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Relays with contact info email:abuse-ripe[]digitale-gesellschaft.ch url:https://www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch proof:uri-rsa abuse:abuse-ripe[]digitale-gesellschaft.ch donationurl:https://www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch/uber-uns/unterstuetzer-werden/ confmgmt:manual dnslocation:sameas dnsqname:y dnssec:y dnslocalrootzone:y ciissversion:2 trafficacct:unmetered are responsible for ~789 Mbit/s of traffic, with 4 exit relays.

Nickname Authenticated Relay Operator ID
or ContactInfo (unverified)
Bandwidth IP Address AS Name Country Flags First Seen
DigiGesTor5e3 (9) www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 203 Mbit/s SWITCH Switzerland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
DigiGesTor5e2 (9) www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 202 Mbit/s SWITCH Switzerland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
DigiGesTor5e4 (9) www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 194 Mbit/s SWITCH Switzerland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18
DigiGesTor5e1 (9) www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch 190 Mbit/s SWITCH Switzerland Exit Fast Guard HSDir Stable Valid V2Dir 2019-02-18