Home :: AS21409

AS21409 (Ikoula Net SAS)is responsible for ~395 Mbit/s of traffic, with 5 middle relays and 1 exit relay.

Nickname Authenticated Relay Operator ID
or ContactInfo (unverified)
Bandwidth IP Address AS Name Country Flags First Seen
DanaScully (2) none 233 Mbit/s Ikoula Net SAS France Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
Fearless2 (4) tor[dot]relay[dot]edc... 35 Mbit/s Ikoula Net SAS France Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-11-24
Sovereign2 (4) tor[dot]relay[dot]edc... 34 Mbit/s Ikoula Net SAS France Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-11-24
Fearless1 (4) tor[dot]relay[dot]edc... 34 Mbit/s Ikoula Net SAS France Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-11-14
Sovereign1 (4) tor[dot]relay[dot]edc... 31 Mbit/s Ikoula Net SAS France Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2021-03-19
w000000h000004 http://exitnodev7.v6.rocks 28 Mbit/s Ikoula Net SAS France Exit Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-03-29