1204 234B06E4 0.01 0 0.02 3 2022-04-13
1205 32ED1B55 0.01 0 0.02 2 2021-03-19
1206 accessnow.org <servers at accessnow dot org> 0.01 0.03 0 11 2017-12-08
1207 relay@nols.computer 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-11-30
1208 chimagamer01@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-12-01
1209 letsdoit <letsdoit@gmx-topmail.de> 0.01 0 0.01 4 2021-03-19
1210 email:schroedingers cat riseup.net pgp:4A74E1B840 0.01 0.03 0 1 2019-04-13
1211 copia297@proton.me 0.01 0.03 0 1 2022-10-30
1212 postmaster@km30701-02.keymachine.de 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-10-07
1213 privacy@tor-for-privacy.com 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-01-22
1214 art4096 proton mail 0.01 0.03 0 1 2022-09-30
1215 fos-admin snokado@gmx.de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1216 chaz@chaz6.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-10-28
1217 katze@kunfoo.org 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-02-23
1218 morrrgoth@proton.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-09-12
1219 Ka0a <kAl3id0sc0p3@proton.me> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-11-09
1220 3A005D00 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-10
1221 44FB31D0 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-07-27
1222 nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-21
1223 bosslike589 at gmail dot com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-12-29
1224 929AD846 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-25
1225 community.torproject.grief119@passmail.net 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-08-16
1226 umnacquitypowa@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-02-06
1227 lka sucks@proton.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-26
1228 482677A4 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-05
1229 tor@schweren.dev 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1230 <tor@blicky.net> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1231 57D02580 0.01 0 0 1 2024-03-23
1232 614656D1 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-05-23
1233 6E0063AD 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-10
1234 Bihurst relay <bihurstrelay dot photo825 AT passin 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-03-11
1235 torrelaysaregreat@gmail.com xmr:84czj1u2Q4dJ7bzf41 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-09-17
1236 7913C398 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-14
1237 none 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1238 torstenrelay@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0 1 2020-10-30
1239 javier.a javi5@gmx.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1240 email@dvdznf.xyz 0.01 0 0 1 2023-04-16
1241 A25DE5FF 0.01 0 0 1 2024-01-21
1242 trinity.fr.eu.org 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-06-12
1243 B34D07BF 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-12-09
1244 machinepfftround4 at protonmail dot com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-06-09
1245 kYl3-3pIt4xy-pEk3@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-09
1246 tor relay.7razv@aleeas.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-07-21
1247 tor-relay@vaw-valentin.de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-10-12
1248 C3389AB2 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-05-12
1249 cleshawnlamontegue@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-07-13
1250 Tessier-Ashpool-Tech-Support protonmail com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-12-09
1251 F2081DA5 0.01 0 0 1 2024-09-05
1252 F2F8309E 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-09-25
1253 F4650430 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-20
1254 email:torproxy protonmail.com proof:uri-rsa abuse 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1255 1F322949 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-03-04
1256 Steven Murdoch <ephemer-tor-admin@cl.cam.ac.uk> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2019-02-18
1257 gooserider42 at proton dot me 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-08-01
1258 8EED46FF 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-03-19
1259 C0C8864A 0.01 0 0.02 2 2022-05-23
1260 hnlexit@bsideshawaii.org 0.01 0.03 0 9 2024-01-22
1261 Admin <causes.beretta0c@icloud.com> 0.01 0 0.02 2 2024-06-16
1262 0xD5792C4C8C6F8DE8377949D1F48380B2EC8F9449 Tor Ope 0.01 0.03 0 1 2019-02-18
1263 jikeyb81 at mailfence . com 0.01 0.03 0 1 2023-07-21
1264 <unevencandidate AT tutamail dot com> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2023-08-12
1265 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-10-26
1266 francois < tor AT zof.sh> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2021-05-18
1267 Tor <tor@plutex.de> 0.01 0.03 0 1 2019-02-18
1268 supermp3man@protonmail.com 0.01 0.03 0 1 2022-04-23
1269 mbox: skylark host: protonmail dot com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-08-28
1270 relay@bgrshell.eu 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-23
1271 0C9B3C68 0.01 0 0.02 1 2013-10-21
1272 Max Short <max unsigned short@protonmail.com> 0.01 0 0 1 2020-09-14
1273 1324B4C0 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-27
1274 137DD636 0.01 0 0 1 2023-12-15
1275 19B2AB23 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-09-12
1276 voxbox-tor at protonmail dot com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-11-04
1277 tor AT r-36 D0T net 0.01 0 0 1 2024-03-01
1278 31B08B49 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-09-29
1279 tor-node-admin@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-01-23
1280 xnet.place <hello AT xnet dot place> 0.01 0 0 1 2024-10-24
1281 436F432D 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-18
1282 your@e-mail 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-17
1283 507AD463 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-19
1284 4E632D84 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1285 644A1E27 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-20
1286 nospam@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-03-23
1287 athalis.de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-10-30
1288 itzdr4v3n@gmail.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-09-25
1289 <agrialimasmeni@riseup.net> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1290 Random Person <pitime2038 AT gmail dot com> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-04-17
1291 6D6B24A5 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-11-20
1292 nobody 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-10
1293 7009E23E 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-07-26
1294 73A32BE0 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-03-09
1295 postmaster@yolovision-inc.com 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-21
1296 82798874 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-03-28
1297 Leader <leader AT free-hack dot com> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-10-05
1298 chinquapin single underscore no spaces kype aatt s 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-09-30
1299 tor relai@hyter.online 0.01 0 0 1 2024-04-08
1300 antiglowiemachine9000@proton.me 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-02-18
1301 ssigmaboy@proton.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-20
1302 AB62ED1A 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-03-03
1303 tor@operapia.org 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1304 My Tor Node <mytornode@xn–y9a.net> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2022-05-03
1305 B5924BC1 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-10
1306 C89976F4 0.01 0 0.02 1 2023-03-09
1307 tor at praseodyme dot net 0.01 0 0.02 1 2021-01-18
1308 tor AT r-36 D0T net 0.01 0 0 1 2024-03-01
1309 Decio <decio@decio.eu> 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-02-18
1310 torrelay at vonkuenheim dot de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2019-03-20
1311 dmitri @bk.ru 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-03-01
1312 DAABB04E 0.01 0 0.02 1 2024-01-22
1313 support at keybouh dot dev 0.01 0 0 1 2020-11-29
1314 Tor Contact Radboud CS <tor-relay@cs.ru.nl> 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-12
1315 tor@53c70r.de 0.01 0 0.02 1 2020-12-19
1316 24523E7B 0.01 0 0.01 2 2021-03-29
1317 2CFFDEAE 0.01 0 0.01 2 2021-10-25
1318 tor106 <tor106 AT ip-connect dot info> 0.01 0 0.01 4 2024-01-22
1319 subtype@protonmail.com 0.01 0.03 0 2 2019-10-16
1320 Fiete <m DOT buechner AT gmail DOT com> 0.01 0 0 2 2021-12-24
1321 k8r <tor@trollbox.org> 0.01 0 0.01 2 2023-02-27
1322 1AKfiFWajSckVrArTVh21KkdPuegordE3E 0.01 0 0.01 11 2016-10-24
1323 apps-at-name-of-relay-dot-be 0.01 0 0.01 4 2021-05-28
1324 try4ard@tutanota.com 0.01 0.03 0 1 2024-01-30
1325 cris.sanders22@protonmail.com 0.01 0.02 0 1 2019-02-18
1326 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.02 0 1 2024-05-05
1327 a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net 0.01 0.02 0 1 2024-01-22
1328 9C9B2A36 0.01 0.02 0 1 2023-06-09
1329 DONT SPAM DONT SPY legalizeprivacy protonmail com 0.01 0.02 0 1 2023-05-24
1330 B1B687C3 0.01 0.02 0 1 2022-02-02
1331 024A48D0 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-12-19
1332 13CE18FD 0.01 0 0 1 2023-04-19
1333 14080AF1 0.01 0 0 1 2024-06-02
1334 toroperator1776@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0.01 1 2019-03-20
1335 <gamerik AT protonmail dot com> 0.01 0 0 1 2024-02-03
1336 ggose16 pm.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-12
1337 3443772C 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-02-07
1338 breakingbread0@proton.me 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-04-01
1339 ReplaceIwithY <tor AT cIberkommando d0t de> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2020-04-03
1340 Alessandro Greco <alessandro DOT greco DOT 1 AT pr 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-02-02
1341 relay runner8@riseup.net 0.01 0 0 1 2023-01-18
1342 hawk at swiss-enigma dot ch 0.01 0 0.01 1 2022-09-20
1343 i2de8790 at duck.com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-01-30
1344 metrics.torproject.o.gratuity708@passinbox.com 0.01 0 0 1 2024-12-08
1345 68CB49DE 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-03-05
1346 admin@mnlab.xyz 0.01 0 0.01 1 2021-12-24
1347 I S <tor AT t01 DOT s-ix DOT net> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1348 Ragga Muffin <contact AT raggamuffin dot org> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2022-05-23
1349 648mnd4yg@mozmail.com 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-09-08
1350 81E8A4F5 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-11-04
1351 ggose16 pm.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-12
1352 tor4freedom-at-protonmail-dot-ch 0.01 0 0 1 2024-07-21
1353 mail@no-mail.gov 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-03-31
1354 9BA1289C 0.01 0 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1355 0xF1ADC390 Random Tor Node Operator <tor at unterd 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-02-17
1356 EMTY <emty.pro AT proton> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-09-20
1357 ssigmaboy@proton.me 0.01 0 0 1 2024-11-20
1358 4096R/1567BC0F Jesus Cea <jcea@jcea.es> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2020-01-24
1359 Ali Gatorr <Ali DOT Gatorr AT free DOT fr> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2020-04-23
1360 ADEC41CA 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-07-31
1361 BBD1B1A2 0.01 0 0.01 1 2019-02-18
1362 A8F9764C rubefeli <"relay nickname" AT pm.me> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2022-12-29
1363 tor AT r-36 D0T net 0.01 0 0 1 2024-03-01
1364 aestetium@protonmail.com 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-04-06
1365 D93A701C 0.01 0 0.01 1 2024-01-22
1366 ChocolateIceCream Admin <ChocolateIceCream.Admin@f 0.01 0 0 1 2024-10-20
1367 DE35BB3C 0.01 0 0.01 1 2023-03-11
1368 KORVERIK korv@anderstorpsfestivalen.se 0.01 0 0.01 1 2022-01-13
1369 Frank Exchange of Views <f.e.o.v AT pm dot me> 0.01 0 0.01 1 2019-07-18
1370 Mr. Leviathan < tor-relay @ lvthn D.O.T win > 0.01 0 0.01 3 2022-04-23
1371 torrelay@brave.com 0.01 0 0.01 6 2019-02-18
1372 never/been/caught/@/proton/me 0.01 0 0.01 2 2024-04-30
1373 <hellorelay AT protonmail DOT com> 0.01 0 0 2 2023-12-26
1374 yumpy<at>fastmail<.>net 0.01 0.02 0 2 2024-01-22
1375 06B0DAAF 0.01 0 0.01 3 2024-03-11
1376 Luflosi <tor-relay-1 AT luflosi.de> 0.01 0 0 2 2020-08-21

