Home :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (gb) is responsible for ~28751 Mbit/s of traffic, with 209 middle relays and 9 exit relays.

Nickname Authenticated Relay Operator ID
or ContactInfo (unverified)
Bandwidth IP Address AS Name Country Flags First Seen
pitarda69 z o 749 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-03
BerluGiaNoVive (5) berlusconi<at>jabb.im 558 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-05
ggroland (4) ggroland@yahoo.net 511 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-15
UKLambda yout@e-mail 503 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-06-28
BerluGiaNoVive (5) berlusconi<at>jabb.im 475 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-13
hui neprivet.ru 473 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-15
ggroland (4) ggroland@yahoo.net 467 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-15
BerluGiaNoVive (5) berlusconi<at>jabb.im 458 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-13
ggroland (4) ggroland@yahoo.net 456 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-15
InVinoVeritas (5) kopfschusskorl@gmail.com 454 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-04-09
ggroland (4) ggroland@yahoo.net 453 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-15
BerluGiaNoVive (5) berlusconi<at>jabb.im 430 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-06
BerluGiaNoVive (5) berlusconi<at>jabb.im 424 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-04-06
lizzie01 InternetFreedomTeam... 423 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-10-10
InVinoVeritas2 (5) kopfschusskorl@gmail.com 422 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-04-28
voronoy none 420 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-03-05
Downunder2 none 419 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-01
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 383 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-26
Unnamed (2) none 377 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-21
chinachinachina none 349 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-02-10
BigDaddy (4) relayon.org 345 Mbit/s Feral.io Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2023-01-28
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 337 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-28
Unnamed (2) none 335 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-21
BigDaddy (4) relayon.org 330 Mbit/s Feral.io Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2020-10-20
BigDaddy (4) relayon.org 326 Mbit/s Feral.io Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2023-01-28
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 315 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-26
bl4ckpr1sm bl4ckpr1sm@proton.me 312 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-14
socat socatsocat cock.li 306 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-24
Unnamed none 296 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-07-19
Bigdaddy (4) relayon.org 291 Mbit/s Feral.io Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2020-10-19
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 290 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-26
Downunder1 none 276 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-01
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 272 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-05
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 269 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-05
legoman pikz at tuta dot io 267 Mbit/s Feral.io Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-08-17
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 264 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-28
baronCV3 ramin(dot)schreur(at)mai... 260 Mbit/s IOMART CLOUD... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-04-03
Orion01 (4) tor-relay-admin@carlos1001.com 260 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-04-15
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 258 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-05
slotor01 (4) sloetor@gmail.com 258 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-03-29
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 258 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-05
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 256 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-28
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 254 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-26
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 252 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-28
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 248 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-05
socat socatsocat cock.li 244 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-24
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 243 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-28
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 239 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-26
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 239 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-28
udeserveprivacy keiferdodderblyyatgmaild... 238 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-02-03
GenericTorNode27 none 232 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-05-28
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 230 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-08-26
BehemothLTDUK1 (7) Behemoth Project... 229 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-03
PommespanzerGB1 (11) relay // at //... 228 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-06-03
