Home :: AS49581

AS49581 (Ferdinand Zink trading as Tube-Hosting)is responsible for ~401 Mbit/s of traffic, with 2 middle relays and 2 exit relays.

Nickname Authenticated Relay Operator ID
or ContactInfo (unverified)
Bandwidth IP Address AS Name Country Flags First Seen
eitNET tor@eti-net.de 115 Mbit/s Ferdinand Zink... Netherlands Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-02-09
TorForPrivacy (3) privacy@tor-for-privacy.com 108 Mbit/s Ferdinand Zink... Netherlands Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
TorForPrivacy (3) privacy@tor-for-privacy.com 107 Mbit/s Ferdinand Zink... Netherlands Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-01-22
mehvilaine mehfi123@proton.me 71 Mbit/s Ferdinand Zink... Netherlands Fast Valid V2Dir 2024-06-25