Autonomous Systems by CW Fraction

  AS Name CW Fraction(%) Guard(%) Exit(%) #Relays
0 Hetzner Online GmbH H R 10.68 16.66 0 371
1 Stiftung Erneuerbare Freiheit H R 10.65 3.26 26.13 358
2 OVH SAS H R 8.61 14.38 1.35 505
3 SURF B.V. H R 7.59 1.53 20.13 290
4 netcup GmbH H R 5.21 7.03 2.69 299
5 1337 Services GmbH H R 4.01 2.42 7.72 431
6 IONOS SE H R 3.12 5.08 0 185
7 Foundation for Applied Privacy H R 2.47 0 7.41 104
8 FranTech Solutions H R 1.98 0.58 4.88 202
9 SCALEWAY S.A.S. H R 1.82 2.72 0.19 84
10 Berdiev Ruslan Mukhabatovich H R 1.67 0.92 3.28 84
11 Clouvider Limited H R 1.38 0.03 0.03 37
12 24 SHELLS H R 1.19 0.01 0 44
13 Oracle Corporation H R 1.11 1.53 0 218
14 EVANZO e-commerce GmbH H R 0.93 1.65 0 35
15 ColocationX Ltd. H R 0.87 0.94 0.71 42
16 The Infrastructure Group B.V. H R 0.85 0.25 1.96 56
17 Oliver Horscht is trading as "SYNLINQ" H R 0.82 1.48 0 36
18 FEELB SARL H R 0.79 1.42 0 32
19 WIIT AG H R 0.77 1.32 0.06 34
20 Init7 Switzerland Ltd. H R 0.64 1.1 0 28
21 Swisscom Schweiz AG H R 0.64 0.98 0 17
22 FlokiNET ehf H R 0.64 0.12 1.66 64
23 QuxLabs AB H R 0.62 0.05 1.77 24
24 Contabo GmbH H R 0.55 0.59 0.24 93
25 M247 Europe SRL H R 0.51 0.87 0.02 44
26 Ferdinand Zink trading as Tube-Hosting H R 0.47 0.72 0 8
27 Private Layer INC H R 0.47 0.17 0.59 50
28 WorldStream B.V. H R 0.43 0.58 0 17
29 No ACK Group Holding AB H R 0.43 0.03 1.22 24
30 dataforest GmbH H R 0.41 0.64 0 7
31 LeaseWeb Netherlands B.V. H R 0.41 0.57 0.19 26
32 AEZA INTERNATIONAL LTD H R 0.4 0.64 0.04 35
33 Magna Capax Finland Oy H R 0.4 0.06 0 24
34 default gateway UG haftungsbeschraenkt H R 0.39 0.7 0 8
36 Foreningen for digitala fri- och rattigheter H R 0.39 0.03 1.1 33
37 RWTH Aachen University H R 0.36 0.64 0 9
38 NForce Entertainment B.V. H R 0.34 0.23 0.62 5
39 Pfcloud UG H R 0.34 0 0.42 21
40 ZONER a.s. H R 0.31 0.57 0 13
41 Host Europe GmbH H R 0.31 0.56 0 8
42 Leaseweb Deutschland GmbH H R 0.29 0.26 0.12 15
43 MilkyWan Association H R 0.29 0.17 0.59 10
44 B2 Net Solutions Inc. H R 0.29 0.12 0 90
45 IELO-LIAZO SERVICES SAS H R 0.28 0.02 0.79 16
46 KPN B.V. H R 0.27 0.44 0 18
47 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue H R 0.25 0.32 0.23 14
48 UNMANAGED LTD H R 0.25 0.01 0.73 25
49 KeFF Networks Ltd H R 0.24 0.02 0.69 13
50 Forening for DotSrc H R 0.24 0.02 0.68 11
51 South Park Networks LLC H R 0.23 0.41 0 9
52 DigitalOcean, LLC H R 0.23 0.22 0 104
53 Coolhousing s.r.o. H R 0.22 0.4 0 10
54 SURF B.V. H R 0.22 0.37 0 8
55 Akamai Technologies, Inc. H R 0.22 0.23 0.13 107
56 Florian Kolb H R 0.21 0.29 0.15 5
57 TECHOFF SRV LIMITED H R 0.21 0 0.64 16
58 HIVELOCITY, Inc. H R 0.2 0.35 0 37
59 Bahnhof AB H R 0.2 0.25 0.05 18
60 WEDOS Internet, a.s. H R 0.2 0.08 0.47 19
61 Strato AG H R 0.19 0.32 0 13
63 Universal Layer LLC H R 0.19 0.01 0.55 30
64 SABOTAGE LLC H R 0.18 0.01 0.5 5
65 Gigahost AS H R 0.17 0.32 0 10
66 Infomaniak Network SA H R 0.17 0.31 0 6
67 Free SAS H R 0.17 0.28 0 23
68 Marco Lingl trading as Cyberse GmbH & Co. KG H R 0.17 0.16 0 6
69 Vodafone Czech Republic a.s. H R 0.17 0.15 0.07 17
70 Deutsche Telekom AG H R 0.17 0.15 0 78
71 Feral.io Ltd H R 0.17 0.06 0 5
72 Epinatura LLC H R 0.17 0.05 0.28 22
73 Obehosting AB H R 0.16 0.29 0 11
74 MEVSPACE sp. z o.o. H R 0.16 0.29 0 9
75 Windcloud 4.0 GmbH H R 0.16 0.29 0 8
76 velia.net Internetdienste GmbH H R 0.16 0.27 0 5
77 Emerald Onion H R 0.16 0.01 0.45 43
78 Datasource AG H R 0.15 0.28 0 6
79 G-Core Labs S.A. H R 0.15 0.27 0 12
80 Fredrik Holmqvist H R 0.15 0.01 0.44 10
81 Ikoula Net SAS H R 0.14 0.25 0 8
82 ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH H R 0.14 0.17 0 7
83 Keyweb AG H R 0.14 0.14 0.17 19
84 Vetenskapsradet / SUNET H R 0.13 0.23 0 5
85 ALEXHOST SRL H R 0.13 0.2 0 29
86 HostSlim B.V. H R 0.13 0.19 0 9
87 Verein zur Foerderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V. H R 0.13 0.18 0.1 7
88 IP Volume inc H R 0.13 0.16 0.1 4
89 The Calyx Institue H R 0.13 0.01 0.38 20
90 Seflow s.r.l. H R 0.12 0.23 0 7
91 GTHost H R 0.12 0.22 0 9
92 Forskningsnettet - Danish network for Research and Education H R 0.12 0.22 0 2
93 Odido Netherlands B.V. H R 0.12 0.21 0 4
94 Civil association Init Lab H R 0.12 0.21 0 2
95 HZ Hosting Ltd H R 0.12 0.15 0 12
96 MivoCloud SRL H R 0.12 0.14 0 19
97 SOLLUTIUM EU Sp z.o.o. H R 0.12 0.07 0.13 6
98 24fire GmbH H R 0.11 0.2 0 4
99 Telia Company AB H R 0.11 0.18 0 12
100 Scalaxy B.V. H R 0.11 0.16 0.06 3
101 Atomic Networks LLC H R 0.11 0.11 0.15 7
102 BrainStorm Network, Inc H R 0.11 0.11 0.05 47
103 MAXKO d.o.o. H R 0.11 0.05 0.23 11
104 Maximilian Jacobsen H R 0.11 0 0.17 6
105 hosttech GmbH H R 0.1 0.19 0 5
106 Verdina Ltd. H R 0.1 0.19 0 5
107 BAHU LTD H R 0.1 0.18 0 1
108 SIA VEESP H R 0.1 0.16 0 11
109 Michael Sebastian Schinzel trading as IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG H R 0.1 0.15 0 11
110 ReliableSite.Net LLC H R 0.1 0.12 0.09 43
111 IWS NETWORKS LLC H R 0.1 0.09 0.05 4
112 1984 ehf H R 0.1 0.07 0.15 26
113 MASSIVEGRID LTD H R 0.1 0.06 0 10
114 Norlys Digital A/S H R 0.09 0.17 0 5
115 Lennart Seitz trading as "ETH-Services" H R 0.09 0.17 0 5
116 UAB Cherry Servers H R 0.09 0.16 0 6
117 Tele2 Sverige AB H R 0.09 0.14 0 11
118 ServerAstra Kft. H R 0.09 0.12 0.03 9
119 Verizon Business H R 0.09 0.11 0 48
120 Orange S.A. H R 0.09 0.1 0 13
121 Lowhosting services of Davide Gennari H R 0.09 0.03 0.2 8
122 BlueVPS OU H R 0.09 0 0.03 15
123 HOSTKEY B.V. H R 0.08 0.15 0 3
124 Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd H R 0.08 0.14 0 20
125 RoyaleHosting BV H R 0.08 0.14 0 6
126 BELNET H R 0.08 0.14 0 2
127 Elisa Oyj H R 0.08 0.13 0 4
128 S.C. INFOTECH-GRUP S.R.L. H R 0.08 0.12 0 12
129 IP Connect Inc H R 0.08 0.11 0.05 5
130 Vodafone GmbH H R 0.08 0.1 0 49
131 Cloud Wall Ltd. H R 0.08 0.09 0 3
132 Association "Gitoyen" H R 0.08 0.01 0.22 5
133 SWITCH H R 0.08 0 0.24 4
134 SkyLink Data Center BV H R 0.08 0 0.24 4
135 Tetaneutral.net Association declaree H R 0.08 0 0.24 4
136 Telenor Norge AS H R 0.07 0.12 0 8
137 TELEFONICA DE ESPANA S.A.U. H R 0.07 0.12 0 5
138 Collin Schneeweiss trading as Unesty Company H R 0.07 0.12 0 4
139 LIONLINK NETWORKS H R 0.07 0.08 0 17
140 The Constant Company, LLC H R 0.07 0.05 0 56
141 Trabia SRL H R 0.07 0.02 0.16 11
142 Privex Inc. H R 0.07 0.01 0.18 5
143 UAB "Baltnetos komunikacijos" H R 0.07 0.01 0 9
144 Zencurity ApS H R 0.07 0 0.21 2
145 Datasource AG H R 0.07 0 0.19 13
146 SECURED SERVERS LLC H R 0.06 0.11 0 9
147 UK Dedicated Servers Limited H R 0.06 0.11 0 3
148 Fiberby ApS H R 0.06 0.11 0 2
149 SKB Enterprise B.V. H R 0.06 0.09 0 2
150 Telecom Italia S.p.A. H R 0.06 0.08 0 15
151 IPAX GmbH H R 0.06 0.08 0 8
152 Limestone Networks, Inc. H R 0.06 0.07 0 26
153 Neterra Ltd. H R 0.06 0.04 0.1 12
154 EstNOC OY H R 0.06 0.03 0.13 5
155 HostPapa H R 0.06 0.03 0.02 58
156 Tom Gewiese H R 0.06 0.03 0 2
157 IncogNET LLC H R 0.06 0 0.17 15
158 Nine Internet Solutions AG H R 0.06 0 0.17 3
159 Datashield, Inc. H R 0.06 0 0.16 1
160 WAICORE LTD H R 0.06 0 0 4
161 BornFiber Service Provider ApS H R 0.06 0 0 2
162 ISPpro Internet KG H R 0.05 0.1 0 9
163 Serverius Holding B.V. H R 0.05 0.1 0 3
164 Freedom Internet BV H R 0.05 0.09 0 17
165 MEDIANET INVEST AE H R 0.05 0.09 0 14
166 IVER NORGE AS H R 0.05 0.09 0 4
167 Oxide Group Limited H R 0.05 0.09 0 3
168 ESEVEN DevOps GmbH H R 0.05 0.09 0 2
169 Teleservice Bredband Skane AB H R 0.05 0.09 0 2
170 Nick Bouwhuis H R 0.05 0.09 0 1
171 SURF B.V. H R 0.05 0.09 0 1
172 Internetport Sweden AB H R 0.05 0.08 0.01 5
173 AT&T Services, Inc. H R 0.05 0.07 0 50
174 RCS & RDS SA H R 0.05 0.07 0 12
175 Greenhost BV H R 0.05 0.07 0 5
176 Master Internet s.r.o. H R 0.05 0.05 0 4
177 Advin Services LLC H R 0.05 0.05 0 3
179 Internet Magnate Pty Ltd H R 0.05 0.04 0.05 14
181 Cogent Communications H R 0.05 0.03 0.06 11
182 Moustafa Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Elghoubashi H R 0.04 0.08 0 17
183 UK-2 Limited H R 0.04 0.08 0 5
184 Pavel Zizka H R 0.04 0.08 0 3
185 FiberXpress BV H R 0.04 0.08 0 1
186 GamerHost s.r.o. H R 0.04 0.08 0 1
187 SH.cz s.r.o. H R 0.04 0.08 0 1
188 BAR Informatik AG H R 0.04 0.08 0 1
189 Wien Energie GmbH H R 0.04 0.08 0 1
190 Sharktech H R 0.04 0.07 0 18
191 Rica Web Services H R 0.04 0.07 0 14
192 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0.04 0.07 0 9
193 Sunrise GmbH H R 0.04 0.07 0 7
194 Executive Service S.R.L., Societa Benefit H R 0.04 0.07 0 4
195 Societe Francaise Du Radiotelephone - SFR SA H R 0.04 0.07 0 4
196 level66.network UG haftungsbeschraenkt H R 0.04 0.07 0 1
197 Pe3ny Net s.r.o. H R 0.04 0.07 0 1
198 NovoServe B.V. H R 0.04 0.07 0 1
199 TimeWeb Ltd. H R 0.04 0.05 0.04 2
200 GANDI SAS H R 0.04 0.05 0 4
201 Wojciech Czapkowicz H R 0.04 0.05 0 3
202 D-hosting die Rackspace & Connectivity GmbH H R 0.04 0.04 0.06 2
203 Sia Nano IT H R 0.04 0.04 0 6
204 GANDI SAS H R 0.04 0.03 0.04 8
205 Virtual Systems LLC H R 0.04 0.03 0.04 7
206 Psychz Networks H R 0.04 0.03 0.03 26
207 Lars Jannick Volkers trading as Etheron Hosting H R 0.04 0.03 0 2
208 AQUILENET H R 0.04 0 0.13 4
209 LLHOST INC. SRL H R 0.03 0.07 0 4
210 IP Fiber Inc H R 0.03 0.07 0 3
211 Host Sailor Ltd H R 0.03 0.07 0 2
212 Niagara Regional Broadband Networks Limited H R 0.03 0.06 0 9
213 InMotion Hosting, Inc. H R 0.03 0.06 0 3
214 Universitaet Stuttgart H R 0.03 0.06 0 2
215 BOLIGNET-AARHUS F.M.B.A. H R 0.03 0.06 0 2
216 WIIT AG H R 0.03 0.06 0 1
217 Zettaplan AG H R 0.03 0.06 0 1
218 INEA sp. z o.o. H R 0.03 0.06 0 1
219 w1n ltd H R 0.03 0.05 0.02 7
220 Level 3 Parent, LLC H R 0.03 0.05 0 9
221 GREEN FLOID LLC H R 0.03 0.05 0 8
222 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0.03 0.05 0 7
223 National Infrastructures for Research and Technology S.A. H R 0.03 0.05 0 6
224 Sia Nano IT H R 0.03 0.05 0 4
225 VNext AB H R 0.03 0.05 0 2
226 atom86 BV H R 0.03 0.05 0 1
227 FIBIA P/S H R 0.03 0.05 0 1
228 SMARTNET LIMITED H R 0.03 0.04 0.03 4
229 Massachusetts Institute of Technology H R 0.03 0.03 0.04 5
230 Datacamp Limited H R 0.03 0.03 0 7
231 DIGI SPAIN TELECOM S.L. H R 0.03 0.03 0 5