code9n <code9n [at] pm [dot] me> 226 Mbit/s UK Dedicated... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-12-19
Cornball vidarekinci@protonmail.com 223 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-10-10
beefpoweredrelay Tom A <tom AT... 223 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-04-02
cumalotXL (18) mail fbdfhy4udnfg bin-ich.com 221 Mbit/s Clouvider Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-05
whodunithree (2) PMG the_world@is.yours 220 Mbit/s UK Dedicated... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-10-30
Wakako wakako <at> rod <dot> ac 217 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-02-17
hayzycomr torrelay@hayzy.com 207 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-07-13
mmqbl none 203 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-06
t00r nice try 196 Mbit/s IOMART CLOUD... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-10-20
Unnamed c3ypt1c@gmail.com 195 Mbit/s OCTAPLUS NETWORKS LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-03-10
Unnamed none 194 Mbit/s toob limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-16
ClubPhantom none 182 Mbit/s Castlegem SRL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-05-23
OrangeNode stu-junk at outlook com 182 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-02
ATorRelay Caleb Kulisek... 181 Mbit/s Hostinger... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-12-02
XtorX tor@rkn.life 180 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
PommespanzerGB2 (11) relay // at //... 174 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-25
athenaharmony Covert Narcissist... 173 Mbit/s FIBRUS NETWORKS LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-02-01
PommespanzerGB3 (11) relay // at //... 170 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-25
RelayUli (9) tor-operator@theu.li 167 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-06-05
Pudzian Nobody pudzian-relay at... 162 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-02-02
Longobardi None 156 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-16
magic848relay (6) tor-operator@mufff.in 143 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-21
LondonCalling data.forger@proton.me 141 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-12-08
gnampf4i31 (9) zwiebeltoralf.de 129 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-06-12
Dipoli unisex-stapes.0h@icloud.com 126 Mbit/s IPXO LLC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2020-11-29
justAnotherTorNode tor-node-admin@protonmail.com 125 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-01-23
0x3d01 (2) tor at 0x3d dot lu -... 122 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
0x3d02 (2) tor at 0x3d dot lu -... 121 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
Assange007uk (31) BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH[@]Saf... 119 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-07-28
Zensursula (20) cp_tor [] mailfence dot com 117 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-11-12
SE1 (31) btc:1984isUS1kZx9QqJBRep... 115 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-08
Assange007uk2 (31) BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH[@]Saf... 113 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-04-18
BFTorI bftorirelay@gmail.com 109 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
ephemer5 (2) Steven Murdoch... 102 Mbit/s Jisc Services Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
middleman maninthemiddleTOR@tutanota.com 101 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-01-26
mindzero8 (2) admin at hivemind dot biz 99 Mbit/s VNext AB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-07-22
mindzero9 (2) admin at hivemind dot biz 99 Mbit/s VNext AB United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-08-01
TheGreatKing 0xABCDEF Jeff Backly 96 Mbit/s Cogent Communications United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2015-02-23
runninglizard Peter Rodge... 96 Mbit/s Cogent Communications United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
eclipse28 (23) freiraum_TK AT protonmail DOT ch 95 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-10-19
rofltor10 (8) rofl.cat 95 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
lonleyguy none 95 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-12-02
somerelay your@email.com 94 Mbit/s Zzoomm plc United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-06-30
operapia tor@operapia.org 94 Mbit/s Community Fibre Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
atomcats atomcats(dot)tor(dot)rel... 92 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
eclipse04 (23) freiraum_tk AT protonmail DOT ch 91 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-04-08
InnocenceTube (7) tor-relay@ahnlak.com 88 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-10-21
hell2heaven4uk (3) <haute-dubious.0q AT... 87 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-10-26
toriesfuckedtheuk Web Master <tor AT... 87 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-03-02
pitime2038 Random Person... 85 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-04-17
itguyRelay this_it_guy@outlook.com 81 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
CH1 (31) btc:1984isUS1kZx9QqJBRep... 81 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-09
heliodex Heliodex <heli@odex.cf> 81 Mbit/s Zen Internet Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-01-21
TORpid none 80 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-09-17
tormozuk tor@xmmswap.com 79 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-29
Sideswipe public-tor[at]foxxiepants.net 78 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-01-03
