Home :: AS35916

AS35916 (MULTACOM CORPORATION)is responsible for ~182 Mbit/s of traffic, with 6 middle relays.

Nickname Authenticated Relay Operator ID
or ContactInfo (unverified)
Bandwidth IP Address AS Name Country Flags First Seen
CCMicro none 58 Mbit/s MULTACOM CORPORATION United States of America Fast Valid 2024-06-07
Assange029us (28) BMTY90VKYRQPUJZOTH[@]Saf... 52 Mbit/s MULTACOM CORPORATION United States of America Fast Stable Valid 2024-01-11
OtterRelayLA (15) <sushinecowboy56 at... 24 Mbit/s MULTACOM CORPORATION United States of America Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
oppaiTORus (2) aeon@oppai 20 Mbit/s MULTACOM CORPORATION United States of America Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2022-03-24
myNiceRelay mimidethud@mywrld.site 17 Mbit/s MULTACOM CORPORATION United States of America Fast Stable Valid 2022-09-10
pollux calebcenter@live.com 11 Mbit/s MULTACOM CORPORATION United States of America Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2020-07-02