232 ZERGRUSH SRL H R 0.03 0.03 0 3
233 Webglobe, s.r.o. H R 0.03 0.02 0.07 5
234 dogado GmbH H R 0.03 0.01 0 2
236 DataWagon LLC H R 0.03 0 0.09 11
237 Microtronix ESolutions, LLC H R 0.03 0 0.08 10
238 Virtual Systems LLC H R 0.03 0 0.08 3
239 23M GmbH H R 0.03 0 0.07 3
240 UAB Host Baltic H R 0.03 0 0.04 2
241 1&1 Versatel Deutschland GmbH H R 0.03 0 0 21
242 Orange Polska Spolka Akcyjna H R 0.03 0 0 11
243 FAST GEO HOSTING S.R.L. H R 0.03 0 0 3
244 DIGI Tavkozlesi es Szolgaltato Kft. H R 0.03 0 0 3
245 Bouygues Telecom SA H R 0.03 0 0 2
246 Luxembourg Online S.A. H R 0.03 0 0 1
247 EDIS GmbH H R 0.02 0.05 0 4
248 Aruba S.p.A. H R 0.02 0.04 0.01 2
249 British Telecommunications PLC H R 0.02 0.04 0 9
250 DNA Oyj H R 0.02 0.04 0 5
251 Proximus NV H R 0.02 0.04 0 4
252 SERVERD SAS H R 0.02 0.04 0 3
253 DataClub S.A. H R 0.02 0.04 0 3
254 I-SERVERS LTD H R 0.02 0.04 0 3
256 i3D.net B.V H R 0.02 0.04 0 2
257 ATW Internet Kft. H R 0.02 0.04 0 2
258 NORDUnet H R 0.02 0.04 0 1
259 NETPLANET GmbH H R 0.02 0.04 0 1
260 Nicklas Yli-Lantta H R 0.02 0.04 0 1
261 HL komm Telekommunikations GmbH H R 0.02 0.04 0 1
262 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0.02 0.03 0 7
263 WIND TRE S.P.A. H R 0.02 0.03 0 5
264 BL Networks H R 0.02 0.03 0 4
265 Andrei Tiberiu Holt H R 0.02 0.03 0 4
266 Techcrea Solutions SAS H R 0.02 0.03 0 4
267 Tele Asia Limited H R 0.02 0.03 0 3
268 Hohl IT e.U. H R 0.02 0.03 0 2
269 TDC Holding A/S H R 0.02 0.03 0 2
270 Telia Eesti AS H R 0.02 0.03 0 2
271 SURF B.V. H R 0.02 0.03 0 2
272 ElmoNet Oy H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
273 C2NET s.r.o. H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
274 Aktsiaselts WaveCom H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
275 Zdruzenie pouzivatelov Slovenskej akademickej datovej siete SANET H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
276 Jon Arve Vanvik H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
277 OCTAPLUS NETWORKS LTD H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
278 Digitale Partizipation e.V. H R 0.02 0.03 0 1
279 GREEN FLOID LLC H R 0.02 0.02 0.04 4
280 VERIXI SA H R 0.02 0.02 0.02 3
281 Tamatiya EOOD H R 0.02 0.02 0.01 6
282 HostHatch, LLC H R 0.02 0.02 0 7
283 GREEN FLOID LLC H R 0.02 0.02 0 6
284 AVA HOST SRL H R 0.02 0.02 0 3
285 Virgin Media Limited H R 0.02 0.01 0 11
286 Svea Hosting AB H R 0.02 0 0.06 1
287 Cyber Planet LLC H R 0.02 0 0.05 11
288 23VNet Kft. H R 0.02 0 0.05 5
289 0x7c0 Labs LLC H R 0.02 0 0.05 4
290 Hiper A/S H R 0.02 0 0.05 3
291 Castlegem SRL H R 0.02 0 0.05 1
292 HOSTKEY B.V. H R 0.02 0 0 7
293 wilhelm.tel GmbH H R 0.02 0 0 4
294 toob limited H R 0.02 0 0 1
295 FIBRUS NETWORKS LTD H R 0.02 0 0 1
296 Triplebit H R 0.01 0.03 0 11
297 Nocix, LLC H R 0.01 0.03 0 8
298 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0.01 0.03 0 7
299 Digital Shape Technologies Inc. H R 0.01 0.03 0 4
300 Iway AG H R 0.01 0.03 0 3
301 HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd H R 0.01 0.03 0 3
302 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology H R 0.01 0.03 0 2
303 UAB "Interneto vizija" H R 0.01 0.03 0 2
304 Globalhost d.o.o. H R 0.01 0.03 0 2
305 S-NET Sp. z o.o. H R 0.01 0.03 0 1
306 NXT Initiative SAS H R 0.01 0.03 0 1
307 Hostiserver Ltd H R 0.01 0.03 0 1
308 SkyPass Solutions Sp. z.o.o. H R 0.01 0.03 0 1
309 HEAnet CLG H R 0.01 0.03 0 1
310 Cincinnati Bell Telephone Company LLC H R 0.01 0.02 0 6
311 T-Mobile Austria GmbH H R 0.01 0.02 0 5
312 Aixit GmbH H R 0.01 0.02 0 5
314 Southern New England Telephone Company and SNET America, Inc. H R 0.01 0.02 0 4
315 Shinjiru Technology Sdn Bhd H R 0.01 0.02 0 4
316 Informacines sistemos ir technologijos, UAB H R 0.01 0.02 0 3
317 GleSYS AB H R 0.01 0.02 0 3
318 SIA VEESP H R 0.01 0.02 0 3
320 Voxility LLP H R 0.01 0.02 0 3
321 Keminet SHPK H R 0.01 0.02 0 3
322 Jisc Services Limited H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
323 Belcloud LTD H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
324 Latitude.sh H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
325 iFog GmbH H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
326 Bredband2 AB H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
327 Dominic Scholz trading as ITP-Solutions GmbH & Co. KG H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
328 Community Fibre Limited H R 0.01 0.02 0 2
329 Slovak Telekom, a.s. H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
330 POST Luxembourg H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
331 PlusServer GmbH H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
332 Swisscom Schweiz AG H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
333 Zemlyaniy Dmitro Leonidovich H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
334 VPS4You Kft. H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
335 UAB Consilium Optimum H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
336 Karjaan Puhelin Oy H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
337 Layer7 Networks GmbH H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
338 CD-Telematika a.s. H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
339 Alessandro Accorsi trading as Len Service SRL H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
340 Intraserv Kamil Schild H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
341 GREEN FLOID LLC H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
342 Felix Gassan H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
343 Rychly drat, s.r.o. H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
344 Internetmanufaktur Karlsruhe UG haftungsbeschraenkt H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
345 active 1 GmbH H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
346 Rainside s.r.o. H R 0.01 0.02 0 1
347 2S Computers SRL H R 0.01 0.01 0.03 2
348 JSC Selectel H R 0.01 0.01 0.01 3
349 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC H R 0.01 0.01 0 35
350 Google Fiber Inc. H R 0.01 0.01 0 10
351 CenturyLink Communications, LLC H R 0.01 0.01 0 9
352 Hurricane Electric LLC H R 0.01 0.01 0 8
353 Nubes, LLC H R 0.01 0.01 0 8
354 tzulo, inc. H R 0.01 0.01 0 7
355 A1 Bulgaria EAD H R 0.01 0.01 0 4
356 Baykov Ilya Sergeevich H R 0.01 0.01 0 3
357 ENARTIA Single Member S.A. H R 0.01 0.01 0 3
358 VSE NET GmbH H R 0.01 0.01 0 2
359 Telia Finland Oyj H R 0.01 0.01 0 2
360 PhoenixNAP LLC H R 0.01 0.01 0 2
361 Alexander Wagberg trading as Wberg Networks H R 0.01 0.01 0 1
362 eServer s.r.o. H R 0.01 0.01 0 1
363 Stadtwerke Woergl GmbH H R 0.01 0.01 0 1
364 ProvDotNet LLC H R 0.01 0.01 0 1
365 GHOSTnet GmbH H R 0.01 0.01 0 1
367 Octopuce s.a.r.l. H R 0.01 0 0.05 1
368 FOP Kazakov Oleksandr Oleksandrovich H R 0.01 0 0.04 3
369 Cinia Oy H R 0.01 0 0.04 1
371 Zomro B.V. H R 0.01 0 0.04 1
372 Hawaiian Telcom Services Company, Inc. H R 0.01 0 0.03 8
373 Advania Island ehf H R 0.01 0 0.03 4
374 PLUTEX GmbH H R 0.01 0 0.03 1
375 INVITE Systems SRL H R 0.01 0 0.03 1
376 ITnet S.r.l. H R 0.01 0 0.03 1
377 Contabo Asia Private Limited H R 0.01 0 0.02 16
378 Amazon.com, Inc. H R 0.01 0 0 24
379 TalkTalk Communications Limited H R 0.01 0 0 10
380 Mailbox Internet Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti. H R 0.01 0 0 4
381 Vodafone Limited H R 0.01 0 0 4
382 Zen Internet Ltd H R 0.01 0 0 4
383 comtrance service GmbH H R 0.01 0 0 3
384 IPXO LLC H R 0.01 0 0 2
385 Sapinet SAS H R 0.01 0 0 2
386 Baxet Group Inc. H R 0.01 0 0 2
387 Taylan Gueler trading as Soliaweb H R 0.01 0 0 2
388 AQUILENET H R 0.01 0 0 2
389 Netia SA H R 0.01 0 0 2
390 servinga GmbH H R 0.01 0 0 1
391 DataFiber Group B.V. H R 0.01 0 0 1
392 INTERNET CZ, a.s. H R 0.01 0 0 1
393 H2NEXUS LTD H R 0.01 0 0 1
394 Hostup AB H R 0.01 0 0 1
395 GLOBALCONNECT AS H R 0.01 0 0 1
396 Hostnet B.V. H R 0.01 0 0 1
397 Bell Canada H R 0 0.01 0 6
398 InMotion Hosting, Inc. H R 0 0.01 0 5
399 VPS House Technology Group LLC H R 0 0.01 0 4
400 Adamo Telecom Iberia S.A. H R 0 0.01 0 4
401 Dedicated.com H R 0 0.01 0 3
402 WholeSale Internet, Inc. H R 0 0.01 0 3
404 Cinzia Tocci trading as C1V H R 0 0.01 0 3
406 Vodafone Portugal - Communicacoes Pessoais S.A. H R 0 0.01 0 3
407 NYI H R 0 0.01 0 3
408 TalkTalk Communications Limited H R 0 0.01 0 2
409 BSE Software GmbH H R 0 0.01 0 2
410 Vivacom Bulgaria EAD H R 0 0.01 0 2
411 kabelplus GmbH H R 0 0.01 0 2
412 GLOBALTELEHOST Corp. H R 0 0.01 0 2
413 Melbikomas UAB H R 0 0.01 0 2
414 Turnkey Internet Inc. H R 0 0.01 0 2
415 Leaseweb Canada Inc. H R 0 0.01 0 2
416 HostingBazis Beteti Tarsasag H R 0 0.01 0 2
417 EuroByte LLC H R 0 0.01 0 2
418 DELTA Fiber Nederland B.V. H R 0 0.01 0 2
420 Baytems Holdings Oy H R 0 0.01 0 1
421 Bofiber AS H R 0 0.01 0 1
422 Bredband2 Stockholms Stadsnaet AB H R 0 0.01 0 1
423 Denis Pavlovich Semenyuk H R 0 0.01 0 1
424 MK Netzdienste GmbH H R 0 0.01 0 1
425 Zzoomm plc H R 0 0.01 0 1
426 Three Fourteen SASU H R 0 0.01 0 1
428 TOV "Highload Systems" H R 0 0.01 0 1
429 Obenetwork AB H R 0 0.01 0 1
430 Agentia de Administrare a Retelei Nationale de Informatica pentru Educatie si Cercetare H R 0 0.01 0 1
431 PFALZKOM GmbH H R 0 0.01 0 1
432 Sky Italia srl H R 0 0.01 0 1
433 NILSAT Ltd. H R 0 0.01 0 1
434 Svea Internet AB H R 0 0.01 0 1
435 Open Infra ISP Production International AB H R 0 0.01 0 1
436 Zubritska Valeriia Nikolaevna H R 0 0.01 0 1
438 DevNet Oy H R 0 0.01 0 1
439 Hostigger INC. H R 0 0.01 0 1
440 Olivenet Network S.L. H R 0 0.01 0 1
442 IPHH Internet Port Hamburg GmbH H R 0 0.01 0 1
443 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill H R 0 0 0.02 3
444 University of Waterloo H R 0 0 0.02 2
445 Visual Online S.A. H R 0 0 0.02 1
446 &x27;&x27;IT FRUIT&x27;&x27; S.R.L. H R 0 0 0.02 1
447 VIPNET PRIM Ltd H R 0 0 0.02 1
448 TNNet Oy H R 0 0 0.02 1
449 Davide Silvetti trading as &x27;Association Osservatorio Nessuno ODV&x27; H R 0 0 0.02 1
450 Streams Telecommunicationsservices GmbH H R 0 0 0.02 1
451 Host Africa Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0.01 14
452 Aokigahara SRL H R 0 0 0.01 9