bacon metrics.torproject.o.gra... 76 Mbit/s Vodafone Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-12-08
TheRiver none 71 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Valid V2Dir 2024-12-14
freeforall duelron1001@gmail.com 70 Mbit/s Hyperoptic Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-12-09
Starsend none 68 Mbit/s Zen Internet Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-11-02
morgoth morrrgoth@proton.me 67 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-09-12
BarryDerickJohn321 rwood@duck.com 62 Mbit/s Box Broadband Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
WytchCircuit Wytchwulf... 61 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-19
Annapurna (113) schoenheit_von_vogelsang@pm.me 60 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-11-21
Unnamed none 58 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-13
Vipassana groundmark108@protonmail.com 55 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-26
ididnteditheconfig Random Person <nobody... 54 Mbit/s DigitalOcean, LLC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-10-02
Mempo none 54 Mbit/s Velocity1 Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-04-03
georgector georgecartlidge@protonmail.com 54 Mbit/s Trooli Ltd. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
Unnamed none 52 Mbit/s Vodafone Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-12-06
CH1 (31) btc:1984isUS1kZx9QqJBRep... 49 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-09
iedittedtheconfig dave@null.example 46 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-12-01
Perplexed0419 tr0419@proton.me 44 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-02-02
tormetormetoryou your-contact-info@cheese.com 43 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2023-07-16
SidNYGiants tersest_09_realms@icloud.com 41 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-11-02
gnosti (2) Steven Murdoch... 41 Mbit/s Jisc Services Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
Relay278 none 41 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
x2lans immensefloat@protonmail.com 41 Mbit/s ANS ACADEMY LIMITED United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-03-04
HighEndAdatikrit Just another Morron... 39 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-08-18
g0dmax55 g0dmax55... 39 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-01-07
HighEndAdatikrit Just another Morron... 39 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-08-18
Valinor none 39 Mbit/s Level 3 Parent, LLC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-09-10
TorBeacon Random Person phil@beaconlab.uk 38 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
stubbornoxenoracle stubbornoxen(at)thewelli... 38 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2020-07-02
FuckYouPutin none 37 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-06-22
ZyronsRelay tor(at)zyron(dot)de 37 Mbit/s OVH SAS United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-09-30
airknight (3) Dr Andy Hill <support... 37 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-07-18
tormetormetoryou cheese@cheese.com 36 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-03-10
gigatux GigaTux <info@gigatux.com> 35 Mbit/s UK Dedicated... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast Stable Valid 2019-02-18
Unnamed 4096R/5C06D153 John... 35 Mbit/s Brightbox Systems Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
violetknight (3) Dr Andy Hill <support ... 35 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-21
earthknight (3) Dr Andy Hill <support... 34 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-25
letsdoitUK (4) letsdoit... 33 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-05-30
Unnamed none 32 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-11
Snowfla... (16) vmo7nzzu(at)anonaddy(dot)me 32 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-11-09
ATorRelay jayden@jaydenha.uk 30 Mbit/s Nik Rozman United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-02
JoshRelayUK none 29 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-12-03
FlashCrow (9) FlashTor (at) e.mail DOT de 29 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-03
CH1 (31) btc:1984isUS1kZx9QqJBRep... 28 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-09
atacama sysadmin <postmaster at... 26 Mbit/s Jump Networks Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2019-02-18
BigChunkyrelay none 26 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-23
pinerelay01 Pine Relay... 25 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-20
BunnyHop <bunnyhopadmin AT proton dot me> 24 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
flatcap Rich Russon <tor@russon.org> 23 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
evbbb7K... (2) Random Person <tor AT... 22 Mbit/s Portfast Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-01-30
FdGbH9QWEGudy (2) Random Person <tor AT... 22 Mbit/s IOMART MANAGED... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-01-30
SOTorRelayUK01 Jerome Schnitzler... 20 Mbit/s IONOS SE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-11
RealityNews8 (6) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 20 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-12-12
Gertrude Yuri Stuken... 20 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
Jezza4PM 0xFFFFFFFF To Be... 19 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-03-13
Reality... (8) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 19 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-12-06
