Home :: AS49683

AS49683 (MASSIVEGRID LTD)is responsible for ~1099 Mbit/s of traffic, with 18 middle relays.

Nickname Authenticated Relay Operator ID
or ContactInfo (unverified)
Bandwidth IP Address AS Name Country Flags First Seen
ididnteditheconfig none 178 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD Germany Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-27
ididnteditheconfig none 137 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD Germany Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-10-26
Zensursula (29) cp_tor [] mailfence dot com 107 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Valid 2024-11-12
InnocenceTube (6) tor-relay@ahnlak.com 88 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-10-21
ruby (13) null-f.org 82 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD Germany Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-27
Surveil... (2) surveillance.monster 72 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD Germany Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-08
ruby (13) null-f.org 67 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD Germany Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-27
ruby (13) null-f.org 63 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD Germany Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-27
rumican rumi@shikisubs.com 58 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2025-01-17
eclipse28 (23) freiraum_TK AT protonmail DOT ch 55 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Stable Valid 2024-10-19
FlashCrow (12) FlashTor (at) e.mail DOT de 28 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fast Guard Stable Valid V2Dir 2024-11-03
myNiceRelay torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 28 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2025-01-17
myNiceRelay torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 27 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2025-01-17
myNiceRelay torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 27 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Stable Valid 2025-01-17
myNiceRelay torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 22 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Valid 2024-11-09
myNiceRelay your@e-mail 22 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Valid 2025-01-17
myNiceRelay torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 20 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Valid 2024-11-09
myNiceRelay torrandomrelay@yopmail.com 18 Mbit/s MASSIVEGRID LTD United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BadExit Fast Valid 2024-11-09