453 prgmr.com, Inc. H R 0 0 0.01 8
454 CLOUDLAYER8 LIMITED H R 0 0 0.01 6
455 Fork Networking, LLC H R 0 0 0.01 2
456 Vivacom Bulgaria EAD H R 0 0 0.01 2
457 MODIRUM MDPAY OU H R 0 0 0.01 1
458 Blix Solutions AS H R 0 0 0.01 1
459 Aqua Ray SAS H R 0 0 0.01 1
460 University of Michigan H R 0 0 0.01 1
461 Kantonsschule Zug H R 0 0 0.01 1
462 OnShore, Inc. H R 0 0 0.01 1
463 Labitat H R 0 0 0.01 1
464 WHG Hosting Services Ltd H R 0 0 0.01 1
465 Boston GigaPoP H R 0 0 0.01 1
466 University Linz H R 0 0 0 50
467 Namecheap, Inc. H R 0 0 0 22
468 TELUS Communications Inc. H R 0 0 0 11
469 Gigabit Hosting Sdn Bhd H R 0 0 0 11
470 Korea Telecom H R 0 0 0 11
471 Wideband Networks Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 9
472 Charter Communications H R 0 0 0 9
473 Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co.OHG H R 0 0 0 8
474 Cox Communications Inc. H R 0 0 0 8
475 Cablevision Systems Corp. H R 0 0 0 7
476 Frontier Communications of America, Inc. H R 0 0 0 7
478 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. H R 0 0 0 7
479 TekSavvy Solutions, Inc. H R 0 0 0 6
481 Wholesail networks LLC H R 0 0 0 6
482 Charter Communications Inc H R 0 0 0 6
483 EWE TEL GmbH H R 0 0 0 5
484 M-net Telekommunikations GmbH H R 0 0 0 5
485 Shaw Communications Inc. H R 0 0 0 5
486 Videotron Ltee H R 0 0 0 5
487 SIA Tet H R 0 0 0 5
488 GoDaddy.com, LLC H R 0 0 0 5
489 Vodafone Libertel B.V. H R 0 0 0 5
490 New Dream Network, LLC H R 0 0 0 5
491 Remote Admin Sp. Z o.o. H R 0 0 0 5
492 EN Technologies Pte Ltd H R 0 0 0 5
493 Fastweb SpA H R 0 0 0 5
494 Orange Espagne SA H R 0 0 0 5
495 ecotel communication ag H R 0 0 0 5
496 Two Degrees Mobile Limited H R 0 0 0 4
497 Microsoft Corporation H R 0 0 0 4
498 TPG Internet Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 4
499 Telenet BV H R 0 0 0 4
500 Zappie Host LLC H R 0 0 0 4
501 LLC Baxet H R 0 0 0 4
502 Hostinger International Limited H R 0 0 0 4
503 Alibaba US Technology Co., Ltd. H R 0 0 0 4
504 Prentiss County Electric Power Association H R 0 0 0 4
505 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0 0 0 4
506 SingNet Pte Ltd H R 0 0 0 4
507 NTT PC Communications, Inc. H R 0 0 0 4
508 Hetzner Online GmbH H R 0 0 0 4
509 PT Cloud Hosting Indonesia H R 0 0 0 4
510 Charter Communications Inc H R 0 0 0 4
511 Charter Communications Inc H R 0 0 0 4
512 NetCologne Gesellschaft fur Telekommunikation mbH H R 0 0 0 3
513 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0 0 0 3
514 British Telecommunications PLC H R 0 0 0 3
515 Verizon Business H R 0 0 0 3
516 Synapsis.io H R 0 0 0 3
517 AKILE LTD H R 0 0 0 3
520 Sky UK Limited H R 0 0 0 3
521 Metrabyte Co.,Ltd H R 0 0 0 3
522 Hostwinds LLC. H R 0 0 0 3
523 NTT Communications Corporation H R 0 0 0 3
524 Hostcenter H R 0 0 0 3
525 Redoubt Networks H R 0 0 0 3
526 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0 0 0 3
527 ab stract ltd H R 0 0 0 3
528 Wave Rural Connect, LLC H R 0 0 0 3
529 Signet B.V. H R 0 0 0 3
531 Metronet H R 0 0 0 3
532 FDCservers.net H R 0 0 0 3
533 Two Degrees Mobile Limited H R 0 0 0 3
534 netcup GmbH H R 0 0 0 3
536 Odrex Software LLC H R 0 0 0 3
537 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0 0 0 3
538 Fort Hays State University H R 0 0 0 3
540 Mammoth Media Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 3
541 Xserver Inc. H R 0 0 0 3
542 Telstra Limited H R 0 0 0 3
543 VOCUS PTY LTD H R 0 0 0 2
544 SAKURA internet // EAST JAPAN BACKBONE H R 0 0 0 2
545 EDPNET Belgium BV H R 0 0 0 2
546 Jump Networks Ltd H R 0 0 0 2
547 Melbikomas UAB H R 0 0 0 2
548 Bell Canada H R 0 0 0 2
549 INTERNET AG Global Network H R 0 0 0 2
550 A1 Telekom Austria AG H R 0 0 0 2
551 TELEKOM SRBIJA a.d. H R 0 0 0 2
552 SAKURA internet // HOKKAIDO BACKBONE H R 0 0 0 2
553 Viettel Group H R 0 0 0 2
554 GMO Internet INC. H R 0 0 0 2
555 Human-life Information Platforms Institute H R 0 0 0 2
556 PURtel.com GmbH H R 0 0 0 2
557 PE Denis Podolskii H R 0 0 0 2
558 Adman LLC H R 0 0 0 2
559 Hyperoptic Ltd H R 0 0 0 2
560 Digital Storage Company Limited H R 0 0 0 2
561 O2 Czech Republic, a.s. H R 0 0 0 2
562 AltusHost B.V. H R 0 0 0 2
563 Tele Columbus AG H R 0 0 0 2
564 Global Layer B.V. H R 0 0 0 2
565 Info Data Center Ltd. H R 0 0 0 2
566 SingTel Optus Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 2
567 Spark New Zealand Trading Limited H R 0 0 0 2
570 Codehof LLC H R 0 0 0 2
571 Hostodo H R 0 0 0 2
572 Lounea Palvelut Oy H R 0 0 0 2
573 Hub66, Inc H R 0 0 0 2
574 GTT Communications Inc. H R 0 0 0 2
575 Mediacom Communications Corp H R 0 0 0 2
576 Lyse Tele AS H R 0 0 0 2
577 Leaseweb USA, Inc. H R 0 0 0 2
578 FiberState, LLC H R 0 0 0 2
579 Hetzner Online GmbH H R 0 0 0 2
580 Bullet Group LTD H R 0 0 0 2
581 LLC IT Business H R 0 0 0 2
582 Signet B.V. H R 0 0 0 2
584 Amarutu Technology Ltd H R 0 0 0 2
586 TechnoLux Ltd. H R 0 0 0 2
587 Viewqwest Pte Ltd H R 0 0 0 2
588 Quickline AG H R 0 0 0 2
589 Evoxt Enterprise H R 0 0 0 2
590 Liberty Communications of Puerto Rico LLC H R 0 0 0 2
591 Amazon.com, Inc. H R 0 0 0 2
592 Telstra Limited H R 0 0 0 2
593 LAUNTEL PTY LTD H R 0 0 0 2
594 T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. H R 0 0 0 2
595 EE Limited H R 0 0 0 2
596 Charter Communications Inc H R 0 0 0 2
598 Carnegie Mellon University H R 0 0 0 1
599 hkgo LLC H R 0 0 0 1
600 SAKURA internet // WEST JAPAN BACKBONE H R 0 0 0 1
601 xTom Hong Kong Limited H R 0 0 0 1
602 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. H R 0 0 0 1
603 Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
604 Wobcom GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
605 DMIT Cloud Services H R 0 0 0 1
606 EWE TEL GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
607 Host Europe GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
608 Orange Romania S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
609 Portfast Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
610 A1 Bulgaria EAD H R 0 0 0 1
611 dogado GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
612 Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
613 University of Western Ontario H R 0 0 0 1
614 Zayo Infrastructure France SA H R 0 0 0 1
615 Saskatchewan Telecommunications H R 0 0 0 1
616 Cogeco Connexion Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
617 Koumbit H R 0 0 0 1
618 Grande Communications Networks, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
619 University of Washington H R 0 0 0 1
620 Windstream Communications LLC H R 0 0 0 1
621 Kertinis valstybes telekomunikaciju centras H R 0 0 0 1
622 ANDORRA TELECOM, S.A.U. H R 0 0 0 1
623 Breitband in Bayern GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
624 Vetta Online Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
625 JMF Investment & Technology PTY LTD H R 0 0 0 1
626 Ready Server Pte Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
627 XMission, L.C. H R 0 0 0 1
629 Glattwerk AG H R 0 0 0 1
630 Akenes SA H R 0 0 0 1
631 Servereasy Srl H R 0 0 0 1
632 Inovare-Prim SRL H R 0 0 0 1
633 KomMITT-Ratingen GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
634 Calypso IT Services GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
635 Nowatel Sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
636 High5 B.V. H R 0 0 0 1
637 Fiberstream 87 AG H R 0 0 0 1
638 BFB ONE FZ-LLC H R 0 0 0 1
639 Marco Sandro Naef H R 0 0 0 1
640 Livenet Sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
641 Andrzej Szreter AMSNET H R 0 0 0 1
642 Bangmod Enterprise Co., Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
643 Redge Technologies sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
644 REBA Communications BV H R 0 0 0 1
645 Voyager Internet Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
646 PT. Beon Intermedia H R 0 0 0 1
647 Korea Data Telecommunication Co., Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
648 Starhub Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
649 Magyar Telekom plc. H R 0 0 0 1
650 conova communications GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
651 Genesis Hosting Solutions, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
652 Alf servis, s.r.o. H R 0 0 0 1
653 GlobalConnect AB H R 0 0 0 1
654 "X-City" Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
655 Non-profit organization Jablonka.cz H R 0 0 0 1
656 Multiplay Sp. z o.o. Sp. K. H R 0 0 0 1
657 Brightbox Systems Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
658 GREEN FLOID LLC H R 0 0 0 1
659 Marek Bajerski trading as HITME.PL H R 0 0 0 1
660 Individual Entrepreneur Anton Levin H R 0 0 0 1
662 UNITEL-MEDIA Sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
663 FBW NETWORKS SAS H R 0 0 0 1
664 HOSTMAZE INC SRL-D H R 0 0 0 1
665 PS Internet Company LLP H R 0 0 0 1
666 CLDIN B.V. H R 0 0 0 1
667 SnapServ Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
668 Trooli Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
669 Digital United Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
670 Nessus GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
671 Net Solutions - Consultoria Em Tecnologias De Informacao, Sociedade Unipessoal LDA H R 0 0 0 1
672 iiNet Limited H R 0 0 0 1
673 Crown Castle Fiber LLC H R 0 0 0 1
674 Asahi Net, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
675 Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative H R 0 0 0 1
676 Sonic Telecom LLC H R 0 0 0 1
677 Exa Bytes Network Sdn.Bhd. H R 0 0 0 1
678 VNPT Corp H R 0 0 0 1
679 Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited H R 0 0 0 1
680 Net Onboard Sdn Bhd H R 0 0 0 1
681 Propelin Consulting S.L.U. H R 0 0 0 1
682 STARNET, s.r.o. H R 0 0 0 1
683 The Mastermind Holding B.V. H R 0 0 0 1
684 HOSTERION SRL H R 0 0 0 1
685 MDlink online service center GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
686 Trunk Networks LTD H R 0 0 0 1
687 Webtasy, d.o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
688 Sumofiber H R 0 0 0 1
689 NextGenWebs, S.L. H R 0 0 0 1
690 Telia Norge AS H R 0 0 0 1