RealityNews6 (6) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 18 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-15
Reality... (8) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 18 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2023-03-17
RealityNews2 (6) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 18 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-12-19
RealityNews5 (8) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 18 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-15
RealityNews (8) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 18 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-06-22
FilmingShareTime Sam Bent here. Those... 18 Mbit/s MortalSoft Ltd. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-09-24
homosexual Liam Farrer... 18 Mbit/s Sky UK Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-07-16
NamesAreHard <10b54275-46e4-456e-83d0... 18 Mbit/s Sky UK Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-17
RealityNews9 (6) email:barneyr73[]hotmail... 18 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-12-12
tinyCip tinyServices... 18 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-02-06
geheimschreiber TOR Geheimschreiber... 18 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-01-03
aanetuk 0x3104709C support@aa.net.uk 18 Mbit/s Andrews & Arnold Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
1337T0rN0d3 edd8990[AT]gmail[D0T]com 18 Mbit/s Infinity... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-02-07
westmidsonion Random Person... 18 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-01-29
Skylar skylarnode359@gmail.com 16 Mbit/s FyfeWeb Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-02-12
4pyro2eu3org0 0xDFEFC134 Steven... 15 Mbit/s Zen Internet Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2014-06-10
Testing none 14 Mbit/s Community Fibre Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-02-15
NerdyBloke email:sgm98guard-tor1[]y... 12 Mbit/s TalkTalk... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
GhostNetKennel itsg.host 9 Mbit/s Zen Internet Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-08
Unnamed none 9 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-08-26
mac68 mvr@live.co.uk 9 Mbit/s EE Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-06-14
bunglerelay Bungle Admin <tor.cusd3... 9 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-04-14
allTheSaints zeroshock@gmail.com 9 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-02-02
fe8cf914 fe8cf914@mailinator.com 9 Mbit/s Sky UK Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-08-27
lily tlstpdud@protonmail.com 9 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-11-05
LV223 (3) Jeroen Haadenvelt... 8 Mbit/s Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-02-17
PigsAreWatching none 8 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2021-12-24
Unnamed none 8 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-29
unlobitolon0 lobi.to 8 Mbit/s DigitalOcean, LLC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2019-02-18
ieditedtheconfig 1AswPh9i64huKbR7zwT6pbBk... 6 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-09-13
Gentoo gentoo.intel@gmail.com 6 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2020-08-01
8lyWARGTU4wesrfy8i none 5 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2013-08-11
punisher tor@example.net 5 Mbit/s Vodafone Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-10-20
fulcrum01 Random Person <shrdlu... 4 Mbit/s EE Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid V2Dir 2020-12-29
barabasz Random Person... 4 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-03-04
48656c6c6f none 4 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
hands 4096R/0125D5C0 Philip... 4 Mbit/s IOMART CLOUD... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-07-05
Unnamed none 4 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-05-12
meltdown262 meltdown26262@gmail.com 4 Mbit/s Vodafone Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-12-13
TorNinja torninja2022@(h-1)mail.com 4 Mbit/s Jump Networks Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-01-23
DestroyTerrorismNow none 4 Mbit/s Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid V2Dir 2023-07-31
insula none 3 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
kingyetwewillsee7 Tor Relay Admin... 3 Mbit/s DigitalOcean, LLC United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Stable Valid 2019-02-18
CGretski email:cgretski[]hotmail.... 2 Mbit/s Zen Internet Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Exit Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-04-09
myNiceRelay your@e-mail 2 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-01
golosa Relay Operator <admin... 2 Mbit/s Akamai Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Exit Stable Valid 2020-09-20
londonislovely tormaster at dragonscale. net 1 Mbit/s Amazon.com, Inc. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Stable Valid 2019-08-27
prettylittlebird none 1 Mbit/s British... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-08-26
jimr1603 James R <jimr1603 AT... 0 Mbit/s Vodafone Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Valid V2Dir 2024-11-11
chatsworth577 Random Person... 0 Mbit/s Vodafone Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Valid V2Dir 2021-09-14
myRelloBello meoono@relay.com 0 Mbit/s Microsoft Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Valid V2Dir 2024-12-10
tor54763 tor54763@pm.me 0 Mbit/s Hyperoptic Ltd United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Valid V2Dir 2024-12-15
whodunithree PMG the_world@is.yours 0 Mbit/s UK Dedicated... United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Valid V2Dir 2024-01-25