691 Bart Vrancken trading as MLaB H R 0 0 0 1
692 Harley Security Solutions LLC H R 0 0 0 1
694 Clearwave Communications H R 0 0 0 1
695 Mach Dilemma, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
696 EKABI H R 0 0 0 1
697 Weston Reed, Sole Proprietorship H R 0 0 0 1
698 Vulpine Networks H R 0 0 0 1
699 Snaju Development H R 0 0 0 1
700 Skysilk H R 0 0 0 1
701 OXIO H R 0 0 0 1
702 Aalto University Student Union H R 0 0 0 1
703 Optima Telecom Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
704 Chaos Computer Club e.V. H R 0 0 0 1
705 H4Y Technologies LLC H R 0 0 0 1
706 NetInformatik Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
707 Google LLC H R 0 0 0 1
708 Dawico Deutschland GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
709 Aeacus B.V. H R 0 0 0 1
710 NYC Mesh Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
711 Host Havoc H R 0 0 0 1
712 City of Westfield Gas & Electric Light Department H R 0 0 0 1
713 Telekomunikacja Podlasie Sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
714 Amazing Creations and More LLC H R 0 0 0 1
715 Tritan Development H R 0 0 0 1
716 Longmont Power & Communications H R 0 0 0 1
717 University of Portland H R 0 0 0 1
718 ImOn Communications, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
719 RGnet OU H R 0 0 0 1
720 Comvive Servidores S.L. H R 0 0 0 1
721 InMotion Hosting, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
722 Ayao Takata H R 0 0 0 1
723 Afrihost Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
724 RSAWEB PTY LTD H R 0 0 0 1
725 Hamilton County Communications, Inc H R 0 0 0 1
726 Rachamim Aviel Twito H R 0 0 0 1
728 sasag Kabelkommunikation AG H R 0 0 0 1
729 PirxNet Grzegorz Bialas H R 0 0 0 1
731 LINZ STROM GAS WAERME GmbH fuer Energiedienstleistungen und Telekommunikation H R 0 0 0 1
732 Tele Columbus AG H R 0 0 0 1
733 Korbank S. A. H R 0 0 0 1
734 GBN group Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
735 Patrik Lagerman H R 0 0 0 1
736 ELDATA prazska s.r.o. H R 0 0 0 1
737 T-2, d.o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
739 Eri Internet s.r.o. H R 0 0 0 1
740 Charter Communications H R 0 0 0 1
742 AxcelX Technologies LLC H R 0 0 0 1
743 Stanford University H R 0 0 0 1
744 Host Africa Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
745 DataKeepers Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
746 Amanah Tech Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
747 GigeNET H R 0 0 0 1
748 xTom GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
749 Ting Fiber Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
750 Centrilogic, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
751 Wissenschaftsladen Dortmund e.V. H R 0 0 0 1
752 Freenet LTD H R 0 0 0 1
753 GlobalConnect A/S H R 0 0 0 1
754 CNRST Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique H R 0 0 0 1
755 GGew net GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
756 velia.net H R 0 0 0 1
757 VECTRA S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
758 IABG Teleport GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
759 Bradler & Krantz GmbH & Co. KG H R 0 0 0 1
760 National Institute of Informatics H R 0 0 0 1
761 PANGAEA H R 0 0 0 1
762 Zito Media, L.P. H R 0 0 0 1
763 Interserver, Inc H R 0 0 0 1
764 LightWave Networks H R 0 0 0 1
765 IT7 Networks Inc H R 0 0 0 1
766 ARP NETWORKS, INC. H R 0 0 0 1
767 Hydra Communications Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
768 Sony Network Communications Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
769 Naracom Kft. H R 0 0 0 1
770 Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
771 BIGLOBE Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
773 KAGOYA Japan Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
774 Mauritius Telecom Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
775 Proen Corp Public Company Limited H R 0 0 0 1
776 Linknet-Fastnet ASN H R 0 0 0 1
778 Wowrack.com H R 0 0 0 1
779 Smart Networks,LLC H R 0 0 0 1
780 Vorsk LLC H R 0 0 0 1
781 T-Mobile USA, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
782 MortalSoft Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
784 Skhron OU H R 0 0 0 1
785 Snowcore Cyf H R 0 0 0 1
786 Promo Plus SRL H R 0 0 0 1
787 Din Server Group ApS H R 0 0 0 1
788 FOP Hornostay Mykhaylo Ivanovych H R 0 0 0 1
789 FyfeWeb Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
790 Penkiu kontinentu komunikaciju centras, Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
791 Goodhost.KZ LLP H R 0 0 0 1
792 NSHOST SRL H R 0 0 0 1
793 Croatian Academic and Research Network H R 0 0 0 1
794 Box Broadband Limited H R 0 0 0 1
795 Nik Rozman H R 0 0 0 1
796 Miglovets Egor Andreevich H R 0 0 0 1
797 Groupe LWS SARL H R 0 0 0 1
798 Open Fiber S.P.A. H R 0 0 0 1
799 Katanytsia Lyubov Viktorivna H R 0 0 0 1
800 Generacion Tecnologica De Comunicaciones, Sociedad Limitada. H R 0 0 0 1
801 eTOP sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
802 CSpace Hostings OU H R 0 0 0 1
803 DC Host INC H R 0 0 0 1
804 Access2.IT Group B.V. H R 0 0 0 1
805 Michael Kloos H R 0 0 0 1
807 Velocity1 Limited H R 0 0 0 1
808 BOTANY SRL H R 0 0 0 1
809 Andrews & Arnold Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
810 Internetnord AB H R 0 0 0 1
811 Plusnet GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
812 Quasar Soluciones Tecnologicas, S.L.U. H R 0 0 0 1
813 Telecom Italia S.p.A. H R 0 0 0 1
814 Telemach Hrvatska d.o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
815 Marcel Andrew Zaiser trading as Metaliance ISP Systems e.k H R 0 0 0 1
816 BIG CORE LLC H R 0 0 0 1
817 Asimia Damaskou H R 0 0 0 1
818 Maxim Azarov trading as eServer H R 0 0 0 1
819 HOSTGW SRL H R 0 0 0 1
821 Feistritzwerke-STEWEAG GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
822 Rainier Connect H R 0 0 0 1
823 Panix H R 0 0 0 1
824 DA International Group Ltd. H R 0 0 0 1
825 RJ Network OU H R 0 0 0 1
826 Webhosting24 GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
827 NETH LLC H R 0 0 0 1
828 Core-Backbone GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
829 Felix Annen H R 0 0 0 1
830 Charter Communications Inc H R 0 0 0 1
831 Think Huge Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
832 G-Core Labs S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
833 FNFISP H R 0 0 0 1
834 Heinlein-Support GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
835 Vereinigte Stadtwerke Media GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
836 Osuuskunta Keskikaista H R 0 0 0 1
837 Techstorage sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
838 RouteLabel V.O.F. H R 0 0 0 1
839 Sokolovska uhelna, pravni nastupce, a.s. H R 0 0 0 1
840 Livady s.r.o. H R 0 0 0 1
841 NT Group Systemy Informatyczne Sp. z o.o. H R 0 0 0 1
842 "SPRINT" S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
843 N.Henulin H R 0 0 0 1
844 Nivos Energia Oy H R 0 0 0 1
845 WTC Communications, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
846 Direct Communications Cedar Valley, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
847 DDPS Networks, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
848 Netforest,Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
849 SoftBank Corp. H R 0 0 0 1
850 M1 NET LTD H R 0 0 0 1
851 UCOM Corp. H R 0 0 0 1
852 Vermont Telephone Company, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
853 campuscolo.com H R 0 0 0 1
854 Riseup Networks H R 0 0 0 1
855 Suomi Communications Oy H R 0 0 0 1
856 The University of Chicago H R 0 0 0 1
857 TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung Berlin H R 0 0 0 1
858 Orange Slovensko a.s. H R 0 0 0 1
859 XTRA TELECOM S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
860 Dragon Internet a.s. H R 0 0 0 1
861 Vodafone Ireland Limited H R 0 0 0 1
862 Hypercore Cloud Hosting H R 0 0 0 1
863 Allo Communications LLC H R 0 0 0 1
864 Omni Fiber H R 0 0 0 1
865 RouterHosting LLC H R 0 0 0 1
866 1GSERVERS, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
869 EBOX H R 0 0 0 1
870 Skyway West H R 0 0 0 1
871 Consolidated Communications, Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
872 Peak Internet H R 0 0 0 1
873 PT Deneva H R 0 0 0 1
874 Terabix Technologies Sdn. Bhd. H R 0 0 0 1
875 Vexus Fiber H R 0 0 0 1
876 Douglas FastNet H R 0 0 0 1
877 Host Universal Pty Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
878 Onebim Vietnam Limited Company H R 0 0 0 1
879 Viet Storage Technology Joint Stock Company H R 0 0 0 1
880 Red Grapes Pte Ltd H R 0 0 0 1
881 Starry Network Limited H R 0 0 0 1
883 Leaseweb Japan K.K. H R 0 0 0 1
884 Surf Air Wireless, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
885 Leaptel H R 0 0 0 1
886 DGTEK PTY LTD H R 0 0 0 1
888 Odido Netherlands B.V. H R 0 0 0 1
889 Hrvatski Telekom d.d. H R 0 0 0 1
890 Ljosleidarinn ehf H R 0 0 0 1
891 T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. H R 0 0 0 1
892 LIWEST Kabelmedien GmbH H R 0 0 0 1
893 O2 Czech Republic, a.s. H R 0 0 0 1
894 GlobalConnect AB H R 0 0 0 1
895 Infinity Developments Limited H R 0 0 0 1
896 VODAFONE ESPANA S.A.U. H R 0 0 0 1
897 VOO S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
898 University of Macedonia, Economic and Social Sciences H R 0 0 0 1
899 Euskaltel S.A. H R 0 0 0 1
900 noris network AG H R 0 0 0 1
901 dao Consulting, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
902 ITV-3 H R 0 0 0 1
903 WideOpenWest Finance LLC H R 0 0 0 1
904 GoNetSpeed H R 0 0 0 1
905 Airstream Communications, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
906 Pioneer Long Distance Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
907 Smithville Digital, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
908 Wave Broadband H R 0 0 0 1
909 Charter Communications Inc H R 0 0 0 1
910 Midcontinent Communications H R 0 0 0 1
911 Wintek Corporation H R 0 0 0 1
912 Concorde inc. H R 0 0 0 1
913 eStruxture Data Centers Inc. H R 0 0 0 1
914 Armour Cloud, LLC H R 0 0 0 1
915 US Internet Corp H R 0 0 0 1

Tor Version Distribution (Relays)

Major Versions

Tor Version CW Fraction(%) Exit(%) Guard(%) #Relays
0.4.8 96.6 92.24 98.78 7739
0.4.9 3.3 7.75 1.21 139

Complete list of Tor versions

Tor Version CW Fraction(%) Exit(%) Guard(%) #Relays 60.3 80.69 51.29 4634 22.3 6.42 29.35 1863 7.5 1.24 9.98 691 3.1 7.75 0.87 126 1.8 0.01 3.3 62 1.7 2.45 1.27 78 1.6 0.92 1.84 262 1.1 0.46 1.69 57 0.1 0 0.33 10 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 4 0 0.02 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0.02 6 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 3

A version-distribution-over-time graph (by relay count) can be found on the Torproject Metrics page

End-of-Life Relays Share

The following table shows how many relays run a tor version that is no longer supported

CW Fraction(%) Guard(%) Exit(%) #Relays
None None None 0

The following table shows which operators (with a non-empty ContactInfo) run EOL releases.

| Contact | Tor Versions | Nicknames | #Relays | Consensus Weight | |———–|—————-|————-|———–|——————–|

OS Distribution (Relays)

OS CW Fraction(%) Exit(%) Guard(%) #Relays
Linux 90.1 80.1 94.7 7291
BSD 9.6 19.8 5 541
SunOS 0 0 0.1 8
other 0 0 0 1
Windows 0 0 0 32
Darwin 0 0 0 3

A OS-distribution-over-time graph (by relay count) can be found on the Torproject Metrics page

IPv6 Relay Stats

What cw fraction / guard/middle/exit probability has an IPv6 ORPort?

CW Fraction(%) Guard(%) Middle(%) Exit(%) #Relays
62.57 53.89 45.76 88.05 3919

What exit probability allows IPv6 exiting?

Exit(%) #Exit Relays
83.72 1603

Bridge Operators (grouped by contactinfo)

The following table includes only operators with at least 50 Mbit/s advertised bandwidth. The displayed contact can be arbitrarily spoofed by malicious operators.

  Contact Advertised Bandwidth (Mbit/s) #Bridges
0 gus@riseup.net 3089 58
1 Artikel10 url:artikel10.org email:info artikel10.org abuse: 3064 29
2 email:admin@for-privacy.net url:for-privacy.net proof:dns-rs 3042 64
3 hello from onionland 2983 36
4 abuse@tuxli.org 2235 67
5 abuse-tor@lists.kau.se 1068 3
6 email:toralf.foerster gmx.de url:https://zwiebeltoralf.de/ 906 12
7 worldgate-relays AT protonmail DOT com 784 12
8 Tor dot ElephantsHaveLongTrunks at hotmail dot com tor-rela 554 8
9 email:tor axstet.de url:https://axstet.de proof:uri-rsa abu 530 6
10 Brandon Kuschel <tor AT NOSPAM brandonkuschel dot com> 512 8
11 cp tor@mailfence.com 466 14
12 tor@anistratov.net 462 5
13 Anonymous 458 5
14 scobo@gmx.li 448 6
15 2048R/B640BF1A Tor Relay <tor AT sec dot nl> 425 4
16 <tor@netdev.cloud> 421 11
17 bridges@relayon.org 412 34
18 tech@emeraldonion.org 351 7
19 v.nivlac@posteo.de 340 5
20 torbridge1667@proton.me 324 2
21 Dave Null <dave@null.net> 314 8
22 <ZombieComputers@Outlook.Com> 314 3
23 ultramar@acuare.la 311 4
24 <address@email.com> 295 16
25 0x37C6224D225BCD7D Jon Proulx <jon AT jonproulx dot com> 287 6
26 email:abuse artikel5ev.de url:https://artikel5ev.de proof:u 277 7
27 Louis-Philippe Vronneau email:pollo debian.org url:veronn 270 1
28 <tomlig@yandex.ru> 263 3
29 w3da5mxwr@relay.firefox.com 259 4
30 holla556torbridge@umn.edu 258 1
31 engel.niklas@pm.me 252 2
32 kuangbiao.musmo.com 251 4
33 did not write the code to populate yet 251 4
34 linustor@nordu.net 248 4
35 address@email.com 241 8
36 tor@ybti.net 237 4
37 Wil&x27;yam Sheq&x27;spir <gewandung-delfin-02@icloud.com> 234 1
38 technonerd@riseup.net 227 1
39 tor@kurokitsune.de 225 1
40 torrelaysaregreat@gmail.com xmr:84czj1u2Q4dJ7bzf41TyDFS1i1GP 218 4
41 admin@prsv.ch 204 1
42 you@example.com 203 6
43 Lejo 1@web.de 197 2
44 brookrameev@pm.me 196 2
45 StopWarinUkraineNow@protonmail.com 191 3
46 jaysen@fr4me.io 191 3
47 <albaldah atsymbol gmail.com> 186 1
48 Tor Admin <tor@nr18.space> 183 1
49 g.eckardt@protonmail.com 183 1
50 rotku@mkuh.de 180 1
51 katze@kunfoo.org 179 1
52 Heisenberg@example.com 178 4
53 codingdodo@protonmail.com 167 2
54 <torrelay@incense.org> 162 1
55 abuse@toke.dk 157 1
56 tor dot relay dot edc /at/ danwin1210 dot de 157 3
57 cvjoint73@protonmail.com 151 2
58 <poerava atsymbol freemail.com> 150 1
59 matthew.labuda@proton.me 149 2
60 WebTunnel email: a78i2efsewr0neeknk@proton.me ciissversion:2 149 2
61 runtime-error@riseup.net 143 1
62 torproject@verry.org 136 1
63 better.day@seznam.cz 136 2
64 <karen at p.izza.party> 136 3
65 arnab@moonward.net 135 1
66 0xa1<:at:>mailbox<:dot:>org 135 2
67 sleuthy@gmail.com 135 3
68 tor@nomagic.de 134 1
69 <jomo@masters-of-cloud.de> 134 1
70 scans@mailbox.org 132 1
71 email:tor dzwdz.net url:not.dzwdz.net proof:uri-rsa ciissve 131 3
72 mathew.g@gmail.com 129 1
73 0320c8867fccd45d6a6f7a577ed09773f8929a6e CSGuard <admin AT c 129 1
74 poiasdpoiasd@live.com 129 2
75 avaet1iriejai9duv6aj at gmail dot com tor-relay.co 129 2
76 docker1@email.en 127 1
77 admin@tor-relay.utilizer.de 127 6
78 vermonixa@ rem proton.me 125 2
79 meskio@torproject.org 124 3
80 tor@gnuproject.org 123 2
81 tzancauraganul@proton.me 122 3
82 oskar AT oskar MINUS roesler DOT de 120 1
83 <lleon@cock.li> 117 1
84 vi astra@pm.me 117 1
85 mail@mail.net 117 1
86 lalugal@riseup.net 116 1
87 torbridge avas AT manchester DOT gr 114 1
88 <nickname> AT protonmail.com 114 1
89 m@bianchi.dev 114 6
90 zerfix@protonmail.com 113 1
91 Tor Bridge <tor-bridge AT skeps DOT ch> 111 1
92 tor-relay@zug.si 110 1
93 cheeky-tor@proton.me 108 1
94 <mrm@email.com> 107 1
95 bartleby tor@protonmail.com 107 3
96 maIDor <alt dot gi-5oif2qye AT yopmail dot com> 107 1
97 boyan@naspoint.eu 107 1
98 sorry@no.com 105 1
99 <info@ebenefuenf.de> 104 1
100 d7nsitzadtxcvybh@sinenomine.email 104 1
101 tor@aaronb.cc 103 2
102 L0rix <l0rix AT pm dot me> 103 1
103 quail 09feeders@icloud.com 103 1
104 reply@mynetblog.com 102 1
105 toroperator1776@protonmail.com 102 1
106 tellmemore@inbox.lv 102 1
107 tor-relaysailingSea@herocc.com 100 1
108 My Privacy DNS <mypdnstor AT danwin1210 d0t de> 98 1
109 miratytor@antopie.org 97 1
110 systemli <t o r - e x i t .AT. s y s t e m l i DOT o r g> 96 1
111 tech@greenhost.nl 96 1
112 anime.girl@ahegao.party 94 1
113 swift.koala4926@fastmail.com 94 1
114 <7ooooo2 at tuta dot io> 93 1
115 <sventor@stormbind.net> 93 1
116 <tor-relay@fbslo.net> 92 1
117 arnim@posteo.de 92 1
118 dino-tor@syring.name 92 1
119 0xEFF5B2E180F294CE - <caioau underscore tor at riseup dot ne 92 4
120 contact@nearlydone.press 91 1
121 tor bridge.passable513@slmail.me 91 1
122 truetrup@gmail.com 91 1
123 freiraum TK AT protonmail DOT ch 90 1
124 noemail 90 1
125 tor-contact <at> behringer <dot> me 89 1
126 0x91E6C85892ADF482 jmjl <tor AT tilde DOT green> 89 1
127 m5fdcv8phk1imfo@seznam.cz 89 1
128 <fl4co@fl4co.net> 88 1
129 <hodor2022@gmail.com> 87 1
130 <irate dot wronged456 at 4wrd.cc> 87 1
131 rhlhrgle76@gmail.com 86 1
132 hjdg2d19u@mozmail.com 86 1
133 torproject.org.almanac023@passfwd.com 86 1
134 democratiam <democratiam.vw5fh@8shield.net> 83 2
135 simonstrutt@strutt.org.uk 83 1
136 161ta@riseup.net 83 1
137 Tor-Admins <toooor AT all DOT de> 82 4
138 <smtor@khjk.org> 82 1
139 Tor Guard <torguard@thetube.ch> 81 1
140 admin-tor@netc.eu 81 1
141 admin@gmail.com 81 1
142 Ian Kumlien <ian.kumlien@gmail.com> 81 1
143 0x4471de61 Senf <tor AT senf dot space> 81 1
144 post@trbr.anonaddy.com 81 2
145 noone@nowhere.com 80 1
146 support @ duscha . dev 80 1
147 <kaveh atsymbol outlook.com> 80 1
148 henry.woodler@protonmail.com 79 1
149 tor at 0x2142 dot net - bitcoin:BC1QS45FKEUNQWZUK9WTPZYVETE2 79 6
150 tor at zyron dot de 79 1
151 martijn.baaytorproject@gmail.com 79 1
152 tor@etwas42.de 78 1
153 microfab899@protonmail.com 78 1
154 your@email.org 77 2
155 mr.james.doe@gmail.com 77 1
156 <tor@sangria.org.il> 77 1
157 indot pointedness@aleeas.com 76 2
158 service-tor@sd.ai 76 1
159 xBTWutUkIk4T0up8Lawe@dispostable.com 76 1
160 xtgts24j@duck.com 75 1
161 anonymous15@tutamail.com 75 1
162 ZombieComputers@Outlook.Com 75 2
163 <plhk@sdf.org> 75 1
164 Neel Chauhan <neel AT neelc DOT org> 75 9
165 gerontius@tuta.io 75 1
166 robin@haberecht.org 74 2
167 <mj gill 89@hotmail.com> 74 1
168 torops@cccfr.de 74 1
169 contact@ronaak.eu 74 1
170 tech@altertek.org 74 1
171 newyorkstarling@nym.hush.com 73 1
172 info@zettlr.com 73 1
173 dcv at disroot dot org 72 1
174 <quick DOT hope9185 AT aenomie DOT com> 72 1
175 Andreas Kempe <tor@kempe.user.lysator.liu.se> 72 1
176 Olafur <olafuringvason@posteo.is> 71 1
177 <toad@schloop.win> 71 1
178 <anonymous@server> 71 1
179 <tor@ludost.net> 71 1
180 zwiebelrouter at protonmail dot com 71 1
181 webmaster@stuehler.net 71 2
182 tor bridge@subset.ch 71 1
183 g30g43br4 at protonmail.com 71 1
184 jens@anonymitaet-im-inter.net 71 1
185 email:o6267097 gmail.com uplinkbw:200 ciissversion:2 70 2
186 <athena202202 AT gmail dot com> 70 1
187 ziggie1984@protonmail.com 70 1
188 email:tormaster nerdreich.de btc:1Ma9whLg6U5HDBUPDmH82W5rbp 70 1
189 nobody@example.com 70 2
190 Shelikhoo email: shell.tor.relay.email.webtunnel.axtozehbxju 70 1
191 beat@it 70 1
192 none@noemail.com 70 1
193 daikan <daikan AT protonmail DOT com> 70 1
194 <deneb atsymbol outlook.com> 69 1
195 myeraser@gmx.net 69 1
196 <toradmin@niekel.net> 69 1
197 user@localhost 68 1
198 iordanov@ognjan.de 68 1
199 mae@mae.lgbt 68 1
200 unwomanly felt-tip632@simplelogin.com 67 1
201 <srick@senckenberg.de> 67 1
202 hism00m@disroot.org 67 1
203 robotor 67 1
204 I S <tor AT t01 DOT s-ix DOT net> 67 1
205 <ph.ilippelatuli.petb@protonmail.com> 67 1
206 wise.hat7293@fastmail.com 67 1
207 <salmon@pm.me> 67 5
208 admin@mnlab.xyz 66 1
209 Federation High Court <gewandung-delfin-02@icloud.com> 66 1
210 postmaster@miroubot.fr.eu.org 66 1
211 elpajaroeslaclave@gmail.com 66 1
212 Random Person stephane.dewitte@protonmail.com 66 1
213 0x3632046A Dmitry <dbaryshkov@gmail.com> 65 1
214 <shitpisscum@cock.li> 65 1
215 nqq0xztx@duck.com 64 1
216 splurge3810@proton.me 64 1
217 s8472@outlook.com 64 1
218 Random Person nobody@tor.org 64 7
219 <whysoserious666999@protonmail.com> 64 1
220 tor@opentree.cz 63 1
221 tor@wonk.org 63 1
222 admin@wsquarepa.com 63 1
223 coolmule0@hotmail.co.uk 63 1
224 potlatch proton me 63 3
225 toradmin at reverse-dns 63 1
226 2b7d8fb991@sinenomine.email 62 1
227 <mineniko@gmail.com> 62 1
228 0x010BBAC502ECA3159A4BD6161CD3142065E93086 Siddhartha <siddh 62 2
229 padrezero@proton.me 62 1
230 torbraeu@riseup.net 62 1
231 wyke <at> lighthouse <dot> my dot id 62 3
232 tor@linuxawy.org 61 1
233 leohearts@leohearts.com 61 1
234 aingprob@onionmail.org 61 1
235 alberto@casetta.co.uk 61 1
236 <tor@shalmirane.com> 60 2
237 seantor@whitespashe.uk 60 1
238 tor at skatnet.de 60 1
239 always@befreeon.net 60 1
240 none 60 3
241 <l1nch.eve@proton.me> 59 1
242 email:tor-man BogoLinux.net url:https://bogolinux.net proof 59 1
243 email:torix@protonmail.com url:https://torix-relays.org proo 59 2
244 tor@plmvi.de 59 1
245 info <at> notarealdomain <dot> net 59 1
246 temmyhurstREMOVETHIS@outlook.com 59 1
247 tor@parasyntax.org 58 1
248 Atlas Admin <root AT atlas dot uniri dot hr> 58 1
249 0xFF6A449EE1FA1DE687D88DC508D96F76CA4E11C7 Philipp Richter < 58 1
250 business@tadeasfort.com 57 1
251 armel@broquet.ovh 57 1
252 c.scholz@c-s-media.net 57 1
253 <newyorkswoodpecker@nym.hush.com> 57 1
254 vovakozlovskiy@yandex.ru 57 1
255 E-Mail: mthiru protonmail com 57 1
256 elias@evzg.se 57 5
257 tor-rueeblitorte <you know what belongs here> mmap <and here 57 1
258 D562F2BF4E3702A723DEDB3D3D103B6BDF0274B6 57 1
259 pinkeye@linuxcoffee.com 56 1
260 do-contact AT riseup DOT net 56 1
261 tor-node operator <tor-node AT collective DASH b DOT org DOT 56 2
262 email:jens kubieziel.de url:https://kubieziel.de/ proof:uri 55 1
263 torbridge nafplio AT manchester DOT gr 55 1
264 SorentoAR@protonmail.com 55 1
265 bytebobatsidereadotnl 55 1
266 dertysden@gmx.com 55 1
267 support at keybouh dot dev 55 1
268 0x95E111B2 Mariusz Klinikowski <mariusz.klinikowski AT gma 55 1
269 <radek.mazar@gmail.com> 55 1
270 <torrelay1.5.himalayadoc@spamgourmet.com> 55 1
271 fuzzduzter2008@yahoo.com 55 1
272 <jxsvoboda@gmail.com> 55 1
273 tor@0xfeed.io 55 1
274 Johan Debourg <uneadresseemail -arobaz- riseup net> 55 1
275 josh thecybers.net 54 2
276 snoopeh AT gmail DOT com 54 1
277 b6 DOT redacted AT protonmail DOT ch 54 1
278 Dr Andy Hill <andyhill242 AT gmail dot com> 54 1
279 tor-relays <you know what belongs here> mmap <and here> at 54 2
280 wkoda13@gmail.com 54 1
281 AccessNow.org <servers accessnow.org> 53 6
282 domitor@secnd.me 53 1
283 Random Person <nobody AT example dot com> 53 3
284 noone@noone.no 53 1
285 <SQPajCUF7tNE@i2pmail.org> 52 1
286 0x18FFB9259E11C3BC69ABC8857E65272B32D3C971 f19.4jbg3@gmail.c 52 3
287 <christoph@links-nett.ch> 52 1
288 ContactInfo voqelfrei <tor voqel AT pm me> pgp:8018FA5B9E760 52 1
289 info@quantentoast.de 52 1
290 <slava ukraini posteo dot is> 52 1
291 torbridge@07f.de 52 1
292 test@example.org 51 2
293 david@fife.cc 51 1
294 tornodescontact1.envelope270 AT passinbox dot com 51 1
295 vgygzm8q7aa@temp.mailbox.org 51 1
296 torrelay at limoneneis dot de 51 1
297 skravoski@gmail.com 51 1
298 Anonymous <8dboYFjtsBHTR9go@005184.xyz> 50 1
299 kl4rx <kl4rx@onionmail.org> 50 2
300 zelenijur3@gmail.com @ator: 0x1f523CEdF127BBa336F7F7c4A68755 50 1
301 Michel <tbr32-info at mw-net dot eu> 50 1
302 Petzi <cmVsYXktb3BlcmF0b3JAYXNjaWlhbmRodXRjaC5iZQ==> 50 1
303 tednol@gmail.com 50 1
304 <traumfab AT proton me> 50 1
305 tor.w8c4a@passinbox.com 50 1
306 ams3.bridge.onion@mail.ru 50 1
307 Random Person<ormstown AT proton DOT me> 50 1
308 smithcol@pdx.edu 50 1

Bridge Transports Distribution

Supported Transports Bridges
obfs4 1355
None 251
webtunnel 210
obfs3, obfs4 20
obfs4, webtunnel 3
meek 2
obfs3 2
obfs4, obfs4 2
null 1
obfs3, obfs4, webtunnel 1
snowflake 1

Tor Relay Operators in End-to-End Correlation Position

The following table lists relay operators that are in a position to see a tor client’s entry and exit connections. In the worst-case a tor client would use these groups as entry (guard) and exit relay at the same time.

Operators are only listed if they actually have a chance to do end-to-end correlation attacks, that is:

  • their guard and exit probability is > 0%
  • they did not properly configure MyFamily
  • they run in more than a single /16 network block

This list might contain false-positives as ContactInfo is not authenticated.

The ContactInfo is truncated. Middle-only relays are not included in per-group relaycounts.

The table is sorted by guard probability.

Contact Guard (%) Exit (%) #Relays /16 Netblocks Newest Relay Eff. Family Members (min)
email:abuse tuxli.org pgp:32A1621FC5290921D720940 2.74 2.43 98 11 2024-12-10 94
email:Quetzalcoatl relays proton.me url:https://q 0.32 9.58 384 20 2024-09-21 8
your@e-mail 0.14 0.25 11 11 2024-12-07 1
<thebunny.zone> <wintieria proton me> <B9F2F77BA5D 0.05 0.01 5 4 2024-12-05 1
5h098y32 at duck . com 0.04 0.01 3 3 2024-08-28 1
<sunshinecowboy56 AT protonmail dot com> 0.02 0.03 7 4 2024-05-12 1
email:denny.obreham a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net url:https:/ 0.02 0.46 18 18 2024-10-26 1
Total 3.33 12.77 526      

For a detailed list of (known) relays in end-to-end correlation position see this page.

NOTE: There are many more relays with MyFamily configuration issues but most operate exit or guard relays exclusively or within a single /16 network block. Such operators can not become the first and last hop of your tor circuits, but they might be able to reveal your guard relay (when they act as the middle and exit relay in a single circuit).

Likely Misconfigured Families

This table shows likely misconfigured families. This is detected by looking for relays where the amount of relays with a given contactInfo is higher than the amount of members in a relay’s effective family.

The “Famstats” column shows two counters: a/b.

  • a: The lowest effective family member count within a relay group using this ContactInfo
  • b: The total amount of relays using this ContactInfo
Contact Famstats Guard(%) Exit(%) First Seen
tioncol@proton.me 1/2 0.1 0 2024-11-14
nomore4thelast@protonmail.com 1/5 0.1 0 2024-10-21
mikael datanerd.se 6/22 0 1.1 2024-10-19
dev.null@kryptonit.org 1/5 0.1 0 2024-09-29
email:tech emeraldonion.org url:emeraldonion.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse eme 1/43 0 0.4 2024-07-20
Sponsored by https://tor.foundation 1/29 0.8 0 2024-07-19
0x88888888 Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk> 1/2 0.1 0 2024-06-16
<private> 1/2 0.2 0 2024-03-11
911 1/5 0.1 0 2024-03-04
your@e-mail.com 1/2 0.1 0 2024-02-20
tzancauraganul@proton.me 5/9 0.1 0 2024-01-21
tor-operator@mufff.in 1/9 0.1 0 2024-01-21
email:denny.obreham a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net url:https://a-n-o-n-y-m-e.net proof:uri-r 1/18 0 0.4 2023-03-25
mentor@palokaj.co 1/8 0 0.6 2023-03-22
Random Person nobody@tor.org 1/13 0.1 0 2023-01-28
email:support torservers.net url:https://torservers.net/ proof:uri-rsa abuse:ab 1/2 0 0.2 2023-01-08
tor-operator@theu.li 1/15 0.3 0 2022-12-31
tornode2022@protonmail.com 1/7 0 0.1 2022-10-10
gus@riseup.net 1/28 0.6 0 2022-08-31
Mi Gibtsdonet <nobody AT example dot com> 1/5 0.1 0 2022-05-23
your@e-mail 1/23 0.1 0.2 2022-04-23
email:Quetzalcoatl relays proton.me url:https://quetzalcoatl-relays.org proof:u 8/384 0.3 9.5 2020-11-08
url:relayon.org proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse relayon.org ciissversion:2 1/70 1 2.7 2020-10-19
email:abuse tuxli.org pgp:32A1621FC5290921D720940187AC9FC1F2BCCB30 url:https:// 94/104 2.7 2.4 2020-06-02
BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH @ Safe-mail.net 9/31 0.4 0 2019-02-28
Vasil Kolev <tor@ludost.net> 1/2 0.2 0 2019-02-18
email:usura sabotage.org url:https://sabotage.net proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse sa 1/5 0 0.5 2019-02-18
Gijs Rijnders tor AT ip-eend DOT nl 1/5 0.3 0 2019-02-18

Data Source

OrNetStats uses public data provided by The Tor Project: